Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Zooming in and out in a 2d-Plot
zoomR Documentation

Zooming in and out in a 2d-Plot


Function to zoom in and out by mouse click in a 2D-plot.


zoom(fun = plot, zoom.col = "red", delay = 3, ...)



2D-plotting function


Color of clicked points


Number of sec during which the 2 zooming points are shown on the plot before zooming


Arguments to plotting function


When the clicked points lay within the plot region range, the points define the new plotting limits. When the clicked points lay in the margin, the plotting limits will be moved into the corresponding direction by 1/3 out of the actual range. There is no special sequential order for the zooming points required. The zooming function is stopped by right clicking and choosing the menu item "stop".


No value returned.


Rene Locher


i <- 1:100
y <- i*sin(i*(pi/16))
y <- c(rev(y),y)

## Not run:
zoom(fun=plot, zoom.col="red", x=1:200, y=y, type="l", xlab="index")
## End( Not run)


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> library(IDPmisc)
Loading required package: grid
Loading required package: lattice
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/IDPmisc/zoom.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: zoom
> ### Title: Zooming in and out in a 2d-Plot
> ### Aliases: zoom
> ### Keywords: iplot dynamic
> ### ** Examples
> i <- 1:100
> y <- i*sin(i*(pi/16))
> y <- c(rev(y),y)
> ## Not run:
> zoom(fun=plot, zoom.col="red", x=1:200, y=y, type="l", xlab="index")
Click mouse at corners of zoom area.
Right click to stop zooming

> ## End( Not run)
null device 