Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Null distribution histogram and statistic of the input set...
histR Documentation

Null distribution histogram and statistic of the input set for enrichment analyses.


Plots the distribution of gene set statistic values obtained in different resampling settings of an enrichment analysis, and draws the statistic value of the input set as a vertical line.


## S3 method for class 'gsaResult'
	signLevel = x$signLevel,
	subset = NULL,
	ask = FALSE,
	addLegend = TRUE,



A result of a call to geneSetAnalysis (see also Details).


The significance level that should be applied for the plots. Default is the significance level used for the analysis in x.


Indices for the results that should be included in the diagram.


If set to true, the plot function will prompt for a user input for each new plot that is shown on an interactive device (see par("ask")).


If set to true (default), a legend is added to the plot.


Other parameters which can be used for histograms (see hist).


The function plots the distribution of gene set statistic values under the null hypothesis. It requires the significance assessment step of the enrichment analysis configuration (parameter significance or gsAnalysis) to be a computer-intensive testing procedure that yields a distribution of gene set statistic p-values under the null hypothesis. Predefined configurations for which this plot works are analysis.gsea, analysis.averageCorrelation and analysis.averageTStatistic.

A histogram is plotted for the analysis in x. If x includes the analyses for several gene sets, one histogram is plotted for each of the gene sets.

The statistic value of the input set is depicted as a vertical line.

The most common graphical parameters can be supplied as vectors (one entry per analyzed gene set) to vary them between the different analyses. These parameters are: main, xlab, ylab.

See Also

geneSetAnalysis, predefinedAnalyses, gsAnalysis, evaluateGeneSetUncertainty, plot.uncertaintyResult


# load data

res <- geneSetAnalysis(
	# global parameters
	dat = vantVeer,
	geneSets = pathways[3], 
	analysis = analysis.averageCorrelation(), 
	# additional parameters for analysis.averageCorrelation
	labs = phenodata$metastases,
	p = 1,
	numSamples = 100)

# plot the histogram for the cell cycle control gene set
hist(res, main = names(pathways[3]))


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> library(GiANT)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/GiANT/hist.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: hist
> ### Title: Null distribution histogram and statistic of the input set for
> ###   enrichment analyses.
> ### Aliases: hist.gsaResult
> ### ** Examples
> # load data
> require(GlobalAncova)
Loading required package: GlobalAncova
Loading required package: corpcor
Loading required package: globaltest
Loading required package: survival
> data(vantVeer)
> data(phenodata)
> data(pathways)
> res <- geneSetAnalysis(
+ 	# global parameters
+ 	dat = vantVeer,
+ 	geneSets = pathways[3], 
+ 	analysis = analysis.averageCorrelation(), 
+ 	# additional parameters for analysis.averageCorrelation
+ 	labs = phenodata$metastases,
+ 	p = 1,
+ 	numSamples = 100)
> # plot the histogram for the cell cycle control gene set
> hist(res, main = names(pathways[3]))
null device 