Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Likelihood of the Guilds sampling formula
logLikelihood.GuildsR Documentation

Likelihood of the Guilds sampling formula


This function calculates the likelihood of the guilds model, provided abundance data and parameter values.


logLikelihood.Guilds(parameters, model, SADX, SADY, verbose = TRUE)



parameters corresponds to a vector of parameter values depending on the provided model:
- model: "D0" parameters = c(theta, alpha)
- model: "D1" parameters = c(theta, alpha X, alpha Y)


The chosen model to calculate the likelihood for, please note that the vector of parameters should contain the corresponding parameters in the right order. The user can pick one of these models:
- "D0"
- "D1"


The Species Abundance Distribution of guild X


The Species Abundance Distribution of guild Y


TRUE/FALSE flag, indicates whether intermediate output is shown on screen


returns the LogLikelihood


Thijs Janzen


parametervals <- c(200, 0.005, 0.001) #theta = 200, alpha X = 0.005, alpha Y = 0.001
LL = logLikelihood.Guilds(parametervals, model="D1",
			  exampleData$guildX, exampleData$guildY, verbose=TRUE);


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> library(GUILDS)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/GUILDS/logLikelihood.Guilds.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: logLikelihood.Guilds
> ### Title: Likelihood of the Guilds sampling formula
> ### Aliases: logLikelihood.Guilds
> ### ** Examples
> data(exampleData);
> parametervals <- c(200, 0.005, 0.001) #theta = 200, alpha X = 0.005, alpha Y = 0.001
> LL = logLikelihood.Guilds(parametervals, model="D1",
+ 			  exampleData$guildX, exampleData$guildY, verbose=TRUE);
Chosen model:  D1 
Now starting to calculate likelihood of: 
Theta X = 200  Theta Y = Theta X 	 Alpha X = 0.005  Alpha Y = 0.001 
200.000       200.0000       0.0050       0.0010        -390.917
Likelihood is  -390.9169 
null device 