Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Ordinary (empirical) RSV (Raffinetti, Siletti and Vernizzi,...
RSVcR Documentation

Ordinary (empirical) RSV (Raffinetti, Siletti and Vernizzi, 2015) curve of maximum inequality for negative attributes


computes the x-axis and y-axis values of the ordinary (empirical) RSV curve of maximum inequality for negative attributes.





a vector of attributes containing negative elements


a vector containing the weights associated with the elements of the attribute vector


logical. If TRUE the ordinary (empirical) RSV curve of maximum inequality is plotted


RSVc(z,w) provides the points of the ordinary (empirical) RSV curve of maximum inequality.


A list of class RSVc with the following components:

RSV (maximum inequality) x-axis points

vector with the x-axis values of the ordinary (empirical) RSV curve of maximum inequality

RSV (maximum inequality) y-axis points

vector with the y-axis values of the ordinary (empirical) RSV curve of maximum inequality.


If the vector w contains unitary elements, the plot of the ordinary (empirical) RSV curve of maximum inequality is obtained as RSVc(z,plot=TRUE).


Emanuela Raffinetti, Fabio Aimar


E. Raffinetti, E. Siletti, A. Vernizzi (2014), Inequality measures and the issue of negative income. Italian Statistical Society Conference (SIS), Book of Short Papers: "SIS 2014. 47th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society", CUEC (Cooperativa Universitaria Editrice Cagliaritana), 11-13 June 2014

E. Raffinetti, E. Siletti, A. Vernizzi (2015), On the Gini coefficient normalization when incomes with negative values are considered, Statistical Methods & Applications, 24(3), 507-521

See Also

ineq, IC2


# generate the vector of attributes with even negative elements
# plot the ordinary (empirical) RSV curve of maximum inequality

# generate the vector of attributes with even negative elements
# generate the vector of non-unitary weights
# plot the ordinary (empirical) RSV curve of maximum inequality

# define the vector of non-unitary weights

# select the vector of incomes (e.g., the incomes from transfers YTA)
# plot the ordinary (empirical) RSV curve of maximum inequality

# select the vector of incomes (e.g., the incomes from financial capital gain YCF)
# plot the ordinary (empirical) RSV curve of maximum inequality


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> library(GiniWegNeg)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/GiniWegNeg/RSVc.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: RSVc
> ### Title: Ordinary (empirical) RSV (Raffinetti, Siletti and Vernizzi,
> ###   2015) curve of maximum inequality for negative attributes
> ### Aliases: RSVc
> ### ** Examples
> # generate the vector of attributes with even negative elements
> z<-c(-8,-11,9,-12,7,6,35)
> # plot the ordinary (empirical) RSV curve of maximum inequality
> RSVc(z,plot=TRUE) 
$`RSV (maximum inequality) x-axis points`
[1] 0.0000000 0.1428571 0.2857143 0.4285714 0.5714286 0.7142857 0.8571429
[8] 1.0000000

$`RSV (maximum inequality) y-axis points`
[1]  0.000000 -1.192308 -1.192308 -1.192308 -1.192308 -1.192308 -1.192308
[8]  1.000000

> # generate the vector of attributes with even negative elements
> z<-c(12,-21,-10,6,1,-3,40)
> # generate the vector of non-unitary weights
> w<-c(1.2,2.3,1.6,3.5,4.7,4,2.2)
> # plot the ordinary (empirical) RSV curve of maximum inequality
> RSVc(z,w,plot=TRUE) 
$`RSV (maximum inequality) x-axis points`
[1] 0.00000000 0.06153846 0.17948718 0.26153846 0.44102564 0.68205128 0.88717949
[8] 1.00000000

$`RSV (maximum inequality) y-axis points`
[1]  0.000000 -1.472973 -1.472973 -1.472973 -1.472973 -1.472973 -1.472973
[8]  1.000000

> data(BI2012)
> # define the vector of non-unitary weights
> w<-BI2012$weight 
> # select the vector of incomes (e.g., the incomes from transfers YTA)
> z<-BI2012$YTA
> # plot the ordinary (empirical) RSV curve of maximum inequality
> RSVc(z,w,plot=TRUE) 
$`RSV (maximum inequality) x-axis points`
  [1] 0.000000000 0.002793724 0.009800403 0.012653261 0.016247102 0.017533666
  [7] 0.040996217 0.043388341 0.050347197 0.073820033 0.078678326 0.080427168
 [13] 0.081154780 0.082176523 0.084134136 0.106256646 0.111961335 0.127178981
 [19] 0.129607614 0.131203219 0.138652122 0.147510485 0.149741659 0.153199747
 [25] 0.159073613 0.183109513 0.185721720 0.187714813 0.196980433 0.211448355
 [31] 0.218071945 0.219338454 0.223744752 0.227368418 0.228701774 0.235806154
 [37] 0.237370907 0.240447963 0.243474111 0.247477781 0.249852935 0.255902661
 [43] 0.259575177 0.261253057 0.265895380 0.266720693 0.270309392 0.271289484
 [49] 0.273396732 0.275024219 0.278589264 0.280143219 0.282488034 0.286017084
 [55] 0.286969408 0.295621057 0.303374374 0.305671368 0.311587913 0.316100654
 [61] 0.316100654 0.318329772 0.319200850 0.320487413 0.323697650 0.326336596
 [67] 0.329958205 0.332165725 0.335123998 0.336136485 0.344075947 0.346393509
 [73] 0.348256506 0.351659574 0.353505602 0.359149614 0.364942233 0.366657651
 [79] 0.370253034 0.371816245 0.378410009 0.385897992 0.388570362 0.396310310
 [85] 0.396889829 0.399482495 0.409130691 0.412543014 0.414444063 0.417674869
 [91] 0.421182322 0.423012409 0.426342458 0.432337678 0.448784810 0.455867078
 [97] 0.465190804 0.466604378 0.466604378 0.476536420 0.483224286 0.485210180
[103] 0.485975844 0.490212967 0.493444801 0.496822158 0.499284728 0.500719899
[109] 0.509965980 0.519862026 0.522042807 0.525557459 0.553927154 0.554862509
[115] 0.556076569 0.563872051 0.565610608 0.568039241 0.582204805 0.583508337
[121] 0.603507659 0.607302557 0.609040600 0.610338476 0.614733462 0.634891161
[127] 0.636447173 0.637362473 0.650772658 0.657871381 0.660466618 0.663222291
[133] 0.665093001 0.667994196 0.685583396 0.696343322 0.700978960 0.703960373
[139] 0.703960373 0.716038229 0.716998780 0.724230170 0.728124826 0.729893208
[145] 0.731831794 0.746142882 0.755165279 0.756576282 0.760768153 0.761960615
[151] 0.766072270 0.768489589 0.769765868 0.771253489 0.783015103 0.784527921
[157] 0.787405976 0.789497798 0.795729042 0.798204468 0.800148196 0.801181766
[163] 0.808200272 0.809546998 0.812797858 0.830851908 0.834075515 0.837523834
[169] 0.839772491 0.842578556 0.846267013 0.850413634 0.855391738 0.858111930
[175] 0.861207498 0.869333620 0.877994525 0.897109398 0.913158528 0.916363109
[181] 0.920651139 0.921647685 0.927029962 0.929730614 0.931267599 0.934481950
[187] 0.935897581 0.940582070 0.943219473 0.949608066 0.951285946 0.953675498
[193] 0.955271104 0.956542241 0.967934135 0.970536572 0.979177422 0.981700670
[199] 0.994517966 0.996942998 1.000000000

$`RSV (maximum inequality) y-axis points`
  [1]  0.0000000 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
  [7] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
 [13] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
 [19] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
 [25] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
 [31] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
 [37] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
 [43] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
 [49] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
 [55] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
 [61] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
 [67] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
 [73] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
 [79] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
 [85] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
 [91] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
 [97] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
[103] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
[109] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
[115] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
[121] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
[127] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
[133] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
[139] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
[145] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
[151] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
[157] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
[163] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
[169] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
[175] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
[181] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
[187] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
[193] -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687 -0.8199687
[199] -0.8199687 -0.8199687  1.0000000

> # select the vector of incomes (e.g., the incomes from financial capital gain YCF)
> z<-BI2012$YCF
> # plot the ordinary (empirical) RSV curve of maximum inequality
> RSVc(z,w,plot=TRUE) 
$`RSV (maximum inequality) x-axis points`
  [1] 0.000000000 0.002793724 0.009800403 0.012653261 0.016247102 0.017533666
  [7] 0.040996217 0.043388341 0.050347197 0.073820033 0.078678326 0.080427168
 [13] 0.081154780 0.082176523 0.084134136 0.106256646 0.111961335 0.127178981
 [19] 0.129607614 0.131203219 0.138652122 0.147510485 0.149741659 0.153199747
 [25] 0.159073613 0.183109513 0.185721720 0.187714813 0.196980433 0.211448355
 [31] 0.218071945 0.219338454 0.223744752 0.227368418 0.228701774 0.235806154
 [37] 0.237370907 0.240447963 0.243474111 0.247477781 0.249852935 0.255902661
 [43] 0.259575177 0.261253057 0.265895380 0.266720693 0.270309392 0.271289484
 [49] 0.273396732 0.275024219 0.278589264 0.280143219 0.282488034 0.286017084
 [55] 0.286969408 0.295621057 0.303374374 0.305671368 0.311587913 0.316100654
 [61] 0.316100654 0.318329772 0.319200850 0.320487413 0.323697650 0.326336596
 [67] 0.329958205 0.332165725 0.335123998 0.336136485 0.344075947 0.346393509
 [73] 0.348256506 0.351659574 0.353505602 0.359149614 0.364942233 0.366657651
 [79] 0.370253034 0.371816245 0.378410009 0.385897992 0.388570362 0.396310310
 [85] 0.396889829 0.399482495 0.409130691 0.412543014 0.414444063 0.417674869
 [91] 0.421182322 0.423012409 0.426342458 0.432337678 0.448784810 0.455867078
 [97] 0.465190804 0.466604378 0.466604378 0.476536420 0.483224286 0.485210180
[103] 0.485975844 0.490212967 0.493444801 0.496822158 0.499284728 0.500719899
[109] 0.509965980 0.519862026 0.522042807 0.525557459 0.553927154 0.554862509
[115] 0.556076569 0.563872051 0.565610608 0.568039241 0.582204805 0.583508337
[121] 0.603507659 0.607302557 0.609040600 0.610338476 0.614733462 0.634891161
[127] 0.636447173 0.637362473 0.650772658 0.657871381 0.660466618 0.663222291
[133] 0.665093001 0.667994196 0.685583396 0.696343322 0.700978960 0.703960373
[139] 0.703960373 0.716038229 0.716998780 0.724230170 0.728124826 0.729893208
[145] 0.731831794 0.746142882 0.755165279 0.756576282 0.760768153 0.761960615
[151] 0.766072270 0.768489589 0.769765868 0.771253489 0.783015103 0.784527921
[157] 0.787405976 0.789497798 0.795729042 0.798204468 0.800148196 0.801181766
[163] 0.808200272 0.809546998 0.812797858 0.830851908 0.834075515 0.837523834
[169] 0.839772491 0.842578556 0.846267013 0.850413634 0.855391738 0.858111930
[175] 0.861207498 0.869333620 0.877994525 0.897109398 0.913158528 0.916363109
[181] 0.920651139 0.921647685 0.927029962 0.929730614 0.931267599 0.934481950
[187] 0.935897581 0.940582070 0.943219473 0.949608066 0.951285946 0.953675498
[193] 0.955271104 0.956542241 0.967934135 0.970536572 0.979177422 0.981700670
[199] 0.994517966 0.996942998 1.000000000

$`RSV (maximum inequality) y-axis points`
  [1]  0.0000000 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
  [7] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
 [13] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
 [19] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
 [25] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
 [31] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
 [37] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
 [43] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
 [49] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
 [55] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
 [61] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
 [67] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
 [73] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
 [79] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
 [85] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
 [91] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
 [97] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
[103] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
[109] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
[115] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
[121] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
[127] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
[133] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
[139] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
[145] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
[151] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
[157] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
[163] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
[169] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
[175] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
[181] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
[187] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
[193] -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762 -0.4598762
[199] -0.4598762 -0.4598762  1.0000000

null device 