Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Compares growth and survival objects built from different...
growthModelCompR Documentation

Compares growth and survival objects built from different covariate sets.


Function compares model fits for growth and survival objects built with different linear combinations of covariates (plotting currently restricted to transforms of size; but comparison can include any chosen covariates). Growth can have multiple response forms. Returns a list containing a summary table of covariates and scores, and another list containing all of the growth (or survival) objects used in the comparison.


    expVars = c(sizeNext~1,  sizeNext~size, sizeNext~size + size2), 
	regressionType = "constantVar",  testType = "AIC", 
		makePlot = FALSE, mainTitle = "", plotLegend = TRUE, 
		  legendPos = "topright",...)
survModelComp(dataf, expVars = c(surv~1,  surv~size, surv~size + size2), 
    testType = "AIC", 
	makePlot = FALSE, mainTitle = "",ncuts=20, plotLegend = TRUE, 
	   legendPos = "bottomleft", ...)



dataframe with columns size, surv, and the growth response variable of choice


list of Formulas. Defaults to c(sizeNext~1, sizeNext~size, sizeNext~size + size2).


character string identifying whether the type of regression run will have constant or changing variance (for growthModelComp. Defaults to constantVar.


character string identifying the metric used to compare models. Can be any string that uses loglike from the lm or glm object. For example "AIC" or "BIC". Defaults to "AIC".


logical whether to make plots with the comparison building. Defaults to FALSE.


string to place as the main attribute in plots (if makePlot = TRUE. defaults to NULL.


for survModelComp, number of cuts in the data-set to be used in plotting


logical whether to plot a legend. Defaults to FALSE.


places legend. Defaults to "topright".


additional arguments for plotting (ylim, col, etc)


Both growthModelComp and survModelComp use a dataframe that has variables size and sizeNext to build a series of nested models. The default will build growth or survival objects with an intercept, an intercept and size, an an intercept with size and size^2 terms.

The models build use only lm or glm (and not mcmcGLMM for example) to estimate maximum likelihood estimates of functions. The testType (default "AIC" uses the loglike output from the lm or glm objects to score the model.

Plotting calls the functions plotGrowthModelComp or plotSurvModelComp to plot the objects. These functions can also be called after building the model comparison lists that are returned. If called outside of the initial building functions, they need to receive the GrowthObjects or SurvObjects list in the outputList from the build function. See plotGrowthModelComp and plotSurvModelComp for more details.


a list with a summary table of class dataframe with models and scores and list of containing the objects of class grObj and survObj for each model.


C. Jessica E. Metcalf, Sean M. McMahon, Roberto Salguero-Gomez, Eelke Jongejans & Cory Merow.

See Also

makeGrowthObj,makeSurvObj,plotGrowthModelComp, plotSurvModelComp


# Data with size and sizeNext
dff <- generateData()

growthModelComp(dff, makePlot = TRUE)
survModelComp(dff, makePlot = TRUE)

growthModelComp(dff, makePlot = TRUE, regressionType = "changingVar")


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> library(IPMpack)
Loading required package: Matrix
Loading required package: MASS
Loading required package: nlme
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/IPMpack/growthModelComp.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: growthModelComp
> ### Title: Compares growth and survival objects built from different
> ###   covariate sets.
> ### Aliases: growthModelComp survModelComp
> ### ** Examples
> # Data with size and sizeNext
> dff <- generateData()
> growthModelComp(dff, makePlot = TRUE)
                Exp. Vars   Reg. Type              AIC
1            sizeNext ~ 1 constantVar 1736.07099268502
2         sizeNext ~ size constantVar 1305.57055956641
3 sizeNext ~ size + size2 constantVar 1307.02981641614

An object of class "growthObj"
Slot "fit":

lm(formula = Formula, data = dataf)


Slot "sd":
[1] 1.806852

An object of class "growthObj"
Slot "fit":

lm(formula = Formula, data = dataf)

(Intercept)         size  
     0.4147       0.7736  

Slot "sd":
[1] 1.095279

An object of class "growthObj"
Slot "fit":

lm(formula = Formula, data = dataf)

(Intercept)         size        size2  
   0.217786     0.859680    -0.008221  

Slot "sd":
[1] 1.095871

> survModelComp(dff, makePlot = TRUE)
            Exp. Vars              AIC
1            surv ~ 1 1251.96159540888
2         surv ~ size 1230.52157474617
3 surv ~ size + size2 1230.63374083071

An object of class "survObj"
Slot "fit":

Call:  glm(formula = Formula, family = binomial, data = dataf)


Degrees of Freedom: 902 Total (i.e. Null);  902 Residual
Null Deviance:	    1250 
Residual Deviance: 1250 	AIC: 1252

An object of class "survObj"
Slot "fit":

Call:  glm(formula = Formula, family = binomial, data = dataf)

(Intercept)         size  
    -0.9472       0.1692  

Degrees of Freedom: 902 Total (i.e. Null);  901 Residual
Null Deviance:	    1250 
Residual Deviance: 1227 	AIC: 1231

An object of class "survObj"
Slot "fit":

Call:  glm(formula = Formula, family = binomial, data = dataf)

(Intercept)         size        size2  
   -1.37001      0.36090     -0.01875  

Degrees of Freedom: 902 Total (i.e. Null);  900 Residual
Null Deviance:	    1250 
Residual Deviance: 1225 	AIC: 1231

> growthModelComp(dff, makePlot = TRUE, regressionType = "changingVar")
                Exp. Vars   Reg. Type              AIC
1            sizeNext ~ 1 changingVar 1741.11721358293
2         sizeNext ~ size changingVar  1315.7559642297
3 sizeNext ~ size + size2 changingVar 1324.03945205101

An object of class "growthObjDeclineVar"
Slot "fit":

[1] 3.264714

[1] 0

Generalized least squares fit by REML
  Model: Formula 
  Data: dataf 
  Log-restricted-likelihood: -867.5586


Variance function:
 Structure: Exponential of variance covariate
 Formula: ~fitted(.) 
 Parameter estimates:
Degrees of freedom: 431 total; 430 residual
Residual standard error: 1.806852 

An object of class "growthObjDeclineVar"
Slot "fit":
(Intercept)        size 
  0.4273720   0.7712547 

[1] 1.509199

[1] -0.02539906

Generalized least squares fit by REML
  Model: Formula 
  Data: dataf 
  Log-restricted-likelihood: -653.878

(Intercept)        size 
  0.4273720   0.7712547 

Variance function:
 Structure: Exponential of variance covariate
 Formula: ~fitted(.) 
 Parameter estimates:
Degrees of freedom: 431 total; 429 residual
Residual standard error: 1.228494 

An object of class "growthObjDeclineVar"
Slot "fit":
(Intercept)        size       size2 
 0.16113954  0.88370793 -0.01046486 

[1] 1.563399

[1] -0.02922123

Generalized least squares fit by REML
  Model: Formula 
  Data: dataf 
  Log-restricted-likelihood: -657.0197

(Intercept)        size       size2 
 0.16113954  0.88370793 -0.01046486 

Variance function:
 Structure: Exponential of variance covariate
 Formula: ~fitted(.) 
 Parameter estimates:
Degrees of freedom: 431 total; 428 residual
Residual standard error: 1.25036 

null device 