Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: TrainIBHM
TrainIBHMR Documentation



Trains an IBHM model using training data with input variables x and a single output variable y.


TrainIBHM(x, y, config = ConfigureIBHM())



Training data input variables. Should be convertible to a matrix with each row corresponding to a single data point.


Training data output variable. Should be convertible to a matrix with a single column and the number of rows equal to the number of rows of x.


A configuration object created using ConfigureIBHM. Contains settings such as the stop criterion, optimization method parameters etc.


The created model which is an object of class "IBHM".


Zawistowski, P. and Arabas, J.: "Benchmarking IBHM method using NN3 competition dataset." In Proc. 6th int. conf. on Hybrid artificial intelligent systems - Vol. 1, HAIS'11, pp 263–270, 2011. Springer-Verlag.

See Also



  # Training data
  x <- seq(-3,3,length.out=400)
  y <- tanh(x)
  # A held out validation set for the stop criterion
  x.val <- runif(50,min=-6,max=6)
  y.val <- tanh(x.val)
  # Training the model using the validation set to prevent overfitting
  m <- TrainIBHM(x,y, 
            ConfigureIBHM(stop.criterion = ValidationSC(x.val, y.val))


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(IBHM)
Loading required package: compiler
Loading required package: DEoptim

DEoptim package
Differential Evolution algorithm in R
Authors: D. Ardia, K. Mullen, B. Peterson and J. Ulrich

Loading required package: cmaes
Loading required package: Rcpp
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/IBHM/TrainIBHM.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: TrainIBHM
> ### Title: TrainIBHM
> ### Aliases: TrainIBHM
> ### Keywords: ~models ~regression ~nonlinear
> ### ** Examples
>   # Training data
>   x <- seq(-3,3,length.out=400)
>   y <- tanh(x)
>   # A held out validation set for the stop criterion
>   x.val <- runif(50,min=-6,max=6)
>   y.val <- tanh(x.val)
>   # Training the model using the validation set to prevent overfitting
>   m <- TrainIBHM(x,y, 
+             ConfigureIBHM(stop.criterion = ValidationSC(x.val, y.val))
+        )
Note: no visible binding for global variable '.refClassDef' 
Note: no visible binding for global variable '.refClassDef' 
Note: no visible binding for global variable '.pointer' 
Note: no visible binding for global variable '.pointer' 
Note: no visible binding for global variable '.pointer' 
>   summary(m)
Model equation:  1.00e+00  -2.00e+00 logsig  ( 2.73e+00 * (x,[ 9.48e-01 7.32e-01 ]) + -2.59e+00 )  
 Model size:  1 

 Train set dim:  1  Train set size:  400 
 MSE:   3.754636e-14  Std. dev: 
 RMSE:  1.937688e-07 
 Pearson correlation coefficient:  1 
>   plot(y.val,predict(m,x.val),asp=1)
null device 
Note: no visible binding for global variable '.pointer'