Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: GenomicRangesList objects
GenomicRangesList-classR Documentation

GenomicRangesList objects


A GenomicRangesList is a List of GenomicRanges. It is a virtual class; SimpleGenomicRangesList is the basic implementation. The subclass GRangesList provides special behavior and is particularly efficient for storing a large number of elements.


GenomicRangesList(...): Constructs a SimpleGenomicRangesList with elements taken from the arguments in .... If the only argument is a list, the elements are taken from that list.


as(from, "GenomicRangesList"): Supported from types include:


Each element of from is coerced to a GenomicRanges.

as(from, "RangedDataList"): Supported from types include:


Each element of from is coerced to a RangedData.


Michael Lawrence

See Also

GRangesList, which differs from SimpleGenomicRangesList in that the GRangesList treats its elements as single, compound ranges, particularly in overlap operations. SimpleGenomicRangesList is just a barebones list for now, without that compound semantic.
