Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Map of France in 1830 with the Guerry data, excluding Corsica
gfrance85R Documentation

Map of France in 1830 with the Guerry data, excluding Corsica


gfrance85 is a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object created with the sp package, containing the polygon boundaries of the map of France as it was in 1830, together with the Guerry data frame. This version excludes Corsica, which is an outlier both in the map and in many analyses.




The format is: Formal class 'SpatialPolygonsDataFrame' [package "sp"] with 5 slots: gfrance85@data, gfrance85@polygons, gfrance85@plotOrder, gfrance85@bbox, gfrance85@proj4string. See: SpatialPolygonsDataFrame for descriptions of some components.

The analysis variables are described in Guerry.


In the present version, the PROJ4 projection is not specified.


Friendly, M. (2007). Supplementary materials for André-Michel Guerry's Moral Statistics of France: Challenges for Multivariate Spatial Analysis,


Dray, S. and Jombart, T. (2009). A Revisit Of Guerry's Data: Introducing Spatial Constraints In Multivariate Analysis. Unpublished manuscript.

Friendly, M. (2007). A.-M. Guerry's Moral Statistics of France: Challenges for Multivariable Spatial Analysis. Statistical Science, 22, 368-399.


plot(gfrance85)   # plot the empty outline map

# extract some useful components
df <- data.frame(gfrance85)[,7:12]       # main moral variables
xy <- coordinates(gfrance85)             # department centroids
dep.names <- data.frame(gfrance85)[,6]
region.names <- data.frame(gfrance85)[,5]
col.region <- colors()[c(149,254,468,552,26)]

if (require(spdep)) {
  lw <- nb2listw(poly2nb(gfrance85))       # neighbors list

# plot the map showing regions by color with department labels
op <-par(mar=rep(0.1,4))
text(xy, labels=dep.names, cex=0.4)


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> library(Guerry)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Guerry/gfrance85.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: gfrance85
> ### Title: Map of France in 1830 with the Guerry data, excluding Corsica
> ### Aliases: gfrance85
> ### Keywords: datasets spatial
> ### ** Examples
> data(gfrance85)
> require(sp)
Loading required package: sp
> plot(gfrance85)   # plot the empty outline map
> # extract some useful components
> df <- data.frame(gfrance85)[,7:12]       # main moral variables
> xy <- coordinates(gfrance85)             # department centroids
> dep.names <- data.frame(gfrance85)[,6]
> region.names <- data.frame(gfrance85)[,5]
> col.region <- colors()[c(149,254,468,552,26)]
> if (require(spdep)) {
+   lw <- nb2listw(poly2nb(gfrance85))       # neighbors list
+ }
Loading required package: spdep
Loading required package: Matrix
> # plot the map showing regions by color with department labels
> op <-par(mar=rep(0.1,4))
> plot(gfrance85,col=col.region[region.names])
> text(xy, labels=dep.names, cex=0.4)
> par(op)
null device 