Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Default plotting of a gsym.point object
plot.gsym.pointR Documentation

Default plotting of a gsym.point object


On the basis of a gsym.point object, it plots the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve and the line y = 1-ρ t.


## S3 method for class 'gsym.point'
plot(x, legend = TRUE, ...)



an object of class gsym.point as produced by gsym.point() function.


a logical value. If it is TRUE, a legend of the AUC value is shown on the plot. By default it is TRUE.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


M<c3><b3>nica L<c3><b3>pez-Rat<c3><b3>n, Carmen Cadarso-Su<c3><a1>rez, Elisa M. Molanes-L<c3><b3>pez and Emilio Let<c3><b3>n

See Also

gsym.point, control.gsym.point




# Generalized Pivotal Quantity Method ("GPQ"): 

gsym.point.GPQ.melanoma<-gsym.point(methods = "GPQ", data = melanoma,
marker = "X", status = "group", tag.healthy = 0, categorical.cov = NULL, 
CFN = 1, CFP = 1, control = control.gsym.point(),confidence.level = 0.95, 
trace = FALSE, seed = FALSE, value.seed = 3)



# Generalized Pivotal Quantity Method ("GPQ"): 

gsym.point.GPQ.prostate <- gsym.point (methods = "GPQ", data = prostate,
marker = "marker", status = "status", tag.healthy = 0, categorical.cov = NULL, 
CFN = 1, CFP = 1, control = control.gsym.point(), confidence.level = 0.95, 
trace = FALSE, seed = FALSE, value.seed = 3)



# Generalized Pivotal Quantity Method ("GPQ"): 

gsym.point.GPQ.elastase <- gsym.point(methods = "GPQ", data = elastase, 
marker = "elas", status = "status", tag.healthy = 0, categorical.cov = NULL, 
CFN = 1, CFP = 1, control = control.gsym.point(), confidence.level = 0.95, 
trace = FALSE, seed = FALSE, value.seed = 3) 



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> library(GsymPoint)
Loading required package: truncnorm
Loading required package: Rsolnp
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/GsymPoint/plot.gsym.point.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: plot.gsym.point
> ### Title: Default plotting of a gsym.point object
> ### Aliases: plot.gsym.point
> ### ** Examples
> library(GsymPoint)
> data(melanoma)
> ###########################################################
> # Generalized Pivotal Quantity Method ("GPQ"): 
> ###########################################################
> gsym.point.GPQ.melanoma<-gsym.point(methods = "GPQ", data = melanoma,
+ marker = "X", status = "group", tag.healthy = 0, categorical.cov = NULL, 
+ CFN = 1, CFP = 1, control = control.gsym.point(),confidence.level = 0.95, 
+ trace = FALSE, seed = FALSE, value.seed = 3)
> plot(gsym.point.GPQ.melanoma)
> data(prostate)
> ###########################################################
> # Generalized Pivotal Quantity Method ("GPQ"): 
> ###########################################################
> gsym.point.GPQ.prostate <- gsym.point (methods = "GPQ", data = prostate,
+ marker = "marker", status = "status", tag.healthy = 0, categorical.cov = NULL, 
+ CFN = 1, CFP = 1, control = control.gsym.point(), confidence.level = 0.95, 
+ trace = FALSE, seed = FALSE, value.seed = 3)
> plot(gsym.point.GPQ.prostate)
> data(elastase)
> ###########################################################
> # Generalized Pivotal Quantity Method ("GPQ"): 
> ###########################################################
> gsym.point.GPQ.elastase <- gsym.point(methods = "GPQ", data = elastase, 
+ marker = "elas", status = "status", tag.healthy = 0, categorical.cov = NULL, 
+ CFN = 1, CFP = 1, control = control.gsym.point(), confidence.level = 0.95, 
+ trace = FALSE, seed = FALSE, value.seed = 3) 
According to the Shapiro-Wilk normality test, the original marker 
can not be considered normally distributed in both groups.
After transforming the marker using the Box-Cox transformation 
estimate the Shapiro-Wilk normality test indicates that the 
transformed marker can not be considered normally distributed 
in both groups. 
Therefore, the results obtained with the GPQ method may not be 
reliable. You must use the EL method instead.

Box-Cox lambda estimate = 0.1136 

Shapiro-Wilk test p-values
                           Group 0 Group 1
Original marker             0.0746  0.0091
Box-Cox transformed marker  0.0000  0.0793
> plot(gsym.point.GPQ.elastase)
null device 