Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Plot B Allele Frequency and/or Log R Ratio, R or Theta values...
chromIntensityPlotR Documentation

Plot B Allele Frequency and/or Log R Ratio, R or Theta values for samples by probe position on a chromosome


This function creates plots for one or more of the 'B AlleleFreq', 'Log R Ratio', 'R' or 'Theta' values for given sample by chromosome combinations.


chromIntensityPlot(intenData, scan.ids, chrom.ids, 
  type = c("BAF/LRR", "BAF", "LRR", "R", "Theta", "R/Theta"), 
  main = NULL, info = NULL, abln = NULL,
  horizln = c(1/2, 1/3, 2/3), 
  colorGenotypes = FALSE, genoData = NULL,
  colorBatch = FALSE, batch.column = NULL,
  snp.exclude = NULL,
  ideogram=TRUE, ideo.zoom=TRUE, ideo.rect=FALSE,
  cex=0.5, cex.leg=1.5, 
  colors = c("default", "neon", "primary"), ...)



IntensityData object, must contain at least one of 'BAlleleFreq', 'LogRRatio', 'X', 'Y'.


A vector containing the scan IDs to plot.


A vector containing the chromosomes to plot for each scanID (should have same length as scan.ids).


The type of plot to be created. 'BAF/LRR' creates both 'B Allele Freq' and 'Log R Ratio' plots. 'R/Theta' creates both 'R' and 'Theta' plots.


Vector of plot titles. If NULL then the title will include scanID, sex, and chromosome.


A character vector containing extra information to include in the main title.


A vector of values that is of length 2*length(scan.ids). Each pair of entries specifies where vertical lines will be drawn in each plot. This is especially useful when drawing the start & end breakpoints for anomalies, for example. Use -1 as one pair value for plots that warrant only one line. By default, no lines will be drawn.


A vector containing the y-axis values at which a horizontal line will be drawn in B Allele Frequency plots.


A logical value specifying whether to color-code the points by called genotype. if TRUE, genoData must be given also.


GenotypeData object, required if colorGenotypes=TRUE.


A logical value specifying whether to color-code the points by sample batch (e.g, plate). If TRUE, batch.column must also be specified.


A character string indicating which annotation variable in intenData should be used as the batch.


An integer vector giving the IDs of SNPs to exclude from the plot.


logical for whether to plot a chromosome ideogram under the BAF and LRR plots.


logical for whether to zoom in on the ideogram to match the range of the BAF/LRR plots.


logical for whether to draw a rectangle on the ideogram indicating the range of the BAF/LRR plots.


cex value for points on the plots.


cex value for the ideogram legend.


Color scheme to use for genotypes. "default" is colorblind safe (colorbrewer Set2), "neon" is bright orange/green/fuschia, and "primary" is red/green/blue.


Other parameters to be passed directly to plot.


For all plots, a vertical line is drawn every one eigth of the chromosome. For the Log R Ratio plot, the y-axis has been given the range of (-2,2).


Caitlin McHugh, Cathy Laurie

See Also

IntensityData, GenotypeData, BAFfromGenotypes



blfile <- system.file("extdata", "illumina_bl.gds", package="GWASdata")
bl <- GdsIntensityReader(blfile)
intenData <-  IntensityData(bl, scanAnnot=illuminaScanADF)

genofile <- system.file("extdata", "illumina_geno.gds", package="GWASdata")
geno <- GdsGenotypeReader(genofile)
genoData <-  GenotypeData(geno, scanAnnot=illuminaScanADF)

scanID <- getScanID(illuminaScanADF, index=1)
chromIntensityPlot(intenData=intenData, scan.ids=scanID,
                   chrom.ids=22, type="BAF/LRR", info="interesting sample",
                   colorGenotypes=TRUE, genoData=genoData)


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> library(GWASTools)
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    clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
    clusterExport, clusterMap, parApply, parCapply, parLapply,
    parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    IQR, mad, xtabs

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    Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, append,, cbind, colnames,, duplicated, eval, evalq,
    get, grep, grepl, intersect, is.unsorted, lapply, lengths, mapply,
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> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/GWASTools/chromIntensityPlot.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: chromIntensityPlot
> ### Title: Plot B Allele Frequency and/or Log R Ratio, R or Theta values
> ###   for samples by probe position on a chromosome
> ### Aliases: chromIntensityPlot
> ### Keywords: hplot
> ### ** Examples
> library(GWASdata)
> data(illuminaScanADF)
> blfile <- system.file("extdata", "illumina_bl.gds", package="GWASdata")
> bl <- GdsIntensityReader(blfile)
> intenData <-  IntensityData(bl, scanAnnot=illuminaScanADF)
> genofile <- system.file("extdata", "illumina_geno.gds", package="GWASdata")
> geno <- GdsGenotypeReader(genofile)
> genoData <-  GenotypeData(geno, scanAnnot=illuminaScanADF)
> scanID <- getScanID(illuminaScanADF, index=1)
> chromIntensityPlot(intenData=intenData, scan.ids=scanID,
+                    chrom.ids=22, type="BAF/LRR", info="interesting sample",
+                    colorGenotypes=TRUE, genoData=genoData)
> close(genoData)
> close(intenData)
null device 