Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Sample from a (log)density using hybrid Monte Carlo
hybridMCR Documentation

Sample from a (log)density using hybrid Monte Carlo


hybridMC() samples from a (log) joint density function defined up to a proportionality constant. It uses the multipoint hybrid Monte Carlo methods described by Liu (2001). The function supports a full range of tweaking options to minimize autocorrlation.


hybridMC(y.start, n.samp=1, logDens, dLogDens, epsilon, LFsteps, compWeights=NULL, MPwidth=1, MPweights=NULL, progress=0 ,...)



A vector of starting values


The number of samples to draw. Each previous value is used as the starting value for the next sample


The log-density function (up to an additive constant) from which you would like to sample. logDens must return a single value


The function giving the derivative of the log-density function with respect to each variable. dLogDens must return a vector of the same length as y.start


Either a single positive value giving the size of the time simulation steps, or a vector of length 2 giving the lower and upper bounds of the interval from which epsilon is uniformly sampled


An integer giving the number of leapfrog simulation steps to do


The “masses” of the dimensions. Must be either a single numeric value or a vector of the same length as y.start


The (integer) size of the multipoint window. The default is 1, meaning no multipoint MPwidth must be less than or equal to LFsteps.


A vector of length MPwidth of constants, used to weight the proposal values within the multipoint window. If only a single value is passed, the values are weighted evenly


An integer giving the number of samples between updates to a text progress bar. If progress=0, no progress bar is displayed


Arguments to pass to logDens and dLogDens


The density should have support of the whole real line for every dimension. The quality of the samples can be improved by tweaking epsilon, LFsteps, MPwidth, and to to a lesser extent, compWeights and MPweights.

If you use the progress bar, keep in mind that updating the progress bar takes a little time. Too many updates will slow down your sampling, so pick a reasonable value for progress.


hybridMC() returns an object of type mcmc (from the coda package). Each row is a sample from the joint density.


Richard D. Morey


Liu (2001) "Monte Carlo strategies in scientific computing"


#### Example 1: Jointly sample from two independent double exponentials

## log density function for double exponential
L = function(x)

dL = function(x)

samples = hybridMC(y.start=startVal, n.samp=5000, logDens=L, dLogDens=dL, epsilon=.2, LFsteps=10)

# Plot the MCMC chains and densities

# Plot a histogram of the first variable, with true density
x = seq(-5,5,len=100)
lines(x,.5*dexp(abs(x)),col="red") #true density in red

# Autocorrelation function


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> library(HybridMC)
Loading required package: coda
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/HybridMC/hybridMC.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: hybridMC
> ### Title: Sample from a (log)density using hybrid Monte Carlo
> ### Aliases: hybridMC
> ### Keywords: distribution multivariate misc
> ### ** Examples
> #### Example 1: Jointly sample from two independent double exponentials
> ## log density function for double exponential
> L = function(x)
+ -sum(abs(x))
> dL = function(x)
+ -sign(x)
> startVal=c(-1,1)
> samples = hybridMC(y.start=startVal, n.samp=5000, logDens=L, dLogDens=dL, epsilon=.2, LFsteps=10)
> # Plot the MCMC chains and densities
> plot(samples)
> # Plot a histogram of the first variable, with true density
> hist(samples[,1],freq=FALSE,breaks=50)
> x = seq(-5,5,len=100)
> lines(x,.5*dexp(abs(x)),col="red") #true density in red
> # Autocorrelation function
> acf(samples)
null device 