Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Construct copy-number frequency plot
cnFreqR Documentation

Construct copy-number frequency plot


Given a data frame construct a plot to display copy number changes across the genome for a group of samples.


cnFreq(x, CN_low_cutoff = 1.5, CN_high_cutoff = 2.5, plot_title = NULL,
  CN_Loss_colour = "#002EB8", CN_Gain_colour = "#A30000",
  x_title_size = 12, y_title_size = 12, facet_lab_size = 10,
  plotLayer = NULL, out = "plot")



Object of class data frame with rows representing the proportion of CN losses/gains across the genome (default), or actual CN values. The former option must contain columns with the following names "chromosome", "start", "end", "gain", and "loss", and the latter option must contain column names "chromosome", "start", "end", "segmean", and "sample". Windows supplied must be consistent across samples!


Numeric value representing the point at or below which copy number alterations are considered losses. Only used if x represents CN values.


Numeric value representing the point at or above which copy number alterations are considered gains. Only used if x represents CN values.


Character string specifying the title to display on the plot.


Character string specifying the colour value for copy number losses.


Character string specifying the colour value for copy number gains.


Integer specifying the size of the x-axis title.


Integer specifying the size of the y-axis title.


Integer specifying the size of the faceted labels plotted.


Valid ggplot2 layer to be added to the plot.


Character vector specifying the the object to output, one of "data", "grob", or "plot", defaults to "plot" (see returns).


cnFreq will detect the column names present in the data frame supplied to x, and will perform one of the following actions. If "gain" and "loss" columns are detected the raw data will be plotted, if "segmean" and "sample" columns are detected the frequency of copy-number gains and losses present in the cohort will be calculated and plotted. The 'plotLayer' parameter can be used to add an additional layer to the ggplot2 graphic (see vignette).


One of the following, a dataframe containing data to be plotted, a grob object, or a plot.


# Create data
xstart <- seq(0,4990000,length.out=500)
xloss <- rep(runif(10,0,0.6),rep(50,10))/1.5
xloss <- xloss + jitter(xloss,amount=0.002)
x <- data.frame(chromosome=rep(paste0("chr",1:5),rep(500,5)), start=xstart,
end=xstart+10000, loss=xloss, gain=(1-xloss))

# Plot the data


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> library(GenVisR)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/GenVisR/cnFreq.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: cnFreq
> ### Title: Construct copy-number frequency plot
> ### Aliases: cnFreq
> ### ** Examples
> # Create data
> xstart <- seq(0,4990000,length.out=500)
> xloss <- rep(runif(10,0,0.6),rep(50,10))/1.5
> xloss <- xloss + jitter(xloss,amount=0.002)
> x <- data.frame(chromosome=rep(paste0("chr",1:5),rep(500,5)), start=xstart,
+ end=xstart+10000, loss=xloss, gain=(1-xloss))
> # Plot the data
> cnFreq(x)
Detected "chr" in the chromosome column of x... proceeding
null device 