Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: B Allele Frequency & Log R Ratio Calculation
BAFfromClusterMeansR Documentation

B Allele Frequency & Log R Ratio Calculation


This function calculates the B allele frequency and the log R ratio values from the mean R and theta values for each cluster.


BAFfromClusterMeans(intenData, filename, file.type = c("gds", "ncdf"),
                    clusterMeanVars = c("tAA","tAB","tBB","rAA","rAB","rBB"),
	            precision="single", compress="ZIP_RA",
                    verbose = TRUE)



IntensityData object holding the X and Y intensity data from which the B allele frequency and log R ratio are calculated.


The name of the genotype GDS or netCDF file to create


The type of file to create ("gds" or "ncdf")


Character vector indicating the names of the cluster mean columns in the SNP annotation of intenData. Must be in order (tAA,tAB,tBB,rAA,rAB,rBB).


A character value indicating whether floating point numbers should be stored as "double" or "single" precision.


The compression level for variables in a GDS file (see add.gdsn for options.


Logical value specifying whether to show progress information.


This function calculates the B allele frequency and the log R ratio values from the mean R and theta values for each cluster and writes them to a GDS or NetCDF file.


Stephanie Gogarten, Caitlin McHugh


Peiffer D.A., Le J.M., Steemers F.J., Chang W., Jenniges T., and et al. High-resolution genomic profiling of chromosomal aberrations using infinium whole-genome genotyping. Genome Research, 16:1136-1148, 2006.

See Also

IntensityData, BAFfromClusterMeans


# create IntensityData object from GDS
xyfile <- system.file("extdata", "illumina_qxy.gds", package="GWASdata")
xy <- GdsIntensityReader(xyfile)
xyData <- IntensityData(xy, snpAnnot=illuminaSnpADF)

# calculate BAF and LRR and store in GDS file
blfile <- tempfile()
BAFfromClusterMeans(xyData, blfile, file.type="gds", verbose=FALSE)

# read output
bl <- GdsIntensityReader(blfile)
baf <- getBAlleleFreq(bl)
lrr <- getLogRRatio(bl)



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> library(GWASTools)
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    clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
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    parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB

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> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/GWASTools/BAFfromClusterMeans.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: BAFfromClusterMeans
> ### Title: B Allele Frequency & Log R Ratio Calculation
> ### Aliases: BAFfromClusterMeans
> ### Keywords: datagen manip
> ### ** Examples
> # create IntensityData object from GDS
> library(GWASdata)
> xyfile <- system.file("extdata", "illumina_qxy.gds", package="GWASdata")
> xy <- GdsIntensityReader(xyfile)
> data(illuminaSnpADF)
> xyData <- IntensityData(xy, snpAnnot=illuminaSnpADF)
> # calculate BAF and LRR and store in GDS file
> blfile <- tempfile()
> BAFfromClusterMeans(xyData, blfile, file.type="gds", verbose=FALSE)
> # read output
> bl <- GdsIntensityReader(blfile)
> baf <- getBAlleleFreq(bl)
> lrr <- getLogRRatio(bl)
> close(xy)
> close(bl)
> file.remove(blfile)
[1] TRUE
null device 