Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Adds probability density functions of density function of...
addPdfGrowthPicR Documentation

Adds probability density functions of density function of size or increment given current size and growth to plots.


Function generates pdfs (probability density functions) corresponding to chosen sizes and adds them to a figure using growth methods.


addPdfGrowthPic(respType = "sizeNext", sizesPlotAt = c(20, 50, 60),
                            sizeRange = c(20, 400), incrRange = c(-10, 50), 
                            scalar = 100, growthObjList,
                            cols = 1:5,
                            cov = data.frame(covariate=1),
                            minShow = 1e-2,
                            jitt = 2,  



character string identifying the response variable for the growthModelComp. wither "sizeNext", "logincr" or "incr". Defaults to sizeNext.


vector, list of sizes at which pdfs should be plotted.


sizeRange for which pdf should be estimated


increment range for which pdf should be estimated


value by which pdf may be multiplied to improve visibility


list of growth objects for which pdfs are desired to be plotted


colours corresponding to the list of growth objects for plotting


a data-frame with one row containing all covariates other than size related covariates; defaults to 1; will be ignored if no covariates are fitted


minimum value below which pdf lines will not be shown (to avoid ugly vertical lines)


amount by which sequential pdfs should be separated on the x axis, for visibility


extra arguments to pass to the plot function.




C. Jessica E. Metcalf, Sean M. McMahon, Roberto Salguero-Gomez, Eelke Jongejans & Cory Merow.

See Also

makeGrowthObj,makeSurvObj,plotGrowthModelComp, plotSurvModelComp


# Data with size and sizeNext
dff <- generateData()

a1 <- growthModelComp(dff, makePlot = TRUE)
addPdfGrowthPic(respType = "sizeNext", 
	sizesPlotAt = c(2, 6, 10), scalar = 1, jitt = 0.1, 
		sizeRange = c(-5, 25), 
			growthObjList = a1$growthObjects, cols = 2:5)


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> library(IPMpack)
Loading required package: Matrix
Loading required package: MASS
Loading required package: nlme
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/IPMpack/addPdfGrowthPic.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: addPdfGrowthPic
> ### Title: Adds probability density functions of density function of size
> ###   or increment given current size and growth to plots.
> ### Aliases: addPdfGrowthPic
> ### ** Examples
> # Data with size and sizeNext
> dff <- generateData()
> a1 <- growthModelComp(dff, makePlot = TRUE)
> addPdfGrowthPic(respType = "sizeNext", 
+ 	sizesPlotAt = c(2, 6, 10), scalar = 1, jitt = 0.1, 
+ 		sizeRange = c(-5, 25), 
+ 			growthObjList = a1$growthObjects, cols = 2:5)
Warning message:
In log(incr) : NaNs produced
null device 