Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Plot overlap of gene sets and core set
plotOverrepresentationR Documentation

Plot overlap of gene sets and core set


Plots a Venn diagramm of the overlaps of the core set and gene sets in an overrepresentation analysis.


	signLevel = object$signLevel,
	subset = NULL,
	aggregate = FALSE,
	ask = FALSE,



A result of a call to geneSetAnalysis using the predefined analysis analysis.customOverrepresentation or analysis.overrepresentation.


Only results with significance level smaller than the given value are included in the venn diagram.


Indices for the results that should be included in the diagram.


Specifies whether all gene sets should be plotted in a single Venn diagram (which is possible for at most four gene sets) or whether there should be one Venn diagram for each gene set.


If set to true, the plot function will prompt for a user input for each new plot that is shown on an interactive device (see par("ask")). If aggregate = TRUE, ask is ignored.


Further parameters to be passed to vennDiagram.

See Also

geneSetAnalysis, predefinedAnalyses, gsAnalysis


# load data

# use the absolute correlation as a gene-level statistic
stat <- abs(apply(vantVeer,1,cor,y = phenodata$metastases))
# define the core set as the 25% genes with the highest correlation
coreSet <- rownames(vantVeer)[tail(order(stat), 25)]

# perform an overrepresentation analysis
resOverrep <- geneSetAnalysis(
	dat = vantVeer,
	geneSets = pathways,
	analysis = analysis.customOverrepresentation(),
	coreSet = coreSet,
	adjustmentMethod = "fdr")

# plot a Venn diagram
plotOverrepresentation(resOverrep, subset = 1:3, aggregate = TRUE)


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> library(GiANT)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/GiANT/plotOverrepresentation.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: plotOverrepresentation
> ### Title: Plot overlap of gene sets and core set
> ### Aliases: plotOverrepresentation
> ### ** Examples
> # load data
> require(GlobalAncova)
Loading required package: GlobalAncova
Loading required package: corpcor
Loading required package: globaltest
Loading required package: survival
> data(vantVeer)
> data(phenodata)
> data(pathways)
> # use the absolute correlation as a gene-level statistic
> stat <- abs(apply(vantVeer,1,cor,y = phenodata$metastases))
> # define the core set as the 25% genes with the highest correlation
> coreSet <- rownames(vantVeer)[tail(order(stat), 25)]
> # perform an overrepresentation analysis
> resOverrep <- geneSetAnalysis(
+ 	dat = vantVeer,
+ 	geneSets = pathways,
+ 	analysis = analysis.customOverrepresentation(),
+ 	coreSet = coreSet,
+ 	adjustmentMethod = "fdr")
> # plot a Venn diagram
> plotOverrepresentation(resOverrep, subset = 1:3, aggregate = TRUE)
Loading required namespace: limma
null device 