Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: CustomTrack class and methods
CustomTrack-classR Documentation

CustomTrack class and methods


A fully customizable track object to be populated via a user-defined plotting function.


CustomTrack(plottingFunction=function(GdObject, prepare=FALSE, ...){}, variables=list(), name="CustomTrack",  ...)



A user-defined function to be executed once the track coordinates have been properly set up. The function needs to accept two mandatory arguments: GdObject, the CustomTrack object to be plotted, and prepare, a logical flag indicating whether the function has been called in preparation mode or in drawing mode. It also needs to return the input GdObject, potentially with modifications.


A list of additional variables for the user-defined plotting function.


Character scalar of the track's name.


Additional items which will all be interpreted as further display parameters. See settings and the "Display Parameters" section below for details.


A track to allow for any sort of plotting, with the currently displayed genomic location set. Essentially this acts as a simple callback into the Gviz plotting machinery after all the track panels and coordinates have been set up. It is entirely up to the user what to plot in the track, or even to use the predefined coordinate system. The only prerequesite is that all plotting operations need to utilize Grid graphics.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created using the constructor function CustomTrack.



Object of class "function", holding the user-defined plotting function.


Object of class "list", additional variables for the plotting function.


Object of class DisplayPars, inherited from class GdObject


Object of class "character", inherited from class GdObject


Object of class ImageMap, inherited from class GdObject


Class "GdObject", directly.


In the following code chunks, obj is considered to be an object of class CustomTrack.

Internal methods:


signature(.Object="CustomTrack"): initialize the object.

Inherited methods:


signature(x="CustomTrack", name="character"): list the value of the display parameter name. See settings for details on display parameters and customization.


displayPars(x, name)


displayPars(obj, "col")


signature(x="CustomTrack", name="missing"): list the value of all available display parameters. See settings for details on display parameters and customization.




signature(x="CustomTrack", name="character"): alias for the displayPars method. See settings for details on display parameters and customization.


getPar(x, name)


getPar(obj, "col")


signature(x="CustomTrack", name="missing"): alias for the displayPars method. See settings for details on display parameters and customization.




signature(x="CustomTrack", value="list"): set display parameters using the values of the named list in value. See settings for details on display parameters and customization.


displayPars<-(x, value)


displayPars(obj) <- list(col="red", lwd=2)


signature(x="CustomTrack", value="character"): set the single display parameter name to value. Note that display parameters in the CustomTrack class are pass-by-reference, so no re-assignmnet to the symbol obj is necessary. See settings for details on display parameters and customization.


setPar(x, name, value)

Additional Arguments:

name: the name of the display parameter to set.


setPar(obj, "col", "red")


signature(x="CustomTrack", value="list"): set display parameters by the values of the named list in value. Note that display parameters in the CustomTrack class are pass-by-reference, so no re-assignmnet to the symbol obj is necessary. See settings for details on display parameters and customization.


setPar(obj, list(col="red", lwd=2))


signature(x="CustomTrack"): return the value of the name slot.






signature(x="CustomTrack", value="character"): set the value of the name slot.


names<-(x, value)


names(obj) <- "foo"


signature(ImageMap="CustomTrack"): return the coordinates from the internal image map.






signature(x="CustomTrack"): return the tags from the internal image map.





Display Parameters

All display parameters are being inherited from the respective parent classes. Note that not all of them may have an effect on the plotting of CustomTrack objects.


alpha=1: Numeric scalar. The transparency for all track items.

background.panel="transparent": Integer or character scalar. The background color of the content panel.

background.title="lightgray": Integer or character scalar. The background color for the title panels.

col.border.title="transparent": Integer or character scalar. The border color for the title panels.

lwd.border.title=1: Integer scalar. The border width for the title panels.

cex=1: Numeric scalar. The overall font expansion factor for all text.

cex.axis=NULL: Numeric scalar. The expansion factor for the axis annotation. Defaults to NULL, in which case it is computed based on the available space.

cex.title=NULL: Numeric scalar. The expansion factor for the title panel. This effects the fontsize of both the title and the axis, if any. Defaults to NULL, which means that the text size is automatically adjusted to the available space.

col="#0080FF": Integer or character scalar. Default line color setting for all plotting elements, unless there is a more specific control defined elsewhere.

col.axis="white": Integer or character scalar. The font and line color for the y axis, if any.

col.frame="lightgray": Integer or character scalar. The line color used for the panel frame, if frame==TRUE

col.grid="#808080": Integer or character scalar. Default line color for grid lines, both when type=="g" in DataTracks and when display parameter grid==TRUE.

col.line=NULL: Integer or character scalar. Default colors for plot lines. Usually the same as the global col parameter.

col.symbol=NULL: Integer or character scalar. Default colors for plot symbols. Usually the same as the global col parameter.

col.title="white": Integer or character scalar. The font color for the title panels.

collapse=TRUE: Boolean controlling wether to collapse the content of the track to accomodate the minimum current device resolution. See collapsing for details.

fill="lightgray": Integer or character scalar. Default fill color setting for all plotting elements, unless there is a more specific control defined elsewhere.

fontcolor="black": Integer or character scalar. The font color for all text.

fontface=1: Integer or character scalar. The font face for all text.

fontface.title=2: Integer or character scalar. The font face for the title panels.

fontfamily="sans": Integer or character scalar. The font family for all text.

fontfamily.title="sans": Integer or character scalar. The font family for the title panels.

fontsize=12: Numeric scalar. The font size for all text.

frame=FALSE: Boolean. Draw a frame around the track when plotting.

grid=FALSE: Boolean, switching on/off the plotting of a grid.

h=-1: Integer scalar. Parameter controlling the number of horizontal grid lines, see panel.grid for details.

lineheight=1: Numeric scalar. The font line height for all text.

lty="solid": Numeric scalar. Default line type setting for all plotting elements, unless there is a more specific control defined elsewhere.

lty.grid="solid": Integer or character scalar. Default line type for grid lines, both when type=="g" in DataTracks and when display parameter grid==TRUE.

lwd=1: Numeric scalar. Default line width setting for all plotting elements, unless there is a more specific control defined elsewhere.

lwd.grid=1: Numeric scalar. Default line width for grid lines, both when type=="g" in DataTracks and when display parameter grid==TRUE.

min.distance=1: Numeric scalar. The minimum pixel distance before collapsing range items, only if collapse==TRUE. See collapsing for details.

min.height=3: Numeric scalar. The minimum range height in pixels to display. All ranges are expanded to this size in order to avoid rendering issues. See collapsing for details.

min.width=1: Numeric scalar. The minimum range width in pixels to display. All ranges are expanded to this size in order to avoid rendering issues. See collapsing for details.

showAxis=TRUE: Boolean controlling whether to plot a y axis (only applies to track types where axes are implemented).

showTitle=TRUE: Boolean controlling whether to plot a title panel. Although this can be set individually for each track, in multi-track plots as created by plotTracks there will still be an empty placeholder in case any of the other tracks include a title. The same holds true for axes. Note that the the title panel background color could be set to transparent in order to completely hide it.

size=1: Numeric scalar. The relative size of the track. Can be overridden in the plotTracks function.

v=-1: Integer scalar. Parameter controlling the number of vertical grid lines, see panel.grid for details.


Florian Hahne

See Also





