Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Calculate the N individuals/groups required to estimate the...
NestR Documentation

Calculate the N individuals/groups required to estimate the ICC with a desired confidence interval


Given a predicted ICC and k measures per individual/group, this function will calculate the N individuals/groups required to obtain a desired confidence interval w(according to Bonett, 2002).


Nest(est.type = c("hypothetical", "pilot"), w, ICC = NULL, k = NULL,
x = NULL, y = NULL, data = NULL, alpha = 0.05)



character string of either "hypothetical" indicating usage of the given values of k and ICC or if "pilot" is specified then to calculate these from the dataset provided. Just the first letter may be used


desired width of the confidence interval about the ICC estimate


expected intraclass correlation coefficient


number of measurements per individual or group


column name of data indicating the individual or group ID from a pilot study


column name of data indicating the measurements from a pilot study


a data.frame from a pilot experiment


the alpha level to use when estimating the confidence interval


More than one ICC or k may be given. In this case, the return value is a dataframe with rows representing the values of the specified ICCs and the columns yield the different k values.


data.frame indicating the N number of individuals or groups to use to estimate the given ICC with a desired confidence interval width. Rows represent different levels of ICC while columns indicate different levels of k measurements per individual/group.


Matthew Wolak


D.G. Bonett. 2002. Statistics in Medicine, 21(9): 1331-1335.

M.E. Wolak, D.J. Fairbairn, Y.R. Paulsen. 2011. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

See Also



#Example 1
  n1<-Nest("h", w = 0.14, ICC = 0.1, k = 10)

#Example 2
  Nest("p", w = 0.14, x = Chick, y = weight, data = ChickWeight)
  ex2 <- ICCest(Chick, weight, ChickWeight)
  ex2$UpperCI - ex2$LowerCI #confidence interval width of pilot study

#Example 3
  Nest("h", w = 0.14, ICC = seq(0.05, 0.15, 0.05), k = seq(10, 12, 1))


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> library(ICC)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/ICC/Nest.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: Nest
> ### Title: Calculate the N individuals/groups required to estimate the ICC
> ###   with a desired confidence interval
> ### Aliases: Nest
> ### ** Examples
> #Example 1
>   n1<-Nest("h", w = 0.14, ICC = 0.1, k = 10)
>   n1
0.1 52
> #Example 2
>   data(ChickWeight)
>   Nest("p", w = 0.14, x = Chick, y = weight, data = ChickWeight)
[1] 48
>   ex2 <- ICCest(Chick, weight, ChickWeight)
>   ex2$UpperCI - ex2$LowerCI #confidence interval width of pilot study
[1] 0.1414002
>   ex2
[1] 0.1077609

[1] 0.05215607

[1] 0.1935563

[1] 50

[1] 11.55519

[1] 4516.005

[1] 545.4238

> #Example 3
>   Nest("h", w = 0.14, ICC = seq(0.05, 0.15, 0.05), k = seq(10, 12, 1))
     10 11 12
0.05 35 30 27
0.1  52 48 44
0.15 71 66 62
null device 