Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Map of France in 1830 with the Guerry data
gfranceR Documentation

Map of France in 1830 with the Guerry data


gfrance is a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object created with the sp package, containing the polygon boundaries of the map of France as it was in 1830, together with the Guerry data frame.




The format is: Formal class 'SpatialPolygonsDataFrame' [package "sp"] with 5 slots: gfrance@data, gfrance@polygons, gfrance@plotOrder, gfrance@bbox, gfrance@proj4string. See: SpatialPolygonsDataFrame for descriptions of some components.

The analysis variables are described in Guerry.


In the present version, the PROJ4 projection is not specified.


Friendly, M. (2007). Supplementary materials for André-Michel Guerry's Moral Statistics of France: Challenges for Multivariate Spatial Analysis,


Friendly, M. (2007). A.-M. Guerry's Moral Statistics of France: Challenges for Multivariable Spatial Analysis. Statistical Science, 22, 368-399.

See Also

Guerry for description of the analysis variables Angeville for other analysis variables


names(gfrance)  ## list @data variables
plot(gfrance)   ## just show the map outline

# Show basic choropleth plots of some of the variables
spplot(gfrance, "Crime_pers")
spplot(gfrance, "Crime_prop")

# Note that spplot assumes all variables are on the same scale for comparative plots
# transform variables to ranks (as Guerry did)
## Not run: 
  gfrance$Crime_pers <- rank(gfrance$Crime_pers)
  gfrance$Crime_prop <- rank(gfrance$Crime_prop)
  gfrance$Literacy <- rank(gfrance$Literacy)
  gfrance$Donations <- rank(gfrance$Donations)
  gfrance$Infants <- rank(gfrance$Infants)
  gfrance$Suicides <- rank(gfrance$Suicides)
  spplot(gfrance, c("Crime_pers", "Crime_prop", "Literacy", "Donations", "Infants", "Suicides"), 
    layout=c(3,2), as.table=TRUE, main="Guerry's main moral variables")

## End(Not run)


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> library(Guerry)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Guerry/gfrance.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: gfrance
> ### Title: Map of France in 1830 with the Guerry data
> ### Aliases: gfrance
> ### Keywords: datasets spatial
> ### ** Examples
> data(gfrance)
> names(gfrance)  ## list @data variables
Loading required package: sp
 [1] "CODE_DEPT"       "COUNT"           "AVE_ID_GEO"      "dept"           
 [5] "Region"          "Department"      "Crime_pers"      "Crime_prop"     
 [9] "Literacy"        "Donations"       "Infants"         "Suicides"       
[13] "MainCity"        "Wealth"          "Commerce"        "Clergy"         
[17] "Crime_parents"   "Infanticide"     "Donation_clergy" "Lottery"        
[21] "Desertion"       "Instruction"     "Prostitutes"     "Distance"       
[25] "Area"            "Pop1831"        
> plot(gfrance)   ## just show the map outline
> # Show basic choropleth plots of some of the variables
> spplot(gfrance, "Crime_pers")
> spplot(gfrance, "Crime_prop")
> # Note that spplot assumes all variables are on the same scale for comparative plots
> # transform variables to ranks (as Guerry did)
> ## Not run: 
> ##D local({
> ##D   gfrance$Crime_pers <- rank(gfrance$Crime_pers)
> ##D   gfrance$Crime_prop <- rank(gfrance$Crime_prop)
> ##D   gfrance$Literacy <- rank(gfrance$Literacy)
> ##D   gfrance$Donations <- rank(gfrance$Donations)
> ##D   gfrance$Infants <- rank(gfrance$Infants)
> ##D   gfrance$Suicides <- rank(gfrance$Suicides)
> ##D    	
> ##D   spplot(gfrance, c("Crime_pers", "Crime_prop", "Literacy", "Donations", "Infants", "Suicides"), 
> ##D     layout=c(3,2), as.table=TRUE, main="Guerry's main moral variables")
> ##D }) 
> ## End(Not run)
null device 