Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Plot B Allele Frequency and Log R Ratio for the X and Y...
pseudoautoIntensityPlotR Documentation

Plot B Allele Frequency and Log R Ratio for the X and Y chromosomes, overlaying XY SNPs


This function plots X, Y and pseudoautosomal SNPs on BAF/LRR plots.


pseudoautoIntensityPlot(intenData, scan.ids, main=NULL,
  plotY=FALSE,"hg18", "hg19"),
  snp.exclude = NULL, cex=0.5, ...)



A vector containing the sample indices of the plots.


IntensityData object, must contain 'BAlleleFreq' and 'LogRRatio'


A character vector containing the titles to be used for each plot. If NULL then the title will be the sample number and the chromosome.


If plotY is TRUE, the Y chromosome will be plotted in addition to X.

Human genome bulid number


An integer vector giving the IDs of SNPs to exclude from the plot.


cex value for points on the plots


Other parameters to be passed directly to plot.


The pseudoautosomal regions are highlighted on the plots (PAR1 and PAR2 in gray, XTR in yellow), and the X, Y, and XY SNPs are plotted in different colors. The base positions for these regions depend on genome build ( Currently hg18 and hg19 are supported.

By default the output is a 2-panel plot with LRR and BAF for the X chromosome. if plotY is TRUE, the output is a 4-panel plot with the Y chromosome plotted as well.


Caitlin McHugh


Ross, Mark. T. et al. (2005), The DNA sequence of the human X chromosome. Nature, 434: 325-337. doi:10.1038/nature03440

Mumm, S., Molini, B., Terrell, J., Srivastava, A., and Schlessinger, D. (1997), Evolutionary features of the 4-Mb Xq21.3 XY homology region revealed by a map at 60-kb resolution. Genome Res. 7: 307-314.

See Also

pseudoautosomal, IntensityData, GenotypeData, BAFfromGenotypes


blfile <- system.file("extdata", "illumina_bl.gds", package="GWASdata")
blgds <- GdsIntensityReader(blfile)
intenData <-  IntensityData(blgds, scanAnnot=illuminaScanADF)

scanID <- getScanID(illuminaScanADF, index=1)
pseudoautoIntensityPlot(intenData=intenData, scan.ids=scanID)


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> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/GWASTools/pseudoautoIntensityPlot.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: pseudoautoIntensityPlot
> ### Title: Plot B Allele Frequency and Log R Ratio for the X and Y
> ###   chromosomes, overlaying XY SNPs
> ### Aliases: pseudoautoIntensityPlot
> ### Keywords: hplot
> ### ** Examples
> library(GWASdata)
> data(illuminaScanADF)
> blfile <- system.file("extdata", "illumina_bl.gds", package="GWASdata")
> blgds <- GdsIntensityReader(blfile)
> intenData <-  IntensityData(blgds, scanAnnot=illuminaScanADF)
> scanID <- getScanID(illuminaScanADF, index=1)
> pseudoautoIntensityPlot(intenData=intenData, scan.ids=scanID)
> close(intenData)
null device 