Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Estimates growth probabilities.
growthR Documentation

Estimates growth probabilities.


Generic function to predict the pdf (probability density function) of continuous (e.g. size) stage at t+1 given stage at t and a growth object.


growth(size, sizeNext, cov, growthObj)



vector of current sizes.


vector of sizes in the next time-step.


a data-frame with one row containing all covariates for this time-step.


a growth object.


Models defining continuous (size) stage at t+1, or growth increment, or log growth increment are defined; with various underlying statistical models allowing decreasing variance in size, etc.


a vector of length sizeNext giving the pdf (probability density function) of each value of sizeNext.


C. Jessica E. Metcalf, Sean M. McMahon, Roberto Salguero-Gomez, Eelke Jongejans & Cory Merow.


Easterling, Ellner & Dixon. 2000. Size-specific sensitivity: a new structured population model. Ecology 81, p694-708.

See Also

surv, growSurv


dff <- generateData()
gr1 <- makeGrowthObj(dff)
sizeRange <- c(1:20)
sizeInit <- 1
growth(sizeInit, sizeRange, data.frame(cov=1), gr1)
plot(growth(sizeInit, sizeRange, data.frame(cov=1), gr1), type="l", 
	col = "dark gray", xlab = "Continuous (e.g. size) stage at time t+1", 
	ylab = paste("Probability of growth to a specific size in t+1 from size ", 
			sizeInit, " at time t"))


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> library(IPMpack)
Loading required package: Matrix
Loading required package: MASS
Loading required package: nlme
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/IPMpack/growth.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: growth
> ### Title: Estimates growth probabilities.
> ### Aliases: growth
> ### ** Examples
> dff <- generateData()
> gr1 <- makeGrowthObj(dff)
> sizeRange <- c(1:20)
> sizeInit <- 1
> growth(sizeInit, sizeRange, data.frame(cov=1), gr1)
 [1] 3.685982e-01 2.727676e-01 8.442867e-02 1.093061e-02 5.919113e-04
 [6] 1.340683e-05 1.270145e-07 5.033126e-10 8.342186e-13 5.783349e-16
[11] 1.677013e-19 2.034000e-23 1.031865e-27 2.189538e-32 1.943299e-37
[16] 7.214132e-43 1.120176e-48 7.275211e-55 1.976344e-61 2.245624e-68
> plot(growth(sizeInit, sizeRange, data.frame(cov=1), gr1), type="l", 
+ 	col = "dark gray", xlab = "Continuous (e.g. size) stage at time t+1", 
+ 	ylab = paste("Probability of growth to a specific size in t+1 from size ", 
+ 			sizeInit, " at time t"))
null device 