Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Parameter Sets for the Hyperbolic Distribution
hyperbParamR Documentation

Parameter Sets for the Hyperbolic Distribution


These objects store different parameter sets of the hyperbolic distribution as matrices for testing or demonstration purposes.

The parameter sets hyperbSmallShape and hyperbLargeShape have a constant location parameter of mu = 0, and constant scale parameter delta = 1. In hyperbSmallParam and hyperbLargeParam the values of the location and scale parameters vary. In these parameter sets the location parameter mu = 0 takes values from {0, 1} and {-1, 0, 1, 2} respectively. For the scale parameter delta, values are drawn from {1, 5} and {1, 2, 5, 10} respectively.

For the shape parameters alpha and beta the approach is more complex. The values for these shape parameters were chosen by choosing values of xi and chi which range over the shape triangle, then the function hyperbChangePars was applied to convert them to the alpha, beta parameterization. See the examples for the values of xi and chi for the large parameter sets.




hyperbSmallShape: a 7 by 4 matrix; hyperbLargeShape: a 15 by 4 matrix; hyperbSmallParam: a 28 by 4 matrix; hyperbLargeParam: a 240 by 4 matrix.


David Scott


xis <- rep(c(0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9), 1:5)
chis <- c(0,-0.25,0.25,-0.45,0,0.45,-0.65,-0.3,0.3,0.65,
points(chis, xis, pch = 20, col = "red")

## Testing the accuracy of hyperbMean
for (i in 1:nrow(hyperbSmallParam)) {
  param <- hyperbSmallParam[i, ]
  x <- rhyperb(1000, param = param)
  sampleMean <- mean(x)
  funMean <- hyperbMean(param = param)
  difference <- abs(sampleMean - funMean)


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> library(GeneralizedHyperbolic)
Loading required package: DistributionUtils
Loading required package: RUnit
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/GeneralizedHyperbolic/hyperbParam.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: hyperbParam
> ### Title: Parameter Sets for the Hyperbolic Distribution
> ### Aliases: hyperbParam hyperbSmallShape hyperbLargeShape hyperbSmallParam
> ###   hyperbLargeParam
> ### ** Examples
> data(hyperbParam)
> plotShapeTriangle()
> xis <- rep(c(0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9), 1:5)
> chis <- c(0,-0.25,0.25,-0.45,0,0.45,-0.65,-0.3,0.3,0.65,
+           -0.85,-0.4,0,0.4,0.85)
> points(chis, xis, pch = 20, col = "red")
> ## Testing the accuracy of hyperbMean
> for (i in 1:nrow(hyperbSmallParam)) {
+   param <- hyperbSmallParam[i, ]
+   x <- rhyperb(1000, param = param)
+   sampleMean <- mean(x)
+   funMean <- hyperbMean(param = param)
+   difference <- abs(sampleMean - funMean)
+   print(difference)
+ }
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[1] 0.02435437
[1] 0.03841906
[1] 0.1423733
[1] 0.04421782
[1] 0.09400643
[1] 0.2762678
[1] 0.0186508
[1] 0.0809459
[1] 0.08006488
[1] 1.520711
[1] 0.3815463
[1] 0.383951
[1] 0.08939263
[1] 0.005025002
[1] 0.01975047
[1] 0.01102964
[1] 0.06460246
[1] 0.02680613
[1] 0.01428168
[1] 0.02592917
[1] 0.006257403
[1] 0.03218231
[1] 0.01382794
[1] 0.5440419
[1] 0.5723738
[1] 0.4381677
[1] 0.6858696
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