Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: function to do genotypic quality control
check.markerR Documentation

function to do genotypic quality control


This function helps selecting the marker which should enter into GWA analysis based on call rate, minor allele frequency, value of the chi-square test for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, and redudndance, defined as concordance between the distributions of the genotypes (including missing values).


check.marker(data, snpsubset, idsubset, callrate = 0.95,, = 0.1, = 0.1, het.fdr = 0.01, 
     ibs.threshold = 0.95, ibs.mrk = 2000, ibs.exclude="both", maf, p.level = -1, 
     fdrate = 0.2, odds = 1000, hweidsubset, redundant = "no", 
     minconcordance = 2.0, qoption = "bh95", imphetasmissing = TRUE,,
     intermediateXF = c(0.5, 0.5)) 


data or object


a subset of SNPs to check (names, indexes, logical), default is all from data


a subset of people to check (names, indexes, logical), default is all from data


cut-off SNP call rate

cut-off individual call rate (maximum percent of missing genotypes in a person)

SNPs with this low call rate are dropped prior to main analysis

people with this low call rate are dropped prior to main analysis


FDR rate for unacceptably high individual heterozygosity


threshold value for acceptable IBS


How many random markers should be used to estimate IBS. When ibs.mrk < 1, IBS checks are turned off. When "all" all markers are used.


"both", "lower" or "none" – whether both samples with IBS>ibs.threshold should be excluded, the one with lower call rate, or no check (equivalent to use of 'ibs.mrk = -1').


cut-off Minor Allele Frequency. If not specified, the default value is 5 chromosomes 5/(2*nids(data))


cut-off p-value in check for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium. If negative, FDR is applied


cut-off FDR level in check for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium


cut-off odds to decide whether marker/person should be excluded based on sex/X-linked marker data inconsistency


a subset of people to check (names, indexes, logical) to use for HWE check


if "bychrom", redundancy is checked within chromosomes; "all" – all pairs of markers; "no" – no redundancy checks


a parameter passed to "redundant" function. If "minconcordance" is > 1.0 only pairs of markers which are exactly the same, including NA pattern, are considered as redundant; if 0 < "minconcordance" < 1, then pairs of markers with concordance > "minconcordance" are considered redundant. see redundant for details. Note that if "minconcordance" < 1 the program will take much longer time to run


if "bh95", BH95 FDR used; if "storey", qvalue package (if installed) is used


If "impossible heterozygotes" (e.g. heterozygous mtDNA, and male Y- and X-chromsome markers) should be treated as missing genotypes in the QC procedure

What proportion of Y-chromosome markers should be called to consider that Y-chromosome is present (in presence of XX)


X-chromosomal F to be considered 'intermediate' and regarded as error; currently use of default disables this check


In this procedure, sex errors are identified initally and then possible residual errors are removed iteratively. At the first step, of the iterative procedure, per-marker (minor allele frequency, call rate, exact P-value for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium) and between-marker statistics are generated and controlled for, mostly using the internal call to the function

At the second step of the iterative procedure, per-person statistics, such call rate within a person, heterozygosity and and between-person statistics (identity by state across a random sample of markers) are generated, using perid.summary and ibs functions. Heterozygosity and IBS are estimated using only autosomal data. If IBS is over ibs.threshold for a pair, one person from the pair is added to the ibsfail list and excluded from the idok list. At the second step, only the markers passing the first step are used.

The procedure is applied recursively till no further markers and people are eliminated.


Object of class check.marker-class


Yurii Aulchenko

See Also

check.trait, ibs,, perid.summary, plot.check.marker, summary.check.marker, redundant,, check.marker-class


# usual way
# truncate the data to make the example faster
ge03d2c <- ge03d2c[seq(from=1,to=nids(ge03d2c),by=2),seq(from=1,to=nsnps(ge03d2c),by=2)]
# many errors
mc0 <- check.marker(ge03d2c)
# take only people and markers passing QC
fixed0 <- ge03d2c[mc0$idok,mc0$snpok]
# major errors fixed, still few males are heterozygous for X-chromsome markers
mc1 <- check.marker(fixed0)
# fix minor X-chromosome problems
fixed1 <- Xfix(fixed0)
# no errors
mc2 <- check.marker(fixed1)
# ready to use fixed1 for analysis

# let us look into redundancy
mc <- check.marker(data=srdta,ids=c(1:300),call=.92,
mc <- check.marker(data=srdta@gtdata[,1:100],call=0.95,,


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> library(GenABEL)
Loading required package: MASS
Loading required package:
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/GenABEL/check.marker.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: check.marker
> ### Title: function to do genotypic quality control
> ### Aliases: check.marker
> ### Keywords: misc
> ### ** Examples
> # usual way
> require(
> data(ge03d2c)
> # truncate the data to make the example faster
> ge03d2c <- ge03d2c[seq(from=1,to=nids(ge03d2c),by=2),seq(from=1,to=nsnps(ge03d2c),by=2)]
> # many errors
> mc0 <- check.marker(ge03d2c)
Excluding people/markers with extremely low call rate...
3795 markers and 98 people in total
0 people excluded because of call rate < 0.1 
7 markers excluded because of call rate < 0.1 
Passed: 3788 markers and 98 people

Running sex chromosome checks...
105 heterozygous X-linked male genotypes found
1 X-linked markers are likely to be autosomal (odds > 1000 )
1 male are likely to be female (odds > 1000 )
0 female are likely to be male (odds > 1000 )
0 people have intermediate X-chromosome inbreeding (0.5 > F > 0.5)
If these people/markers are removed, 1 heterozygous male genotypes are left
... these will be considered missing in analysis.
... Use Xfix() to fix these problems.
Passed: 3787 markers and 97 people

... 1 X/Y/mtDNA ( 1 0 0 ) impossible heterozygotes and female Ys set as missing

RUN 1 
3787 markers and 97 people in total
424 (11.1962%) markers excluded as having low (<2.57732%) minor allele frequency
61 (1.610774%) markers excluded because of low (<95%) call rate
87 (2.297333%) markers excluded because they are out of HWE (FDR <0.2)
1 (1.030928%) people excluded because of low (<95%) call rate
Mean autosomal HET is 0.2862893 (s.e. 0.02788627)
1 (1.030928%) people excluded because too high autosomal heterozygosity (FDR <1%)
Excluded people had HET >= 0.4981387
Mean IBS is 0.760672 (s.e. 0.01904819), as based on 2000 autosomal markers
0 (0%) people excluded because of too high IBS (>=0.95)
In total, 3231 (85.31819%) markers passed all criteria
In total, 95 (97.93814%) people passed all criteria

RUN 2 
3231 markers and 95 people in total
38 (1.176106%) markers excluded as having low (<2.631579%) minor allele frequency
0 (0%) markers excluded because of low (<95%) call rate
0 (0%) markers excluded because they are out of HWE (FDR <0.2)
0 (0%) people excluded because of low (<95%) call rate
Mean autosomal HET is 0.2872992 (s.e. 0.01758174)
0 people excluded because too high autosomal heterozygosity (FDR <1%)
Mean IBS is 0.7579581 (s.e. 0.0159936), as based on 2000 autosomal markers
0 (0%) people excluded because of too high IBS (>=0.95)
In total, 3193 (98.82389%) markers passed all criteria
In total, 95 (100%) people passed all criteria

RUN 3 
3193 markers and 95 people in total
0 (0%) markers excluded as having low (<2.631579%) minor allele frequency
0 (0%) markers excluded because of low (<95%) call rate
0 (0%) markers excluded because they are out of HWE (FDR <0.2)
0 (0%) people excluded because of low (<95%) call rate
Mean autosomal HET is 0.2872992 (s.e. 0.01758174)
0 people excluded because too high autosomal heterozygosity (FDR <1%)
Mean IBS is 0.7577487 (s.e. 0.01657534), as based on 2000 autosomal markers
0 (0%) people excluded because of too high IBS (>=0.95)
In total, 3193 (100%) markers passed all criteria
In total, 95 (100%) people passed all criteria
> # take only people and markers passing QC
> fixed0 <- ge03d2c[mc0$idok,mc0$snpok]
> # major errors fixed, still few males are heterozygous for X-chromsome markers
> mc1 <- check.marker(fixed0)
Excluding people/markers with extremely low call rate...
3193 markers and 95 people in total
0 people excluded because of call rate < 0.1 
0 markers excluded because of call rate < 0.1 
Passed: 3193 markers and 95 people

Running sex chromosome checks...
1 heterozygous X-linked male genotypes found
0 X-linked markers are likely to be autosomal (odds > 1000 )
0 male are likely to be female (odds > 1000 )
0 female are likely to be male (odds > 1000 )
0 people have intermediate X-chromosome inbreeding (0.5 > F > 0.5)
If these people/markers are removed, 1 heterozygous male genotypes are left
... these will be considered missing in analysis.
... Use Xfix() to fix these problems.
Passed: 3193 markers and 95 people

... 1 X/Y/mtDNA ( 1 0 0 ) impossible heterozygotes and female Ys set as missing

RUN 1 
3193 markers and 95 people in total
0 (0%) markers excluded as having low (<2.631579%) minor allele frequency
0 (0%) markers excluded because of low (<95%) call rate
0 (0%) markers excluded because they are out of HWE (FDR <0.2)
0 (0%) people excluded because of low (<95%) call rate
Mean autosomal HET is 0.2872992 (s.e. 0.01758174)
0 people excluded because too high autosomal heterozygosity (FDR <1%)
Mean IBS is 0.7602178 (s.e. 0.01609178), as based on 2000 autosomal markers
0 (0%) people excluded because of too high IBS (>=0.95)
In total, 3193 (100%) markers passed all criteria
In total, 95 (100%) people passed all criteria
> # fix minor X-chromosome problems
> fixed1 <- Xfix(fixed0)
... 1 X/Y/mtDNA ( 1 0 0 ) impossible heterozygotes and female Ys set as missing
> # no errors
> mc2 <- check.marker(fixed1)
Excluding people/markers with extremely low call rate...
3193 markers and 95 people in total
0 people excluded because of call rate < 0.1 
0 markers excluded because of call rate < 0.1 
Passed: 3193 markers and 95 people

Running sex chromosome checks...
0 heterozygous X-linked male genotypes found
0 X-linked markers are likely to be autosomal (odds > 1000 )
0 male are likely to be female (odds > 1000 )
0 female are likely to be male (odds > 1000 )
0 people have intermediate X-chromosome inbreeding (0.5 > F > 0.5)
If these people/markers are removed, 0 heterozygous male genotypes are left
Passed: 3193 markers and 95 people

no X/Y/mtDNA-errors to fix

RUN 1 
3193 markers and 95 people in total
0 (0%) markers excluded as having low (<2.631579%) minor allele frequency
0 (0%) markers excluded because of low (<95%) call rate
0 (0%) markers excluded because they are out of HWE (FDR <0.2)
0 (0%) people excluded because of low (<95%) call rate
Mean autosomal HET is 0.2872992 (s.e. 0.01758174)
0 people excluded because too high autosomal heterozygosity (FDR <1%)
Mean IBS is 0.7601462 (s.e. 0.01642393), as based on 2000 autosomal markers
0 (0%) people excluded because of too high IBS (>=0.95)
In total, 3193 (100%) markers passed all criteria
In total, 95 (100%) people passed all criteria
> summary(mc2)
$`Per-SNP fails statistics`
          NoCall NoMAF NoHWE Redundant Xsnpfail
NoCall         0     0     0         0        0
NoMAF         NA     0     0         0        0
NoHWE         NA    NA     0         0        0
Redundant     NA    NA    NA         0        0
Xsnpfail      NA    NA    NA        NA        0

$`Per-person fails statistics`
            IDnoCall HetFail IBSFail isfemale ismale isXXY otherSexErr
IDnoCall           0       0       0        0      0     0           0
HetFail           NA       0       0        0      0     0           0
IBSFail           NA      NA       0        0      0     0           0
isfemale          NA      NA      NA        0      0     0           0
ismale            NA      NA      NA       NA      0     0           0
isXXY             NA      NA      NA       NA     NA     0           0
otherSexErr       NA      NA      NA       NA     NA    NA           0

> # ready to use fixed1 for analysis
> # let us look into redundancy
> require(
> data(srdta)
> mc <- check.marker(data=srdta,ids=c(1:300),call=.92,
Excluding people/markers with extremely low call rate...
833 markers and 300 people in total
0 people excluded because of call rate < 0.1 
0 markers excluded because of call rate < 0.1 
Passed: 833 markers and 300 people

RUN 1 
833 markers and 300 people in total
19 (2.280912%) markers excluded as having low (<0.8333333%) minor allele frequency
5 (0.6002401%) markers excluded because of low (<92%) call rate
2 (0.240096%) markers excluded because they are out of HWE (FDR <0.2)
0 (0%) people excluded because of low (<92%) call rate
Mean autosomal HET is 0.3407554 (s.e. 0.04257531)
0 people excluded because too high autosomal heterozygosity (FDR <1%)
Mean IBS is 0.729763 (s.e. 0.02863072), as based on 807 autosomal markers
2 (0.6666667%) people excluded because of too high IBS (>=0.95)
In total, 807 (96.87875%) markers passed all criteria
In total, 298 (99.33333%) people passed all criteria

RUN 2 
807 markers and 298 people in total
0 (0%) markers excluded as having low (<0.8389262%) minor allele frequency
5 (0.6195787%) markers excluded because of low (<92%) call rate
0 (0%) markers excluded because they are out of HWE (FDR <0.2)
0 (0%) people excluded because of low (<92%) call rate
Mean autosomal HET is 0.3406528 (s.e. 0.04267354)
0 people excluded because too high autosomal heterozygosity (FDR <1%)
Mean IBS is 0.7300679 (s.e. 0.02870589), as based on 802 autosomal markers
0 (0%) people excluded because of too high IBS (>=0.95)
In total, 802 (99.38042%) markers passed all criteria
In total, 298 (100%) people passed all criteria

RUN 3 
802 markers and 298 people in total
0 (0%) markers excluded as having low (<0.8389262%) minor allele frequency
0 (0%) markers excluded because of low (<92%) call rate
0 (0%) markers excluded because they are out of HWE (FDR <0.2)
0 (0%) people excluded because of low (<92%) call rate
Mean autosomal HET is 0.3406528 (s.e. 0.04267354)
0 people excluded because too high autosomal heterozygosity (FDR <1%)
Mean IBS is 0.7300679 (s.e. 0.02870589), as based on 802 autosomal markers
0 (0%) people excluded because of too high IBS (>=0.95)
In total, 802 (100%) markers passed all criteria
In total, 298 (100%) people passed all criteria
> names(mc)
[1] "nofreq"   "nocall"   "nohwe"    "idnocall" "ibsfail"  "snpok"    "idok"    
[8] "call"    
> mc$nohwe
[1] "rs73"  "rs128"
> mc <- check.marker(data=srdta@gtdata[,1:100],call=0.95,,
+ 		maf=0.02,minconcordance=0.9,fdr=0.1,redundant="all",ibs.mrk=0)
Excluding people/markers with extremely low call rate...
100 markers and 2500 people in total
0 people excluded because of call rate < 0.1 
0 markers excluded because of call rate < 0.1 
Passed: 100 markers and 2500 people

RUN 1 
100 markers and 2500 people in total
5 (5%) markers excluded as having low (<2%) minor allele frequency
37 (37%) markers excluded because of low (<95%) call rate
2 (2%) markers excluded because they are out of HWE (FDR <0.1)
48 (1.92%) people excluded because of low (<90%) call rate
Mean autosomal HET is 0.3542481 (s.e. 0.1151198)
0 people excluded because too high autosomal heterozygosity (FDR <1%)
In total, 60 (60%) markers passed all criteria
In total, 2452 (98.08%) people passed all criteria

RUN 2 
60 markers and 2452 people in total
0 (0%) markers excluded as having low (<2%) minor allele frequency
0 (0%) markers excluded because of low (<95%) call rate
0 (0%) markers excluded because they are out of HWE (FDR <0.1)
0 (0%) people excluded because of low (<90%) call rate
Mean autosomal HET is 0.3542175 (s.e. 0.1151843)
0 people excluded because too high autosomal heterozygosity (FDR <1%)
In total, 60 (100%) markers passed all criteria
In total, 2452 (100%) people passed all criteria

60 markers and 2452 people in total
5 (8.333333%) markers excluded as redundant (option = "all")
0 (0%) markers excluded as having low (<2%) minor allele frequency
0 (0%) markers excluded because of low (<95%) call rate
0 (0%) markers excluded because they are out of HWE (FDR <0.1)
44 (1.794454%) people excluded because of low (<90%) call rate
Mean autosomal HET is 0.3529672 (s.e. 0.1107675)
0 people excluded because too high autosomal heterozygosity (FDR <1%)
In total, 55 (91.66667%) markers passed all criteria
In total, 2408 (98.20555%) people passed all criteria
> summary(mc)
$`Per-SNP fails statistics`
          NoCall NoMAF NoHWE Redundant Xsnpfail
NoCall        34     3     0         0        0
NoMAF         NA     1     1         0        0
NoHWE         NA    NA     1         0        0
Redundant     NA    NA    NA         5        0
Xsnpfail      NA    NA    NA        NA        0

$`Per-person fails statistics`
            IDnoCall HetFail IBSFail isfemale ismale isXXY otherSexErr
IDnoCall          92       0       0        0      0     0           0
HetFail           NA       0       0        0      0     0           0
IBSFail           NA      NA       0        0      0     0           0
isfemale          NA      NA      NA        0      0     0           0
ismale            NA      NA      NA       NA      0     0           0
isXXY             NA      NA      NA       NA     NA     0           0
otherSexErr       NA      NA      NA       NA     NA    NA           0

HWE summary for rs73 :
                  A/A      A/B         B/B
observed 2331.0000000 44.00000  10.0000000
expected 2321.4293501 63.14130   0.4293501
chi2+       0.0394573  5.80269 213.3395064
Chi2 = 219.1817 ; P = 1.364229e-49; exact P = 1.79247e-12 

HWE summary for rs128 :
                  A/A        A/B       B/B
observed 2.281000e+03 101.000000  9.000000
expected 2.273481e+03 116.038687  1.480657
chi2+    2.486959e-02   1.949023 38.186115
Chi2 = 40.16001 ; P = 2.339897e-10; exact P = 9.408599e-06 

> plot(mc)
Red: no call
Yellow: low frequency
Green: out of HWE
Cyan: redundant
Diagonal: redundant markers (reference presented as "+")
null device 