Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Viterbi Algorithm
viterbicontR Documentation

Viterbi Algorithm


The function performs Viterbi algorithm (Viterbi, 1967). It can be applied to a ContObservHMM object after sufficient number of Baum-welch iterations (function baumwelchcont).





An object of the class ContObservHMM.


An object of the class ContObservHMM (see section on the function hmmsetcont). The object can be analysed with the class-specific functions print, summary, and plot.


Mikhail A. Beketov


Viterbi, A.J. 1967. Error bounds for convolutional codes and an asymptotically optimum decoding algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 13: 260-269.

See Also

Functions: hmmsetcont, baumwelchcont, and statesDistributionsPlot.


Returns<-logreturns(Prices) # Getting a stationary process
Returns<-Returns*10 		# Scaling the values
hmm<-hmmsetcont(Returns) 	# Creating a HMM object
for(i in 1:6){hmm<-baumwelchcont(hmm)} # Baum-Welch is 
# executed 6 times and results are accumulated

hmmcomplete<-viterbicont(hmm) # Viterbi execution

plot(hmmcomplete, Prices, ylabel="Price") 
plot(hmmcomplete, ylabel="Returns") # the revealed 
# Markov chain and the observations are plotted


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> library(HMMCont)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/HMMCont/viterbicont.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: viterbicont
> ### Title: Viterbi Algorithm
> ### Aliases: viterbicont
> ### Keywords: Viterbi Hidden Markov Model
> ### ** Examples
> Returns<-logreturns(Prices) # Getting a stationary process
> Returns<-Returns*10 		# Scaling the values
> hmm<-hmmsetcont(Returns) 	# Creating a HMM object
> for(i in 1:6){hmm<-baumwelchcont(hmm)} # Baum-Welch is 
> # executed 6 times and results are accumulated
> hmmcomplete<-viterbicont(hmm) # Viterbi execution
> par(mfrow=c(2,1))
> plot(hmmcomplete, Prices, ylabel="Price") 
> plot(hmmcomplete, ylabel="Returns") # the revealed 
> # Markov chain and the observations are plotted
null device 