Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Construct an ideogram
ideoViewR Documentation

Construct an ideogram


Given a data frame with cytogenetic information, construct an ideogram.


ideoView(x, chromosome = "chr1", txtAngle = 45, txtSize = 5,
  plotLayer = NULL, out = "plot")



Object of class data frame with rows representing cytogenetic bands. The data frame must contain the following column names "chrom", "chromStart", "chromEnd", "name", "gieStain"


Character string specifying which chromosome from the "chrom" column in the argument supplied to parameter x to plot.


Integer specifying the angle of text labeling cytogenetic bands.


Integer specifying the size of text labeling cytogenetic bands.


additional ggplot2 layers for the ideogram


Character vector specifying the the object to output, one of "data", "grob", or "plot", defaults to "plot" (see returns).


ideoView is a function designed to plot cytogenetic band inforamtion. Modifications to the graphic object can be made via the 'plotLayer' parameter, see vignette for details.


One of the following, a list of dataframes containing data to be plotted, a grob object, or a plot.


# Obtain cytogenetic information for the genome of interest from attached
# data set cytoGeno
data <- cytoGeno[cytoGeno$genome == 'hg38',]

# Call ideoView for chromosome 1
ideoView(data, chromosome='chr1', txtSize=4)


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(GenVisR)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/GenVisR/ideoView.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: ideoView
> ### Title: Construct an ideogram
> ### Aliases: ideoView
> ### ** Examples
> # Obtain cytogenetic information for the genome of interest from attached
> # data set cytoGeno
> data <- cytoGeno[cytoGeno$genome == 'hg38',]
> # Call ideoView for chromosome 1
> ideoView(data, chromosome='chr1', txtSize=4)
null device 