Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Summarize Scalars or Matrices by Cross-Classification
summarizeR Documentation

Summarize Scalars or Matrices by Cross-Classification


summarize is a fast version of summary.formula(formula, method="cross",overall=FALSE) for producing stratified summary statistics and storing them in a data frame for plotting (especially with trellis xyplot and dotplot and Hmisc xYplot). Unlike aggregate, summarize accepts a matrix as its first argument and a multi-valued FUN argument and summarize also labels the variables in the new data frame using their original names. Unlike methods based on tapply, summarize stores the values of the stratification variables using their original types, e.g., a numeric by variable will remain a numeric variable in the collapsed data frame. summarize also retains "label" attributes for variables. summarize works especially well with the Hmisc xYplot function for displaying multiple summaries of a single variable on each panel, such as means and upper and lower confidence limits.

asNumericMatrix converts a data frame into a numeric matrix, saving attributes to reverse the process by matrix2dataframe. It saves attributes that are commonly preserved across row subsetting (i.e., it does not save dim, dimnames, or names attributes).

matrix2dataFrame converts a numeric matrix back into a data frame if it was created by asNumericMatrix.


summarize(X, by, FUN, ..., 
          type=c('variables','matrix'), subset=TRUE,


matrix2dataFrame(x, at=attr(x, 'origAttributes'), restoreAll=TRUE)



a vector or matrix capable of being operated on by the function specified as the FUN argument


one or more stratification variables. If a single variable, by may be a vector, otherwise it should be a list. Using the Hmisc llist function instead of list will result in individual variable names being accessible to summarize. For example, you can specify llist(,sex) or llist(,sex). The latter gives a new temporary name, Age.


a function of a single vector argument, used to create the statistical summaries for summarize. FUN may compute any number of statistics.


extra arguments are passed to FUN

the name to use when creating the main summary variable. By default, the name of the X argument is used. Set to NULL to suppress this name replacement.


Specify type="matrix" to store the summary variables (if there are more than one) in a matrix.


a logical vector or integer vector of subscripts used to specify the subset of data to use in the analysis. The default is to use all observations in the data frame.


by default when type="matrix", the first column of the computed matrix is the name of the first argument to summarize. Set keepcolnames=TRUE to retain the name of the first column created by FUN


a data frame (for asNumericMatrix) or a numeric matrix (for matrix2dataFrame).


List containing attributes of original data frame that survive subsetting. Defaults to attribute "origAttributes" of the object x, created by the call to asNumericMatrix


set to FALSE to only restore attributes label, units, and levels instead of all attributes


For summarize, a data frame containing the by variables and the statistical summaries (the first of which is named the same as the X variable unless is given). If type="matrix", the summaries are stored in a single variable in the data frame, and this variable is a matrix.

asNumericMatrix returns a numeric matrix and stores an object origAttributes as an attribute of the returned object, with original attributes of component variables, plus an indicator for whether a variable was converted from character to factor to allow it to be made numeric.

matrix2dataFrame returns a data frame.


Frank Harrell
Department of Biostatistics
Vanderbilt University

See Also

label, cut2, llist, by


## Not run: 
s <- summarize(ap>1, llist(size=cut2(sz, g=4), bone), mean,
dotplot(Proportion ~ size | bone, data=s7)

## End(Not run)

temperature <- rnorm(300, 70, 10)
month <- sample(1:12, 300, TRUE)
year  <- sample(2000:2001, 300, TRUE)
g <- function(x)c(Mean=mean(x,na.rm=TRUE),Median=median(x,na.rm=TRUE))
summarize(temperature, month, g)
mApply(temperature, month, g)

mApply(temperature, month, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
w <- summarize(temperature, month, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
xyplot(temperature ~ month, data=w) # plot mean temperature by month

w <- summarize(temperature, llist(year,month), 
               quantile, probs=c(.5,.25,.75), na.rm=TRUE, type='matrix')
xYplot(Cbind(temperature[,1],temperature[,-1]) ~ month | year, data=w)
mApply(temperature, llist(year,month),
       quantile, probs=c(.5,.25,.75), na.rm=TRUE)

# Compute the median and outer quartiles.  The outer quartiles are
# displayed using "error bars"
dfr <- expand.grid(month=1:12, year=c(1997,1998), reps=1:100)
y <- abs(month-6.5) + 2*runif(length(month)) + year-1997
s <- summarize(y, llist(month,year), smedian.hilow,
mApply(y, llist(month,year), smedian.hilow,

xYplot(Cbind(y,Lower,Upper) ~ month, groups=year, data=s, 
       keys='lines', method='alt')
# Can also do:
s <- summarize(y, llist(month,year), quantile, probs=c(.5,.25,.75),
xYplot(Cbind(y, Q1, Q3) ~ month, groups=year, data=s, keys='lines')
# To display means and bootstrapped nonparametric confidence intervals
# use for example:
s <- summarize(y, llist(month,year),
xYplot(Cbind(y, Lower, Upper) ~ month | year, data=s)

# For each subject use the trapezoidal rule to compute the area under
# the (time,response) curve using the Hmisc trap.rule function
x <- cbind(time=c(1,2,4,7, 1,3,5,10),response=c(1,3,2,4, 1,3,2,4))
subject <- c(rep(1,4),rep(2,4))
summarize(x, subject, function(y) trap.rule(y[,1],y[,2]))

## Not run: 
# Another approach would be to properly re-shape the mm array below
# This assumes no missing cells.  There are many other approaches.
# mApply will do this well while allowing for missing cells.
m <- tapply(y, list(year,month), quantile, probs=c(.25,.5,.75))
mm <- array(unlist(m), dim=c(3,2,12), 
# aggregate will help but it only allows you to compute one quantile
# at a time; see also the Hmisc mApply function
dframe <- aggregate(y, list(Year=year,Month=month), quantile, probs=.5)

# Compute expected life length by race assuming an exponential
# distribution - can also use summarize
g <- function(y) { # computations for one race group
  futime <- y[,1]; event <- y[,2]
  sum(futime)/sum(event)  # assume event=1 for death, 0=alive
mApply(cbind(followup.time, death), race, g)

# To run mApply on a data frame:
xn <- asNumericMatrix(x)
m <- mApply(xn, race, h)
# Here assume h is a function that returns a matrix similar to x

# Get stratified weighted means
g <- function(y) wtd.mean(y[,1],y[,2])
summarize(cbind(y, wts), llist(sex,race), g,'y')
mApply(cbind(y,wts), llist(sex,race), g)

# Compare speed of mApply vs. by for computing 
d <- data.frame(sex=sample(c('female','male'),100000,TRUE),
                y1=runif(100000), y2=runif(100000))
g <- function(x) {
  y <- c(median(x[,'y1']-x[,'y2']),
         med.sum =median(x[,'y1']+x[,'y2']))
  names(y) <- c('med.diff','med.sum')

system.time(by(d, llist(sex=d$sex,country=d$country), g))
             x <- asNumericMatrix(d)
             a <- subsAttr(d)
             m <- mApply(x, llist(sex=d$sex,country=d$country), g)
             x <- asNumericMatrix(d)
             summarize(x, llist(sex=d$sex, country=d$country), g)

# An example where each subject has one record per diagnosis but sex of
# subject is duplicated for all the rows a subject has.  Get the cross-
# classified frequencies of diagnosis (dx) by sex and plot the results
# with a dot plot

count <- rep(1,length(dx))
d <- summarize(count, llist(dx,sex), sum)
Dotplot(dx ~ count | sex, data=d)

## End(Not run)
d <- list(x=1:10, a=factor(rep(c('a','b'),5)),
          b=structure(letters[1:10], label='label for a'))
x <- asNumericMatrix(d)
attr(x, 'origAttributes')


# Run summarize on a matrix to get column means
x <- c(1:19,NA)
y <- 101:120
z <- cbind(x, y)
g <- c(rep(1, 10), rep(2, 10))
summarize(z, g, colMeans, na.rm=TRUE,'x')
# Also works on an all numeric data frame
summarize(, g, colMeans, na.rm=TRUE,'x')


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> library(Hmisc)
Loading required package: lattice
Loading required package: survival
Loading required package: Formula
Loading required package: ggplot2

Attaching package: 'Hmisc'

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    format.pval, round.POSIXt, trunc.POSIXt, units

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Hmisc/summarize.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: summarize
> ### Title: Summarize Scalars or Matrices by Cross-Classification
> ### Aliases: summarize asNumericMatrix matrix2dataFrame
> ### Keywords: category manip multivariate
> ### ** Examples
> ## Not run: 
> ##D s <- summarize(ap>1, llist(size=cut2(sz, g=4), bone), mean,
> ##D      'Proportion')
> ##D dotplot(Proportion ~ size | bone, data=s7)
> ## End(Not run)
> set.seed(1)
> temperature <- rnorm(300, 70, 10)
> month <- sample(1:12, 300, TRUE)
> year  <- sample(2000:2001, 300, TRUE)
> g <- function(x)c(Mean=mean(x,na.rm=TRUE),Median=median(x,na.rm=TRUE))
> summarize(temperature, month, g)
   month temperature   Median
1      1    72.86559 73.76370
5      2    70.40988 68.01299
6      3    72.25304 72.23480
7      4    65.12354 66.99024
8      5    70.97783 70.69927
9      6    70.31975 67.41067
10     7    68.69374 69.32094
11     8    68.93415 69.43871
12     9    72.37940 72.07538
2     10    69.36739 68.64821
3     11    67.68554 68.60273
4     12    71.62634 73.29508
> mApply(temperature, month, g)
       Mean   Median
1  72.86559 73.76370
2  70.40988 68.01299
3  72.25304 72.23480
4  65.12354 66.99024
5  70.97783 70.69927
6  70.31975 67.41067
7  68.69374 69.32094
8  68.93415 69.43871
9  72.37940 72.07538
10 69.36739 68.64821
11 67.68554 68.60273
12 71.62634 73.29508
> mApply(temperature, month, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
       1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8 
72.86559 70.40988 72.25304 65.12354 70.97783 70.31975 68.69374 68.93415 
       9       10       11       12 
72.37940 69.36739 67.68554 71.62634 
> w <- summarize(temperature, month, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
> library(lattice)
> xyplot(temperature ~ month, data=w) # plot mean temperature by month
> w <- summarize(temperature, llist(year,month), 
+                quantile, probs=c(.5,.25,.75), na.rm=TRUE, type='matrix')
> xYplot(Cbind(temperature[,1],temperature[,-1]) ~ month | year, data=w)
> mApply(temperature, llist(year,month),
+        quantile, probs=c(.5,.25,.75), na.rm=TRUE)
, ,  = 50%

month     2000     2001
   1  75.10108 73.73195
   2  67.20887 68.41245
   3  68.22896 74.59516
   4  66.99024 66.65822
   5  69.47672 72.47187
   6  70.42033 66.07192
   7  69.01821 70.02132
   8  65.44872 70.28002
   9  73.98106 70.07726
   10 69.46195 65.65376
   11 63.87974 74.09402
   12 74.79634 71.83643

, ,  = 25%

month     2000     2001
   1  64.94043 66.78938
   2  64.29278 66.05710
   3  64.02734 67.80454
   4  58.48734 65.04972
   5  63.31722 69.19130
   6  64.74534 65.21850
   7  64.11106 61.77978
   8  59.19621 66.65999
   9  66.69092 67.41863
   10 63.31821 63.67486
   11 60.33722 69.18520
   12 66.66562 63.79633

, ,  = 75%

month     2000     2001
   1  79.51013 76.42336
   2  76.39136 71.34448
   3  77.64332 77.60490
   4  72.92433 69.01739
   5  77.20510 75.51480
   6  77.67350 77.16707
   7  73.32950 77.34330
   8  72.90081 78.21221
   9  77.63176 77.85528
   10 75.31496 74.27858
   11 68.50211 77.40600
   12 77.60434 73.94379

> # Compute the median and outer quartiles.  The outer quartiles are
> # displayed using "error bars"
> set.seed(111)
> dfr <- expand.grid(month=1:12, year=c(1997,1998), reps=1:100)
> attach(dfr)
The following objects are masked _by_ .GlobalEnv:

    month, year

> y <- abs(month-6.5) + 2*runif(length(month)) + year-1997
> s <- summarize(y, llist(month,year), smedian.hilow,
> s
   month year         y     Lower     Upper
7      1 2000  9.580386  9.410877 10.120838
8      1 2001 10.557353 10.112264 10.885294
9      2 2000  8.273255  8.022409  9.144197
10     2 2001  8.879700  8.732631 10.111084
11     3 2000  7.226451  6.964390  7.791556
12     3 2001  8.742167  8.244505  8.858170
13     4 2000  6.646968  6.200930  6.828694
14     4 2001  7.880373  7.644090  8.065150
15     5 2000  4.970555  4.669147  5.550791
16     5 2001  6.660632  6.120602  7.000524
17     6 2000  4.975022  4.393653  5.162116
18     6 2001  5.468378  5.219491  5.815384
19     7 2000  4.761814  4.249600  5.241279
20     7 2001  5.398562  5.109180  5.998700
21     8 2000  5.106799  4.891201  5.473976
22     8 2001  6.144053  6.117622  6.861511
23     9 2000  6.691147  6.529848  7.193447
24     9 2001  7.577245  6.934112  7.853399
1     10 2000  7.650484  7.407530  7.989939
2     10 2001  8.989472  8.646782  9.268328
3     11 2000  8.628861  8.224798  8.946738
4     11 2001  9.028428  8.748164  9.707166
5     12 2000  9.450670  9.038489  9.983661
6     12 2001 10.651994 10.566578 10.806413
> mApply(y, llist(month,year), smedian.hilow,
, ,  = Median

year           1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8
  2000  9.580386 8.273255 7.226451 6.646968 4.970555 4.975022 4.761814 5.106799
  2001 10.557353 8.879700 8.742167 7.880373 6.660632 5.468378 5.398562 6.144053
year          9       10       11       12
  2000 6.691147 7.650484 8.628861  9.45067
  2001 7.577245 8.989472 9.028428 10.65199

, ,  = Lower

year           1        2        3       4        5        6       7        8
  2000  9.410877 8.022409 6.964390 6.20093 4.669147 4.393653 4.24960 4.891201
  2001 10.112264 8.732631 8.244505 7.64409 6.120602 5.219491 5.10918 6.117622
year          9       10       11        12
  2000 6.529848 7.407530 8.224798  9.038489
  2001 6.934112 8.646782 8.748164 10.566578

, ,  = Upper

year          1         2        3        4        5        6        7        8
  2000 10.12084  9.144197 7.791556 6.828694 5.550791 5.162116 5.241279 5.473976
  2001 10.88529 10.111084 8.858170 8.065150 7.000524 5.815384 5.998700 6.861511
year          9       10       11        12
  2000 7.193447 7.989939 8.946738  9.983661
  2001 7.853399 9.268328 9.707166 10.806413

> xYplot(Cbind(y,Lower,Upper) ~ month, groups=year, data=s, 
+        keys='lines', method='alt')
> # Can also do:
> s <- summarize(y, llist(month,year), quantile, probs=c(.5,.25,.75),
+      'y','Q1','Q3'))
> xYplot(Cbind(y, Q1, Q3) ~ month, groups=year, data=s, keys='lines')
> # To display means and bootstrapped nonparametric confidence intervals
> # use for example:
> s <- summarize(y, llist(month,year),
> xYplot(Cbind(y, Lower, Upper) ~ month | year, data=s)
> # For each subject use the trapezoidal rule to compute the area under
> # the (time,response) curve using the Hmisc trap.rule function
> x <- cbind(time=c(1,2,4,7, 1,3,5,10),response=c(1,3,2,4, 1,3,2,4))
> subject <- c(rep(1,4),rep(2,4))
> trap.rule(x[1:4,1],x[1:4,2])
[1] 16
> summarize(x, subject, function(y) trap.rule(y[,1],y[,2]))
  subject  x
1       1 16
2       2 24
> ## Not run: 
> ##D # Another approach would be to properly re-shape the mm array below
> ##D # This assumes no missing cells.  There are many other approaches.
> ##D # mApply will do this well while allowing for missing cells.
> ##D m <- tapply(y, list(year,month), quantile, probs=c(.25,.5,.75))
> ##D mm <- array(unlist(m), dim=c(3,2,12), 
> ##D             dimnames=list(c('lower','median','upper'),c('1997','1998'),
> ##D                           as.character(1:12)))
> ##D # aggregate will help but it only allows you to compute one quantile
> ##D # at a time; see also the Hmisc mApply function
> ##D dframe <- aggregate(y, list(Year=year,Month=month), quantile, probs=.5)
> ##D 
> ##D # Compute expected life length by race assuming an exponential
> ##D # distribution - can also use summarize
> ##D g <- function(y) { # computations for one race group
> ##D   futime <- y[,1]; event <- y[,2]
> ##D   sum(futime)/sum(event)  # assume event=1 for death, 0=alive
> ##D }
> ##D mApply(cbind(followup.time, death), race, g)
> ##D 
> ##D # To run mApply on a data frame:
> ##D xn <- asNumericMatrix(x)
> ##D m <- mApply(xn, race, h)
> ##D # Here assume h is a function that returns a matrix similar to x
> ##D matrix2dataFrame(m)
> ##D 
> ##D 
> ##D # Get stratified weighted means
> ##D g <- function(y) wtd.mean(y[,1],y[,2])
> ##D summarize(cbind(y, wts), llist(sex,race), g,'y')
> ##D mApply(cbind(y,wts), llist(sex,race), g)
> ##D 
> ##D # Compare speed of mApply vs. by for computing 
> ##D d <- data.frame(sex=sample(c('female','male'),100000,TRUE),
> ##D                 country=sample(letters,100000,TRUE),
> ##D                 y1=runif(100000), y2=runif(100000))
> ##D g <- function(x) {
> ##D   y <- c(median(x[,'y1']-x[,'y2']),
> ##D          med.sum =median(x[,'y1']+x[,'y2']))
> ##D   names(y) <- c('med.diff','med.sum')
> ##D   y
> ##D }
> ##D 
> ##D system.time(by(d, llist(sex=d$sex,country=d$country), g))
> ##D system.time({
> ##D              x <- asNumericMatrix(d)
> ##D              a <- subsAttr(d)
> ##D              m <- mApply(x, llist(sex=d$sex,country=d$country), g)
> ##D             })
> ##D system.time({
> ##D              x <- asNumericMatrix(d)
> ##D              summarize(x, llist(sex=d$sex, country=d$country), g)
> ##D             })
> ##D 
> ##D # An example where each subject has one record per diagnosis but sex of
> ##D # subject is duplicated for all the rows a subject has.  Get the cross-
> ##D # classified frequencies of diagnosis (dx) by sex and plot the results
> ##D # with a dot plot
> ##D 
> ##D count <- rep(1,length(dx))
> ##D d <- summarize(count, llist(dx,sex), sum)
> ##D Dotplot(dx ~ count | sex, data=d)
> ## End(Not run)
> d <- list(x=1:10, a=factor(rep(c('a','b'),5)),
+           b=structure(letters[1:10], label='label for a'))
> x <- asNumericMatrix(d)
> attr(x, 'origAttributes')

[1] "a" "b"

[1] "factor"


[1] "label for a"

 [1] "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j"

[1] "factor"

[1] TRUE

> matrix2dataFrame(x)
    x a  b
1   1 a  1
2   2 b  2
3   3 a  3
4   4 b  4
5   5 a  5
6   6 b  6
7   7 a  7
8   8 b  8
9   9 a  9
10 10 b 10
> detach('dfr')
> # Run summarize on a matrix to get column means
> x <- c(1:19,NA)
> y <- 101:120
> z <- cbind(x, y)
> g <- c(rep(1, 10), rep(2, 10))
> summarize(z, g, colMeans, na.rm=TRUE,'x')
  g    x     y
1 1  5.5 105.5
2 2 15.0 115.5
> # Also works on an all numeric data frame
> summarize(, g, colMeans, na.rm=TRUE,'x')
  g    x     y
1 1  5.5 105.5
2 2 15.0 115.5
null device 