Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Nucleolus solution
NucleolusR Documentation

Nucleolus solution


This function computes the nucleolus solution of a game with a maximum of 4 agents.


Nucleolus(x, type = "Gains")



Object of class Game


Specify if the game refers to Gains or Cost


The nucleolus looks for an individually rational distribution of the worth of the grand coalition in which the maximum dissatisfaction is minimized. The nucleolus selects the element in the core, if this is nonempty, that lexicographically minimizes the vector of non-increasing ordered excesses of coalitions. In order to compute this solution we consider a sequence of linear programs, which looks for an imputation that minimizes the maximum excess among all coalitions.


The command returns a table with the following elements:


Individual value of player i


Nucleolus solution of the player i


Excess of the player i


Sebastian Cano-Berlanga <>


Lemaire J (1991). "Cooperative game theory and its insurance applications." Astin Bulletin, 21(01), 17–40.

Schmeidler D (1969). "The Nucleolus of a characteristic function game." SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, 17, pp.1163–1170.


# Begin defining the game

COALITIONS <- c(46125,17437.5,5812.5,69187.5,53812.5,30750,90000)

# End defining the game

summary(LEMAIRENUCLEOLUS) # Gains Game, the excess should be negative


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> library(GameTheory)
Loading required package: lpSolveAPI
Loading required package: combinat

Attaching package: 'combinat'

The following object is masked from 'package:utils':


Loading required package: gtools
Loading required package: ineq
Loading required package: kappalab
Loading required package: lpSolve
Loading required package: quadprog
Loading required package: kernlab

Attaching package: 'kappalab'

The following object is masked from 'package:ineq':


> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/GameTheory/Nucleolus.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: Nucleolus
> ### Title: Nucleolus solution
> ### Aliases: Nucleolus
> ### ** Examples
> # Begin defining the game
> COALITIONS <- c(46125,17437.5,5812.5,69187.5,53812.5,30750,90000)
> # End defining the game
Model name: Nucleolus of a gains game 
            C1    C2    C3    C4             
Minimize     0     0     0    -1             
R1           0     0     0     1  >=        0
R2           1     0     0    -1  >=    46125
R3           0     1     0    -1  >=  17437.5
R4           1     1     0    -1  >=  69187.5
R5           0     0     1    -1  >=   5812.5
R6           1     0     1    -1  >=  53812.5
R7           0     1     1    -1  >=    30750
R8           1     1     1     0   =    90000
Kind       Std   Std   Std   Std             
Type      Real  Real  Real  Real             
Upper      Inf   Inf   Inf   Inf             
Lower        0     0     0     0             

Model name:  'Nucleolus of a gains game ' - run #1    
Objective:   Minimize(R0)
Model size:        8 constraints,       4 variables,           19 non-zeros.
Sets:                                   0 GUB,                  0 SOS.
Using DUAL simplex for phase 1 and PRIMAL simplex for phase 2.
The primal and dual simplex pricing strategy set to 'Devex'.
Found feasibility by dual simplex after             4 iter.
Optimal solution             -6562.5 after          5 iter.

Excellent numeric accuracy ||*|| = 0

 MEMO: lp_solve version for 64 bit OS, with 64 bit LPSREAL variables.
      In the total iteration count 5, 0 (0.0%) were bound flips.
      There were 2 refactorizations, 0 triggered by time and 0 by density.
       ... on average 2.5 major pivots per refactorization.
      The largest [LUSOL v2.2.1.0] fact(B) had 18 NZ entries, 1.0x largest basis.
      The constraint matrix inf-norm is 1, with a dynamic range of 1.
      Time to load data was 0.003 seconds, presolve used 0.000 seconds,
       ... 0.000 seconds in simplex solver, in total 0.003 seconds.
Using DUAL simplex for phase 1 and PRIMAL simplex for phase 2.
The primal and dual simplex pricing strategy set to 'Devex'.
Found feasibility by dual simplex after             3 iter.
Optimal solution            -7031.25 after          4 iter.

Excellent numeric accuracy ||*|| = 0

 MEMO: lp_solve version for 64 bit OS, with 64 bit LPSREAL variables.
      In the total iteration count 4, 0 (0.0%) were bound flips.
      There were 3 refactorizations, 0 triggered by time and 0 by density.
       ... on average 1.3 major pivots per refactorization.
      The largest [LUSOL v2.2.1.0] fact(B) had 17 NZ entries, 1.0x largest basis.
      The constraint matrix inf-norm is 1, with a dynamic range of 1.
      Time to load data was 0.003 seconds, presolve used 0.000 seconds,
       ... 0.000 seconds in simplex solver, in total 0.003 seconds.
Using DUAL simplex for phase 1 and PRIMAL simplex for phase 2.
The primal and dual simplex pricing strategy set to 'Devex'.
Found feasibility by dual simplex after             3 iter.
Optimal solution            -7031.25 after          4 iter.

Excellent numeric accuracy ||*|| = 0

 MEMO: lp_solve version for 64 bit OS, with 64 bit LPSREAL variables.
      In the total iteration count 4, 0 (0.0%) were bound flips.
      There were 3 refactorizations, 0 triggered by time and 0 by density.
       ... on average 1.3 major pivots per refactorization.
      The largest [LUSOL v2.2.1.0] fact(B) had 16 NZ entries, 1.0x largest basis.
      The constraint matrix inf-norm is 1, with a dynamic range of 1.
      Time to load data was 0.004 seconds, presolve used 0.000 seconds,
       ... 0.000 seconds in simplex solver, in total 0.004 seconds.
> summary(LEMAIRENUCLEOLUS) # Gains Game, the excess should be negative

Nucleolus of a Gains Game for the given coalitions 

     v(S)     x(S)       Ei
1 46125.0 52687.50 -6562.50
2 17437.5 24468.75 -7031.25
3  5812.5 12843.75 -7031.25
null device 