Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Extract and Visualize GWRM Model Residuals
residuals.gwR Documentation

Extract and Visualize GWRM Model Residuals


residuals is a method which extracts model residuals from "gw", commonly returned by gw function. Optionally, it produces a normal plot with a simulated envelope of the residuals.


## S3 method for class 'gw'
residuals(object, type = "pearson", rep = 19,
  envelope = FALSE, title = "Simulated Envelope of Residuals",
  trace = FALSE, parallel = TRUE, ncores = 2, ...)



object of class "gw" holding the fitted model


type of residuals to be extracted. Default is "pearson". "response" and "deviance" are also available. Deviance residuals are defined as 2[ln f(y_i|y_i)-ln f(widehat{μ}_i|y_i)], so that their sum is the value of the deviance statistic.


number of replications for envelope construction. Default is 19, that is the smallest 95 percent band that can be built.


a logical value to specify if the envelope is required.


a title for the envelope.


if TRUE a sort of information is printed during the running time.


if TRUE use parallel executation.


is the number of cores that we use if parallel is TRUE.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


The usual Q-Q plot may show an unsatisfactory pattern of the residuals of a model fitted: then we are led to think that the model is badly specificated. The normal plot with simulated envelope indicates that under the distribution of the response variable the model is OK if only a few points fall off the envelope.


Residuals values and plot


fit0 <- gw(goals ~ position, data = goals[sample(1:nrow(goals), 75), ])
residuals(fit0, type = "pearson", rep = 19, envelope = TRUE, trace = FALSE, ncores = 2)


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> library(GWRM)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/GWRM/", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name:
> ### Title: Extract and Visualize GWRM Model Residuals
> ### Aliases:
> ### ** Examples
> data(goals)
> set.seed(1)
> fit0 <- gw(goals ~ position, data = goals[sample(1:nrow(goals), 75), ])
> residuals(fit0, type = "pearson", rep = 19, envelope = TRUE, trace = FALSE, ncores = 2)

[1] "pearson"

 [1] -0.68162114 -0.68162114 -0.68162114 -0.63174854 -0.63174854 -0.63174854
 [7] -0.63174854 -0.63174854 -0.63174854 -0.63174854 -0.63174854 -0.63174854
[13] -0.63174854 -0.63174854 -0.63174854 -0.63174854 -0.63174854 -0.63174854
[19] -0.63174854 -0.63174854 -0.63174854 -0.63174854 -0.63174854 -0.59126094
[25] -0.59126094 -0.59126094 -0.59126094 -0.59126094 -0.59126094 -0.59126094
[31] -0.59126094 -0.59126094 -0.59126094 -0.59126094 -0.59126094 -0.59126094
[37] -0.59126094 -0.59126094 -0.50125061 -0.50125061 -0.32088008 -0.32088008
[43] -0.32088008 -0.24141410 -0.14050955 -0.14050955 -0.01610435 -0.01610435
[49] -0.01610435 -0.01610435  0.14892033  0.14892033  0.14892033  0.14892033
[55]  0.22023151  0.53925477  0.55905225  0.55905225  0.55905225  0.55905225
[61]  0.55905225  0.58097256  0.76134309  0.92958920  0.92958920  0.94171362
[67]  1.31992364  1.70936544  1.70936544  1.71025807  1.84356626  2.10059250
[73]  2.10059250  2.85967864  2.88126137

             [,1]        [,2]         [,3]          [,4]        [,5]
 [1,] -0.68162114 -0.58218833 -0.642178619 -7.336029e-01 -0.77900366
 [2,] -0.68162114 -0.58218833 -0.642178619 -7.336029e-01 -0.77900366
 [3,] -0.68162114 -0.58218833 -0.642178619 -7.336029e-01 -0.77900366
 [4,] -0.63174854 -0.58218833 -0.642178619 -7.336029e-01 -0.68129700
 [5,] -0.63174854 -0.58218833 -0.642178619 -7.336029e-01 -0.68129700
 [6,] -0.63174854 -0.58218833 -0.623715871 -7.336029e-01 -0.68129700
 [7,] -0.63174854 -0.58218833 -0.623715871 -7.336029e-01 -0.68129700
 [8,] -0.63174854 -0.58218833 -0.623715871 -7.336029e-01 -0.68129700
 [9,] -0.63174854 -0.58018668 -0.623715871 -7.336029e-01 -0.68129700
[10,] -0.63174854 -0.58018668 -0.623715871 -6.977267e-01 -0.68129700
[11,] -0.63174854 -0.58018668 -0.623715871 -6.977267e-01 -0.68129700
[12,] -0.63174854 -0.58018668 -0.623715871 -6.977267e-01 -0.68129700
[13,] -0.63174854 -0.58018668 -0.623715871 -6.977267e-01 -0.68129700
[14,] -0.63174854 -0.58018668 -0.623715871 -6.977267e-01 -0.68129700
[15,] -0.63174854 -0.58018668 -0.623715871 -6.977267e-01 -0.68129700
[16,] -0.63174854 -0.58018668 -0.623715871 -6.977267e-01 -0.68129700
[17,] -0.63174854 -0.58018668 -0.623715871 -6.977267e-01 -0.68129700
[18,] -0.63174854 -0.58018668 -0.623715871 -6.977267e-01 -0.68129700
[19,] -0.63174854 -0.58018668 -0.623715871 -6.977267e-01 -0.68129700
[20,] -0.63174854 -0.58018668 -0.623715871 -6.977267e-01 -0.68129700
[21,] -0.63174854 -0.58018668 -0.593716332 -6.555608e-01 -0.68129700
[22,] -0.63174854 -0.58018668 -0.593716332 -6.555608e-01 -0.63815977
[23,] -0.63174854 -0.58018668 -0.593716332 -6.555608e-01 -0.63815977
[24,] -0.59126094 -0.58018668 -0.593716332 -6.555608e-01 -0.61133756
[25,] -0.59126094 -0.47714216 -0.593716332 -6.555608e-01 -0.61133756
[26,] -0.59126094 -0.47714216 -0.593716332 -6.555608e-01 -0.61133756
[27,] -0.59126094 -0.47714216 -0.593716332 -6.555608e-01 -0.61133756
[28,] -0.59126094 -0.47714216 -0.593716332 -6.555608e-01 -0.61133756
[29,] -0.59126094 -0.47714216 -0.593716332 -6.555608e-01 -0.61133756
[30,] -0.59126094 -0.47714216 -0.593716332 -6.555608e-01 -0.61133756
[31,] -0.59126094 -0.47714216 -0.593716332 -6.555608e-01 -0.61133756
[32,] -0.59126094 -0.47714216 -0.593716332 -6.555608e-01 -0.61133756
[33,] -0.59126094 -0.47714216 -0.593716332 -6.555608e-01 -0.61133756
[34,] -0.59126094 -0.47714216 -0.593716332 -6.555608e-01 -0.61133756
[35,] -0.59126094 -0.47714216 -0.409829448 -6.555608e-01 -0.61133756
[36,] -0.59126094 -0.47714216 -0.409829448 -3.438680e-01 -0.49731587
[37,] -0.59126094 -0.47714216 -0.409829448 -3.438680e-01 -0.49731587
[38,] -0.59126094 -0.47714216 -0.409829448 -3.438680e-01 -0.49731587
[39,] -0.50125061 -0.47714216 -0.409829448 -1.902996e-01 -0.49731587
[40,] -0.50125061 -0.47714216 -0.409829448 -1.902996e-01 -0.35647198
[41,] -0.32088008 -0.34664865 -0.307182079 -1.902996e-01 -0.35647198
[42,] -0.32088008 -0.34664865 -0.307182079 -1.902996e-01 -0.21709981
[43,] -0.32088008 -0.34664865 -0.307182079 -9.047066e-07 -0.21709981
[44,] -0.24141410 -0.34664865 -0.307182079 -9.047066e-07 -0.21709981
[45,] -0.14050955 -0.33362530 -0.307182079 -9.047066e-07 -0.21709981
[46,] -0.14050955 -0.33362530 -0.307182079 -9.047066e-07 -0.07478418
[47,] -0.01610435 -0.33362530 -0.307182079 -9.047066e-07  0.12010959
[48,] -0.01610435 -0.33362530 -0.307182079 -9.047066e-07  0.12010959
[49,] -0.01610435 -0.33362530 -0.307182079 -9.047066e-07  0.12010959
[50,] -0.01610435 -0.33362530 -0.134280001 -9.047066e-07  0.12010959
[51,]  0.14892033 -0.33362530 -0.134280001 -9.047066e-07  0.12010959
[52,]  0.14892033 -0.11110897 -0.134280001  4.586701e-02  0.12010959
[53,]  0.14892033 -0.08706393 -0.134280001  4.586701e-02  0.12010959
[54,]  0.14892033  0.15949745  0.009351712  3.171275e-01  0.24709738
[55,]  0.22023151  0.15949745  0.009351712  3.171275e-01  0.24709738
[56,]  0.53925477  0.35997038  0.054868893  3.171275e-01  0.24709738
[57,]  0.55905225  0.40397384  0.054868893  3.171275e-01  0.24709738
[58,]  0.55905225  0.40397384  0.287218064  4.356020e-01  0.48859140
[59,]  0.55905225  0.40397384  0.287218064  6.555589e-01  0.48859140
[60,]  0.55905225  0.40397384  0.325156330  6.555589e-01  0.62943529
[61,]  0.55905225  0.40605882  0.325156330  6.555589e-01  0.71129456
[62,]  0.58097256  0.40605882  0.325885503  6.555589e-01  0.71129456
[63,]  0.76134309  0.65262019  1.216614747  6.555589e-01  0.71129456
[64,]  0.92958920  0.83104974  1.244028992  6.555589e-01  0.71129456
[65,]  0.92958920  0.89918157  1.275486877  8.245547e-01  0.85155673
[66,]  0.94171362  1.14574294  1.275486877  8.245547e-01  0.85155673
[67,]  1.31992364  1.28508985  1.592020669  8.245547e-01  0.85155673
[68,]  1.70936544  1.28508985  1.592020669  1.311119e+00  0.85155673
[69,]  1.70936544  1.28508985  1.592020669  1.311119e+00  1.17549175
[70,]  1.71025807  1.39230432  1.908554460  1.311119e+00  1.17549175
[71,]  1.84356626  2.00874814  2.162901654  1.331982e+00  2.10388613
[72,]  2.10059250  2.16620586  2.162901654  1.966679e+00  2.17871815
[73,]  2.10059250  2.62511119  2.541622043  1.994542e+00  2.60124983
[74,]  2.85967864  2.95090686  2.622337985  3.361690e+00  3.04589816
[75,]  2.88126137  3.85791806  3.772455624  5.112422e+00  4.88906925
             [,6]          [,7]        [,8]        [,9]       [,10]       [,11]
 [1,] -0.61228864 -6.822881e-01 -0.34919222 -0.87951763 -0.46567119 -0.66168068
 [2,] -0.61228864 -6.822881e-01 -0.34919222 -0.87951763 -0.46567119 -0.66168068
 [3,] -0.61228864 -6.822881e-01 -0.34919222 -0.87951763 -0.46567119 -0.66168068
 [4,] -0.61228864 -6.822881e-01 -0.34919222 -0.87951763 -0.46567119 -0.66168068
 [5,] -0.61228864 -6.822881e-01 -0.34919222 -0.87951763 -0.46567119 -0.66168068
 [6,] -0.61228864 -6.822881e-01 -0.34919222 -0.69626209 -0.46567119 -0.66168068
 [7,] -0.61228864 -6.822881e-01 -0.34919222 -0.69626209 -0.46567119 -0.66168068
 [8,] -0.61228864 -6.822881e-01 -0.33388023 -0.69626209 -0.43919669 -0.66168068
 [9,] -0.61228864 -6.822881e-01 -0.33388023 -0.69626209 -0.43919669 -0.63882382
[10,] -0.61228864 -6.822881e-01 -0.33388023 -0.69626209 -0.43919669 -0.63882382
[11,] -0.61228864 -6.822881e-01 -0.33388023 -0.69626209 -0.43919669 -0.63882382
[12,] -0.61228864 -6.822881e-01 -0.33388023 -0.69626209 -0.43919669 -0.63882382
[13,] -0.61228864 -6.822881e-01 -0.33388023 -0.69626209 -0.43919669 -0.63882382
[14,] -0.61228864 -6.822881e-01 -0.33388023 -0.69626209 -0.43919669 -0.63882382
[15,] -0.61228864 -6.822881e-01 -0.33388023 -0.69626209 -0.43919669 -0.63882382
[16,] -0.61228864 -6.622916e-01 -0.33388023 -0.69626209 -0.40026600 -0.63882382
[17,] -0.61228864 -6.622916e-01 -0.33388023 -0.69626209 -0.40026600 -0.63882382
[18,] -0.61228864 -6.622916e-01 -0.33388023 -0.69626209 -0.40026600 -0.63059728
[19,] -0.60465154 -6.622916e-01 -0.33388023 -0.69626209 -0.40026600 -0.63059728
[20,] -0.60465154 -6.622916e-01 -0.32423401 -0.57061296 -0.40026600 -0.63059728
[21,] -0.60465154 -6.622916e-01 -0.32423401 -0.57061296 -0.40026600 -0.63059728
[22,] -0.60465154 -6.622916e-01 -0.32423401 -0.54169420 -0.40026600 -0.63059728
[23,] -0.60465154 -6.622916e-01 -0.32423401 -0.54169420 -0.40026600 -0.63059728
[24,] -0.60465154 -6.622916e-01 -0.32423401 -0.54169420 -0.40026600 -0.63059728
[25,] -0.60465154 -6.145682e-01 -0.32423401 -0.54169420 -0.40026600 -0.63059728
[26,] -0.57695152 -6.145682e-01 -0.32423401 -0.54169420 -0.40026600 -0.63059728
[27,] -0.57695152 -6.145682e-01 -0.32423401 -0.54169420 -0.40026600 -0.63059728
[28,] -0.57695152 -6.145682e-01 -0.32423401 -0.54169420 -0.40026600 -0.63059728
[29,] -0.57695152 -6.145682e-01 -0.32423401 -0.54169420 -0.40026600 -0.63059728
[30,] -0.57695152 -6.145682e-01 -0.32423401 -0.54169420 -0.40026600 -0.63059728
[31,] -0.57695152 -6.145682e-01 -0.32423401 -0.54169420 -0.40026600 -0.63059728
[32,] -0.57695152 -6.145682e-01 -0.32423401 -0.54169420 -0.40026600 -0.63059728
[33,] -0.57695152 -6.145682e-01 -0.32423401 -0.54169420 -0.29341049 -0.63059728
[34,] -0.57695152 -6.145682e-01 -0.32423401 -0.54169420 -0.29341049 -0.63059728
[35,] -0.57695152 -3.411584e-01 -0.32423401 -0.54169420 -0.29341049 -0.36553518
[36,] -0.57695152 -3.411584e-01 -0.32423401 -0.54169420 -0.29341049 -0.36553518
[37,] -0.57695152 -3.411584e-01 -0.18696337 -0.30605400 -0.29341049 -0.24979243
[38,] -0.57695152 -3.411584e-01 -0.18696337 -0.30605400 -0.23536688 -0.24979243
[39,] -0.57695152 -3.411584e-01 -0.18696337 -0.30605400 -0.23536688 -0.24979243
[40,] -0.25335147 -3.411584e-01 -0.14312295 -0.30605400 -0.14489905 -0.24979243
[41,] -0.25335147 -3.411584e-01 -0.14312295 -0.30605400 -0.14489905 -0.24979243
[42,] -0.25335147 -2.439518e-01 -0.14312295 -0.30605400 -0.14489905 -0.24979243
[43,] -0.25335147 -2.439518e-01 -0.14312295 -0.26170828 -0.14489905 -0.20720405
[44,] -0.25335147 -2.439518e-01 -0.14312295 -0.26170828 -0.14489905 -0.20720405
[45,] -0.25335147 -2.439518e-01 -0.11462087 -0.26170828 -0.14489905 -0.20720405
[46,] -0.25335147 -2.439518e-01 -0.11462087 -0.04014349 -0.12114980 -0.20720405
[47,] -0.20919188 -2.439518e-01 -0.11462087 -0.04014349 -0.12114980 -0.20720405
[48,] -0.20919188 -3.225907e-04 -0.11462087  0.08415410 -0.12114980 -0.20720405
[49,] -0.04444107 -3.225907e-04 -0.11462087  0.08415410 -0.12114980 -0.20720405
[50,] -0.04444107 -3.225907e-04 -0.11462087  0.08415410 -0.12114980 -0.20720405
[51,]  0.10558571 -2.873216e-05 -0.11462087  0.08415410 -0.12114980 -0.06938967
[52,]  0.18626777 -2.873216e-05 -0.11462087  0.08415410 -0.03153706 -0.06938967
[53,]  0.18626777 -2.873216e-05 -0.02473452  0.08415410 -0.03153706 -0.06938967
[54,]  0.18626777 -2.873216e-05 -0.02473452  0.35610106 -0.03153706  0.13923896
[55,]  0.46452288  1.743880e-01 -0.02473452  0.46140722  0.05111090  0.13923896
[56,]  0.46452288  1.743880e-01 -0.02473452  0.47436219  0.05111090  0.21618919
[57,]  0.46452288  1.743880e-01 -0.02473452  0.47436219  0.11046790  0.21618919
[58,]  0.48806937  1.743880e-01  0.04763434  0.47436219  0.11046790  0.21618919
[59,]  0.48806937  3.411009e-01  0.04763434  0.47436219  0.11046790  0.21618919
[60,]  0.48806937  3.411009e-01  0.09499228  0.47436219  0.11046790  0.21618919
[61,]  0.48806937  5.927278e-01  0.09499228  0.66500573  0.11046790  0.22675583
[62,]  0.48806937  6.139230e-01  0.09499228  0.66500573  0.11046790  0.52827034
[63,]  0.48806937  6.139230e-01  0.23839162  0.96295792  0.11046790  0.52827034
[64,]  0.58172743  6.822306e-01  0.30460542  0.96295792  0.22337160  0.91730173
[65,]  0.58172743  6.822306e-01  0.30460542  0.96295792  0.39563229  0.91730173
[66,]  0.58172743  1.011068e+00  0.42914891  0.97391040  0.57995239  0.91730173
[67,]  0.82346006  1.228169e+00  0.46195203  0.97391040  0.57995239  0.91730173
[68,]  0.97718709  1.429407e+00  0.51421857  0.97391040  0.62120179  1.41133784
[69,]  1.18239723  1.429407e+00  0.61990619  1.25477839  0.78378220  1.48636888
[70,]  1.18239723  2.266087e+00  0.72383171  1.28281508  0.87656874  1.70748334
[71,]  1.37264674  2.387879e+00  0.72383171  1.46450863  0.91241438  2.08439590
[72,]  1.55309026  2.387879e+00  0.81066347  1.46450863  1.25693577  2.33315535
[73,]  3.68313203  2.387879e+00  1.14305800  2.03519458  1.89803654  2.89206535
[74,]  4.05389463  3.411268e+00  3.09975088  2.96916075  2.15340349  3.17994181
[75,]  4.05389463  3.685151e+00  4.35544445  5.15685935  6.69484686  4.45012151
            [,12]       [,13]       [,14]       [,15]       [,16]       [,17]
 [1,] -0.64888902 -0.66603073 -0.69924041 -0.58105008 -0.58246833 -0.59267459
 [2,] -0.64888902 -0.66603073 -0.69924041 -0.58105008 -0.58246833 -0.59267459
 [3,] -0.64888902 -0.66603073 -0.69924041 -0.58105008 -0.58246833 -0.59267459
 [4,] -0.64888902 -0.66603073 -0.69924041 -0.58105008 -0.58246833 -0.59267459
 [5,] -0.64888902 -0.66603073 -0.51456969 -0.58105008 -0.58246833 -0.59267459
 [6,] -0.64888902 -0.66603073 -0.51456969 -0.58105008 -0.58246833 -0.59267459
 [7,] -0.60656629 -0.66603073 -0.51456969 -0.58105008 -0.58246833 -0.59267459
 [8,] -0.60656629 -0.66603073 -0.51456969 -0.57137944 -0.58246833 -0.59267459
 [9,] -0.60656629 -0.66603073 -0.51456969 -0.57137944 -0.58246833 -0.59267459
[10,] -0.60656629 -0.66603073 -0.51456969 -0.57137944 -0.58246833 -0.59267459
[11,] -0.60656629 -0.66581193 -0.51456969 -0.57137944 -0.58246833 -0.59267459
[12,] -0.60656629 -0.66581193 -0.51456969 -0.57137944 -0.58246833 -0.57946594
[13,] -0.60656629 -0.66581193 -0.51456969 -0.57137944 -0.58246833 -0.57946594
[14,] -0.60656629 -0.66581193 -0.51456969 -0.57137944 -0.58246833 -0.57946594
[15,] -0.60656629 -0.66581193 -0.51456969 -0.57137944 -0.58246833 -0.57946594
[16,] -0.60656629 -0.66581193 -0.51456969 -0.57137944 -0.58246833 -0.57946594
[17,] -0.60656629 -0.66581193 -0.48334287 -0.57137944 -0.58246833 -0.57946594
[18,] -0.60656629 -0.66581193 -0.48334287 -0.57137944 -0.58054235 -0.57946594
[19,] -0.60656629 -0.66581193 -0.48334287 -0.57137944 -0.58054235 -0.57946594
[20,] -0.60656629 -0.66581193 -0.48334287 -0.57137944 -0.58054235 -0.57946594
[21,] -0.60656629 -0.66581193 -0.48334287 -0.57137944 -0.58054235 -0.57946594
[22,] -0.60656629 -0.66581193 -0.48334287 -0.57137944 -0.58054235 -0.57946594
[23,] -0.60656629 -0.66581193 -0.48334287 -0.57137944 -0.58054235 -0.57946594
[24,] -0.57033581 -0.66581193 -0.48334287 -0.57137944 -0.58054235 -0.57946594
[25,] -0.57033581 -0.66581193 -0.48334287 -0.55132142 -0.57453240 -0.57946594
[26,] -0.57033581 -0.63711714 -0.48334287 -0.55132142 -0.57453240 -0.57946594
[27,] -0.57033581 -0.63711714 -0.48334287 -0.55132142 -0.57453240 -0.36059277
[28,] -0.57033581 -0.63711714 -0.48334287 -0.55132142 -0.57453240 -0.36059277
[29,] -0.57033581 -0.63711714 -0.48334287 -0.55132142 -0.57453240 -0.36059277
[30,] -0.57033581 -0.63711714 -0.48334287 -0.55132142 -0.57453240 -0.36059277
[31,] -0.57033581 -0.63711714 -0.48334287 -0.55132142 -0.57453240 -0.36059277
[32,] -0.57033581 -0.63711714 -0.48334287 -0.55132142 -0.57453240 -0.36059277
[33,] -0.57033581 -0.63711714 -0.48334287 -0.55132142 -0.57453240 -0.36059277
[34,] -0.57033581 -0.63711714 -0.48334287 -0.55132142 -0.57453240 -0.36059277
[35,] -0.50375472 -0.35253391 -0.48334287 -0.55132142 -0.57453240 -0.36059277
[36,] -0.50375472 -0.35253391 -0.48334287 -0.55132142 -0.57453240 -0.36059277
[37,] -0.35862041 -0.35253391 -0.48334287 -0.55132142 -0.57453240 -0.36059277
[38,] -0.35862041 -0.35253391 -0.47808317 -0.55132142 -0.57453240 -0.36059277
[39,] -0.35862041 -0.35143146 -0.47808317 -0.36152949 -0.25241905 -0.36059277
[40,] -0.26285430 -0.35143146 -0.47808317 -0.36152949 -0.25241905 -0.26713444
[41,] -0.26285430 -0.35143146 -0.47808317 -0.29774056 -0.25241905 -0.26713444
[42,] -0.26285430 -0.20391226 -0.47808317 -0.29774056 -0.25241905 -0.26713444
[43,] -0.26285430 -0.20391226 -0.47808317 -0.29774056 -0.24021187 -0.26713444
[44,] -0.26285430 -0.20391226 -0.25692594 -0.16217731 -0.24021187 -0.26713444
[45,] -0.26285430 -0.03903709 -0.25692594 -0.16217731 -0.24021187 -0.24501437
[46,] -0.26285430 -0.03903709 -0.20481519 -0.16217731 -0.24021187 -0.24501437
[47,] -0.26285430 -0.03903709 -0.20481519 -0.16217731 -0.24021187 -0.24501437
[48,] -0.26285430 -0.03705098 -0.20481519 -0.16217731 -0.20187441 -0.24501437
[49,] -0.21348611 -0.03705098 -0.20481519 -0.16217731 -0.20187441 -0.24501437
[50,] -0.06835181 -0.03705098 -0.20481519 -0.14200890 -0.20187441 -0.24501437
[51,] -0.06835181 -0.03705098 -0.20481519 -0.14200890 -0.20187441 -0.24501437
[52,] -0.04395268  0.22929262 -0.20481519 -0.14200890  0.07763023 -0.24501437
[53,] -0.04395268  0.22929262 -0.15221072 -0.02410168  0.07763023 -0.24501437
[54,] -0.04395268  0.27445974 -0.15221072 -0.02410168  0.07763023  0.05840571
[55,] -0.04395268  0.27732949 -0.15221072 -0.02410168  0.07763023  0.08943721
[56,] -0.04395268  0.27732949 -0.03576871 -0.02410168  0.07763023  0.08943721
[57,] -0.04395268  0.27732949  0.17892143 -0.02410168  0.07763023  0.08943721
[58,] -0.04395268  0.27732949  0.17892143 -0.02410168  0.07763023  0.08943721
[59,] -0.04395268  0.59170996  0.18538852  0.22696681  0.17078359  0.20870446
[60,]  0.08085769  0.59170996  0.40654576  0.51655287  0.40767951  0.20870446
[61,]  0.48243045  0.59170996  0.41469383  0.52317607  0.44044909  0.38394586
[62,]  0.48243045  0.66249750  0.51005359  0.73607346  0.44044909  0.38394586
[63,]  0.76828167  0.90145338  0.72444833  0.79681495  0.54344159  0.42388878
[64,]  0.76828167  0.90145338  0.72444833  0.79681495  0.54344159  0.70948600
[65,]  0.94758832  0.90145338  0.72444833  0.95559405  0.54344159  0.70948600
[66,]  1.45570565  0.90609044  0.84118574  1.07045382  0.73772879  0.75834036
[67,]  1.45570565  1.21495020  0.84118574  1.34409270  0.78077957  0.75834036
[68,]  1.53519671  1.52890726  1.34395734  1.39439914  1.06777807  1.03502615
[69,]  1.79941764  1.53485139  1.50345005  1.39463523  1.46144053  1.03502615
[70,]  1.81839415  1.53485139  1.50345005  1.61415582  2.05792591  1.42724351
[71,]  2.06157984  1.84194385  1.83458220  1.61773158  2.14210149  1.76169508
[72,]  2.06157984  1.84923186  1.95464638  2.16500933  2.38797519  2.48589338
[73,]  2.83055361  2.15544067  3.15911082  2.43864821  3.52470555  3.05519061
[74,]  3.51797759  2.47799281  3.50274701  3.34011970  3.52470555  3.31380718
[75,]  3.56000580  3.69493165  4.15250728  3.72926382  3.70817231  4.77175926
            [,18]       [,19]       [,20]
 [1,] -0.50009931 -0.63989746 -0.63611662
 [2,] -0.50009931 -0.63989746 -0.63611662
 [3,] -0.50009931 -0.63989746 -0.63611662
 [4,] -0.50009931 -0.63989746 -0.63611662
 [5,] -0.50009931 -0.63989746 -0.63611662
 [6,] -0.50009931 -0.63989746 -0.63611662
 [7,] -0.50009931 -0.63989746 -0.63611662
 [8,] -0.50009931 -0.62249941 -0.63611662
 [9,] -0.50009931 -0.62249941 -0.63611662
[10,] -0.50009931 -0.62249941 -0.63611662
[11,] -0.50009931 -0.62249941 -0.63611662
[12,] -0.50009931 -0.62249941 -0.63611662
[13,] -0.50009931 -0.62249941 -0.63611662
[14,] -0.50009931 -0.62249941 -0.63420951
[15,] -0.50009931 -0.62249941 -0.63420951
[16,] -0.50009931 -0.62249941 -0.63420951
[17,] -0.50009931 -0.62249941 -0.63420951
[18,] -0.50009931 -0.62249941 -0.63420951
[19,] -0.50009931 -0.62249941 -0.63420951
[20,] -0.50009931 -0.62249941 -0.63420951
[21,] -0.50009931 -0.62249941 -0.63420951
[22,] -0.50009931 -0.62249941 -0.63420951
[23,] -0.50009931 -0.59410383 -0.63420951
[24,] -0.49021088 -0.59410383 -0.63420951
[25,] -0.49021088 -0.59410383 -0.63420951
[26,] -0.49021088 -0.59410383 -0.63420951
[27,] -0.49021088 -0.59410383 -0.63420951
[28,] -0.49021088 -0.59410383 -0.63420951
[29,] -0.49021088 -0.59410383 -0.61119631
[30,] -0.49021088 -0.59410383 -0.61119631
[31,] -0.49021088 -0.59410383 -0.61119631
[32,] -0.49021088 -0.59410383 -0.61119631
[33,] -0.49021088 -0.59410383 -0.61119631
[34,] -0.44621113 -0.59410383 -0.61119631
[35,] -0.44621113 -0.43842621 -0.61119631
[36,] -0.44621113 -0.43842621 -0.61119631
[37,] -0.44621113 -0.34034003 -0.29679854
[38,] -0.44621113 -0.34034003 -0.29679854
[39,] -0.44621113 -0.34034003 -0.29679854
[40,] -0.44621113 -0.23695495 -0.29679854
[41,] -0.44621113 -0.23695495 -0.29679854
[42,] -0.44621113 -0.17475763 -0.28646851
[43,] -0.44621113 -0.17475763 -0.28646851
[44,] -0.44621113 -0.17475763 -0.28646851
[45,] -0.44621113 -0.17475763 -0.28646851
[46,] -0.44621113 -0.17475763 -0.28646851
[47,] -0.21192725 -0.17475763 -0.15948962
[48,] -0.21192725 -0.17475763  0.04251953
[49,] -0.21192725 -0.17475763  0.06127248
[50,] -0.21192725 -0.05818066  0.06127248
[51,] -0.12786338 -0.05818066  0.06127248
[52,] -0.12786338 -0.05818066  0.06127248
[53,] -0.12786338 -0.05818066  0.29221707
[54,]  0.07624481 -0.05818066  0.29221707
[55,]  0.23448412 -0.05818066  0.29221707
[56,]  0.26786406 -0.05818066  0.29221707
[57,]  0.26786406  0.16598756  0.40901348
[58,]  0.26786406  0.24458857  0.40901348
[59,]  0.26786406  0.24458857  0.40901348
[60,]  0.26786406  0.36745882  0.40901348
[61,]  0.26786406  0.36745882  0.40901348
[62,]  0.26786406  0.77040133  0.40901348
[63,]  0.36441687  0.78829748  0.72115569
[64,]  0.98193926  0.78829748  0.74392377
[65,]  0.98193926  0.78829748  0.74392377
[66,]  0.98193926  0.78829748  1.19563046
[67,]  0.98193926  0.78829748  1.19563046
[68,]  1.32152662  1.07045686  1.45223647
[69,]  1.51710511  1.17334384  1.45223647
[70,]  1.51710511  1.35261624  1.45223647
[71,]  1.68387412  1.91693500  1.73910992
[72,]  1.80527717  2.48125376  2.07842800
[73,]  1.80527717  2.98658515  2.41774607
[74,]  2.04622162  3.59935818  2.75706415
[75,]  5.26334189  4.43805058  3.88642345

[1] ""
null device 