Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: The Generalized Poisson Distribution
dgenpoisR Documentation

The Generalized Poisson Distribution


Density, distribution function and random generation function for the generalized Poisson distribution.


dgenpois(x, lambda1, lambda2)
pgenpois(q, lambda1, lambda2)
rgenpois(n, lambda1, lambda2)



a vector object of (non-negative integer) quantiles.


a numeric value.


number of random values to return.


a single numeric value for parameter lambda1 with lambda1 > 0.


a single numeric value for parameter lambda2 with 0 ≤ lamdba2 < 1. When lambda2=0, the generalized Poisson distribution reduces to the Poisson distribution.


The generalized Poisson distribution has the density

p(x) = lambda1 (lambda1 + lambda2 x)^(x-1) exp(-lambda1-lambda2 x) )/x!

for x = 0,1,2,…,b

with E(x)=lambda1/(1-lambda2) and variance var(x)=lambda1/(1-lambda2)^3.


dgenpois gives the density, pgenpois gives the distribution function and rgenpois generates random deviates.


Based on Joe and Zhu (2005). Implementation by Vitali Witowski (2013).


Joe, H., Zhu, R. (2005). Generalized poisson distribution: the property of mixture of poisson and comparison with negative binomial distribution. Biometrical Journal 47(2):219–229.

See Also

Distributions for other standard distributions, including dpois for the Poisson distribution.


dgenpois(x = seq(0,20), lambda1 = 10, lambda2 = 0.5) 

pgenpois(q = 5, lambda1 = 10, lambda2 = 0.5) 

hist(rgenpois(n = 1000, lambda1 = 10, lambda2 = 0.5) )


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> library(HMMpa)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/HMMpa/dgenpois.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: dgenpois
> ### Title: The Generalized Poisson Distribution
> ### Aliases: dgenpois pgenpois rgenpois
> ### Keywords: distribution
> ### ** Examples
> dgenpois(x = seq(0,20), lambda1 = 10, lambda2 = 0.5) 
 [1] 4.539993e-05 2.753645e-04 9.185935e-04 2.232841e-03 4.423833e-03
 [6] 7.581895e-03 1.165617e-02 1.646632e-02 2.173967e-02 2.715883e-02
[11] 3.240717e-02 3.720461e-02 4.133055e-02 4.463423e-02 4.703503e-02
[16] 4.851540e-02 4.910970e-02 4.889126e-02 4.795954e-02 4.642864e-02
[21] 4.441766e-02
> pgenpois(q = 5, lambda1 = 10, lambda2 = 0.5) 
[1] 0.01547793
> hist(rgenpois(n = 1000, lambda1 = 10, lambda2 = 0.5) )
null device 