Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Interval-Censored Kernel Density Estimation
ickdeR Documentation

Interval-Censored Kernel Density Estimation


Iterated conditional expectation kernel density estimation using a local constant. The bandwidth is assumed fixed. (See the example for a way to get a quick ballpark estimate of the bandwidth.) The gaussian, epanechnikov and biweight kernels can be used. Note that the bandwidth estimate would have to be adjusted before using with epanechnikov or biweight.


ickde(I, h, f, m, n.iterations = 10, x1, xm, right.limit = 10000,kernel="gaussian", old=TRUE)



A matrix with two columns, consisting of left and right endpoints of the interval data


A scalar bandwidth


An initial estimate of the density at a sequence of grid points (optional; if this is used, do not specify m)


The number of (equally-spaced) grid points at which the density is to be estimated


The maximum number of iterations allowed


The left-most grid point (optional)


The right-most grid point (optional)


For right-censored data, the value to be used as an artificial right endpoint for the intervals


character argument indicated choice of kernel; current choices are "gaussian", "epanechnikov", "biweight"


logical value, indicating whether denominators in conditional expectation calculation should use the previous value of the density estimate.


An object of class IC


W.J. Braun


Braun, J., Duchesne, T. and Stafford, J.E. (2005) Local likelihood density estimation for interval censored data. Canadian Journal of Statistics 33: 39-60.


 tmp <- apply(ICHemophiliac, 1, mean)
 h <- try(dpik(tmp), silent=T) # dpik() will work if KernSmooth is loaded
 if (class(h) !="numeric" ) h <- .9  # this makes the example work 
                       # if KernSmooth is not loaded
 estimate <- ickde(ICHemophiliac, m=200, h=h)
 plot(estimate, type="l")


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> library(ICE)
Loading required package: KernSmooth
KernSmooth 2.23 loaded
Copyright M. P. Wand 1997-2009
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/ICE/ickde.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: ickde
> ### Title: Interval-Censored Kernel Density Estimation
> ### Aliases: ickde
> ### Keywords: models
> ### ** Examples
>  tmp <- apply(ICHemophiliac, 1, mean)
>  h <- try(dpik(tmp), silent=T) # dpik() will work if KernSmooth is loaded
>  if (class(h) !="numeric" ) h <- .9  # this makes the example work 
>                        # if KernSmooth is not loaded
>  estimate <- ickde(ICHemophiliac, m=200, h=h)
>  plot(estimate, type="l")
null device 