Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Summary informations for a fitted 'threshpt' object.
summary.threshptR Documentation

Summary informations for a fitted threshpt object.


summary provides summary statistics for a threshpt object produced by threshpt()


## S3 method for class 'threshpt'
summary(object, ...)



a fitted threshpt object produced by threshpt()


Not used


summary.threshpt produces a list of summary informations for a fitted threshpt object with components


the formula which is used in the threshpt function

Best fit

estimated parameter coefficients of model with the minimum deviance


deviance of a fitted threshpt model


threshold value of the model with the minimum deviance


Youn-Hee Lim, Il-Sang Ohn, and Ho Kim


# read the Seoul data set and create lag variables
seoul = read6city(mort, 11)
seoul_lag = lagdata(seoul, c("meantemp", "mintemp", "meanpm10", "meanhumi"), 5)

# find a optimal threshold and conduct piecewise linear regression
mythresh = threshpt(nonacc ~ meantemp_m3 + meanpm10_m2 +  meanhumi + ns(sn, 4*10) + factor(dow), 
			     expvar = "meantemp_m3", family = "poisson", data = seoul_lag,
			     startrng = 23, endrng = 33, searchunit = 0.2)

# provide summary informations


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(HEAT)
Loading required package: splines
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/HEAT/summary.threshpt.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: summary.threshpt
> ### Title: Summary informations for a fitted 'threshpt' object.
> ### Aliases: summary.threshpt
> ### ** Examples
> # read the Seoul data set and create lag variables
> data(mort)
> seoul = read6city(mort, 11)
> seoul_lag = lagdata(seoul, c("meantemp", "mintemp", "meanpm10", "meanhumi"), 5)
> # find a optimal threshold and conduct piecewise linear regression
> mythresh = threshpt(nonacc ~ meantemp_m3 + meanpm10_m2 +  meanhumi + ns(sn, 4*10) + factor(dow), 
+ 			     expvar = "meantemp_m3", family = "poisson", data = seoul_lag,
+ 			     startrng = 23, endrng = 33, searchunit = 0.2)
> # provide summary informations
> summary(mythresh)
threshpt(formula = nonacc ~ meantemp_m3 + meanpm10_m2 + meanhumi + 
    ns(sn, 4 * 10) + factor(dow), family = "poisson", data = seoul_lag, 
    expvar = "meantemp_m3", startrng = 23, endrng = 33, searchunit = 0.2)

nonacc ~ meantemp_m3 + meanpm10_m2 + meanhumi + ns(sn, 4 * 10) + 
    factor(dow) + meantemp_m3_2
<environment: 0x3a79188>

                Estimate Std. Error  Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)   4.7454e+00     0.0262 < 2.2e-16 ***
<Threshold   -5.1002e-04     0.0009   0.57627    
>=Threshold   1.8416e-02     0.0032 1.181e-08 ***
meanpm10_m2   3.2581e-04     0.0001   0.00018 ***
meanhumi     -8.1887e-05     0.0002   0.60425    
factor(dow)2  3.6208e-02     0.0072 4.345e-07 ***
factor(dow)3  1.6617e-02     0.0072   0.02099 *  
factor(dow)4  1.2795e-02     0.0072   0.07593 .  
factor(dow)5  1.6796e-02     0.0072   0.01968 *  
factor(dow)6  2.1021e-03     0.0072   0.77111    
factor(dow)7  1.7900e-03     0.0072   0.80423    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Optimum threshold: 24.2
Deviance of the model with optimum threshold: 3147.556
null device 