Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Creating single lagged and moving average variables
lagdataR Documentation

Creating single lagged and moving average variables


Function lagdata creates single lagged and moving average variables of the lag number that the user designate.


lagdata(data, varlist, laglength)



Data includes lagged variables.


List of variables to be lagged.


Number of lag days.


Certain exposure on the previous days has an effect on the event on now day. This effect is referred to as the lagged effects. Studies wanting to estimate lagged effects would include the exposure value for previous days in the time series model, and those wanting to estimate cumulative effect of the same day and the previous days would include the moving average value of the exposure.


lagdata gives single lagged variables (varname_sxx, xx indicates lag length) and moving average variables (varname_mxx).


Youn-Hee Lim, Il-Sang Ohn, and Ho Kim


Dominici F. Time-series analysis of air pollution and mortality: a statistical review. Research report (Health Effects Institute), (123):3, 2004.
Gasparrini A and Armstrong B. Time series analysis on the health effects of temperature: advancements and limitations. Environmental research, 110(6):633-638, 2010.


# read the data
seoul = read6city(mort, 11)

# create lagged and moving average variables
seoul_lag = lagdata(seoul, c("meantemp", "mintemp", "meanpm10", "meanhumi"), 5)


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> library(HEAT)
Loading required package: splines
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/HEAT/lagdata.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: lagdata
> ### Title: Creating single lagged and moving average variables
> ### Aliases: lagdata
> ### ** Examples
> # read the data
> data(mort)
> seoul = read6city(mort, 11)
> # create lagged and moving average variables
> seoul_lag = lagdata(seoul, c("meantemp", "mintemp", "meanpm10", "meanhumi"), 5)
null device 