Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Incremental Mixture Importance Sampling
IMISR Documentation

Incremental Mixture Importance Sampling


IMIS algorithm draws samples from the posterior distribution of multivariate variable. The user has to define the following R functions in advance: prior(x) calculates prior density of x, likelihood(x) calculates the likelihood of x, and sample.prior(n) draws n samples from the prior distribution. For multivariate x, the prior or the likelihood of a vector should be a scalar, and the prior or the likelihood of a matrix should be a vector.


IMIS(B,, number_k, D)



The incremental sample size at each iteration of IMIS.

The desired posterior sample size at the resample stage.


The maximum number of iterations in IMIS.


The number of optimizers which could be 0.



The posterior resamples


Diagnostic statistics at each IMIS iteration: Marginal likelihood (1st col), Expected number of unique points among the posterior resamples (2nd col), Maximum importance weight (3rd col), Effective sample size (4th col), Entropy of importance weights relative to the uniform distribution (5th col), Rescaled variance of importance weights (6th col).


The centers of Gaussian components


Adrian Raftery and Le Bao <>


Raftery A.E. and Bao L. (2010) "Estimating and projecting trends in HIV/AIDS generalized epidemics using incremental mixture importance sampling." Biometrics.


## Example for multivariate case
likelihood <- function(theta)	dmvnorm(theta, c(1,1), matrix(c(1,0.6,0.6,1),2,2))
prior <- function(theta)	dmvnorm(theta, c(0,0), diag(3,2))
sample.prior <- function(n)	rmvnorm(n, c(0,0), diag(3,2))
result = IMIS(500, 3000, 100, 10)
x1 = x2 = seq(-2, 4, by=0.1)
z = matrix(NA,length(x1),length(x2))
for (i in 1:length(x1))
	for (j in 1:length(x2))
		z[i,j] = likelihood(c(x1[i],x2[j])) * prior(c(x1[i],x2[j]))
contour(x1, x2, z, drawlabels=FALSE, pty="s")
points(result$resample[,1], result$resample[,2], cex=0.1)

## Example for univariate case
likelihood <- function(theta)	exp(-1*sin(3*theta)*sin(theta^2) - 0.1*theta^2)
prior <- function(theta)	dnorm(theta, 0, 5)
sample.prior <- function(n)	rnorm(n, 0, 5)
result = IMIS(500, 3000, 100, 10)
plot(density(result$resample, adjust=0.3), xlim=c(-5,5), main = "wild function")
x = seq(-5, 5, 0.001)
lines(prior(x)*likelihood(x)~x, xlim=c(-5,5), col="red")


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> library(IMIS)
Loading required package: mvtnorm
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/IMIS/IMIS.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: IMIS
> ### Title: Incremental Mixture Importance Sampling
> ### Aliases: IMIS
> ### ** Examples
> ## Example for multivariate case
> likelihood <- function(theta)	dmvnorm(theta, c(1,1), matrix(c(1,0.6,0.6,1),2,2))
> prior <- function(theta)	dmvnorm(theta, c(0,0), diag(3,2))
> sample.prior <- function(n)	rmvnorm(n, c(0,0), diag(3,2))
> result = IMIS(500, 3000, 100, 10)
[1] "5000 likelihoods are evaluated in 0 minutes"
[1] "Stage   MargLike   UniquePoint   MaxWeight   ESS"
[1]    1.000   -3.426 1446.263    0.001 1509.554
[1] "maximum posterior= -4.77 , likelihood= -1.69 , prior= -3.08 , time used= 0 minutes, convergence= 0"
[1] "maximum posterior= -4.77 , likelihood= -1.69 , prior= -3.08 , time used= 0 minutes, convergence= 0"
[1] "maximum posterior= -4.77 , likelihood= -1.69 , prior= -3.08 , time used= 0 minutes, convergence= 0"
[1] "maximum posterior= -4.77 , likelihood= -1.69 , prior= -3.08 , time used= 0 minutes, convergence= 0"
[1] "maximum posterior= -4.77 , likelihood= -1.69 , prior= -3.08 , time used= 0 minutes, convergence= 0"
[1] "maximum posterior= -4.77 , likelihood= -1.69 , prior= -3.08 , time used= 0 minutes, convergence= 0"
[1] "maximum posterior= -4.77 , likelihood= -1.69 , prior= -3.08 , time used= 0 minutes, convergence= 0"
[1] "maximum posterior= -4.77 , likelihood= -1.69 , prior= -3.08 , time used= 0 minutes, convergence= 0"
[1] "maximum posterior= -4.77 , likelihood= -1.69 , prior= -3.08 , time used= 0 minutes, convergence= 0"
[1] "maximum posterior= -4.77 , likelihood= -1.69 , prior= -3.08 , time used= 0 minutes, convergence= 0"
[1]    2.000   -3.430 2448.009    0.000 7058.853
> x1 = x2 = seq(-2, 4, by=0.1)
> z = matrix(NA,length(x1),length(x2))
> for (i in 1:length(x1))
+ 	for (j in 1:length(x2))
+ 		z[i,j] = likelihood(c(x1[i],x2[j])) * prior(c(x1[i],x2[j]))
> contour(x1, x2, z, drawlabels=FALSE, pty="s")
> points(result$resample[,1], result$resample[,2], cex=0.1)
> ## Example for univariate case
> likelihood <- function(theta)	exp(-1*sin(3*theta)*sin(theta^2) - 0.1*theta^2)
> prior <- function(theta)	dnorm(theta, 0, 5)
> sample.prior <- function(n)	rnorm(n, 0, 5)
> result = IMIS(500, 3000, 100, 10)
[1] "5000 likelihoods are evaluated in 0 minutes"
[1] "Stage   MargLike   UniquePoint   MaxWeight   ESS"
[1]    1.000   -0.840 1783.181    0.001 2382.389
[1] "maximum posterior= -1.96 , likelihood= 0.61 , prior= -2.57 , time used= 0 minutes, convergence= 0"
[1] "maximum posterior= -2.18 , likelihood= 0.36 , prior= -2.54 , time used= 0 minutes, convergence= 0"
[1] "maximum posterior= -2.55 , likelihood= 0.13 , prior= -2.68 , time used= 0 minutes, convergence= 0"
[1] "maximum posterior= -2.18 , likelihood= 0.36 , prior= -2.54 , time used= 0 minutes, convergence= 0"
[1] "maximum posterior= -2.68 , likelihood= -0.04 , prior= -2.63 , time used= 0 minutes, convergence= 0"
[1] "maximum posterior= -3.24 , likelihood= -0.43 , prior= -2.81 , time used= 0 minutes, convergence= 0"
[1] "maximum posterior= -2.53 , likelihood= 0 , prior= -2.53 , time used= 0 minutes, convergence= 0"
[1] "maximum posterior= -5.48 , likelihood= -2.3 , prior= -3.19 , time used= 0 minutes, convergence= 0"
[1] "maximum posterior= -5.47 , likelihood= -2.35 , prior= -3.13 , time used= 0 minutes, convergence= 0"
[1] "maximum posterior= -10.1 , likelihood= -6.23 , prior= -3.87 , time used= 0 minutes, convergence= 0"
[1]    2.000   -0.823 2338.445    0.000 5577.408
> plot(density(result$resample, adjust=0.3), xlim=c(-5,5), main = "wild function")
> x = seq(-5, 5, 0.001)
> lines(prior(x)*likelihood(x)~x, xlim=c(-5,5), col="red")
null device 