Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Builds C matrices.
makeIPMCmatrixR Documentation

Builds C matrices.


Uses clonality objects to construct a matrix defining per-capita contribution to clonal stages (e.g., propagules [seed, spore], seedlings, calves) by clonal reproduction. NOTE - old createIPMCmatrix is being deprecated; use makeIPMCmatrix instead.


makeIPMCmatrix(clonalObj, nEnvClass = 1, nBigMatrix = 50, minSize = -1, 
	maxSize = 50, chosenCov = data.frame(covariate=1), integrateType="midpoint", 
	correction="none",preCensus = TRUE, survObj = NULL, growObj = NULL, 



clonal reproduction object; currently essentially identical to a fecundity reproduction object


numeric, number of environmental classes, always = 1 for non-compound matrices.


numeric, number of size bins in the P matrix, defaults to 50.


numeric, minimum size of the P matrix, defaults to -1.


numeric, maximum size of the P matrix, defaults to 50.


data-frame indicating level of the discrete covariate, or range of values where multiple covariates are modeled.


integration type, defaults to "midpoint" (which uses probability density function); other option is "cumul" (which uses the cumulative density function)


correction type, defaults to none. The first option is constant which will multiply every column of the IPM by a constant sufficient to adjust values to those predicted for total fertility at that size. The second option is discretizeExtremes which will place all transitions to sizes smaller than minSize into the smallest bin, and transitions to sizes larger than maxSize into the largest bin.


logical (TRUE or FALSE), indicating whether the fecundity object should represent an interval between pre-breeding or a post-breeding censusses. defaults to TRUE (pre-breeding census), meaning that all reproduction and offspring rates required for the F matrix are embedded in fecObj. Alternatively, an F matrix based on post-breeding census (preCensus=FALSE) requires additional survObj and growObj, to cover the survival and growth of the parents until the reproduction event.


survival object, describing the survival of parents from a census until the reproduction event starts (at some point during the inter-census time step). If preCensus = FALSE but no survival object is provided, it is assumed that all individuals survive to the breeding event.


growth object, describing the growth of parents that survive until the reproduction event starts. Warning: this growth object is still ignored in makeIPMFmatrix in the current version of IPMpack. It will become functional in coming versions. So far it is assumed that at time of breeding the individuals have the same size as at the beginning of the time interval.


growth object, describing the size of offspring (this process may alternatively appear in fecObj).


an object of class IPMmatrix of dimensions nBigMatrix or nBigMatrix+nDiscrete classes (defined by clonalObj@offspringSplitter-1).


C. Jessica E. Metcalf, Sean M. McMahon, Roberto Salguero-Gomez, Eelke Jongejans & Cory Merow.


For information on C matrix: Caswell. 2001. Matrix population models: construction, analysis, and interpretation. 2nd ed. Sinauer. p110-112.

For midpoint: Zuidema, Jongejans, Chien, During & Schieving. Integral projection models for trees: a new parameterization method and a validation of model output. Journal of Ecology 98, p345-355.

For multiple-vital rate integration on fecundity: Yang, Jongejans, Yang & Bishop. 2011. The effect of consumers and mutualists of Vaccinum membranaceum at Mount St. Helens: dependence on successional context. PLoS One 10, p1-11.

See Also



# Data with only continuous stage and one habitat
dff <- generateData()
dff$fec[dff$fec==0] <- NA
cv1 <- makeClonalObj(dff, Formula = fec~size, Transform = "log")
Cmatrix <- makeIPMCmatrix(clonalObj = cv1, nBigMatrix = 20, 
	minSize = min(dff$size, na.rm = TRUE), maxSize = max(dff$size, na.rm = TRUE))

image(Cmatrix@meshpoints, Cmatrix@meshpoints, t(Cmatrix), 
	xlab = "Continuous (e.g. size) stage at t", 
		ylab = "Continous (e.g. size) stage at t+1")


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> library(IPMpack)
Loading required package: Matrix
Loading required package: MASS
Loading required package: nlme
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/IPMpack/makeIPMCmatrix.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: makeIPMCmatrix
> ### Title: Builds C matrices.
> ### Aliases: makeIPMCmatrix createIPMCmatrix
> ### ** Examples
> # Data with only continuous stage and one habitat
> dff <- generateData()
> dff$fec[dff$fec==0] <- NA
> cv1 <- makeClonalObj(dff, Formula = fec~size, Transform = "log")
> Cmatrix <- makeIPMCmatrix(clonalObj = cv1, nBigMatrix = 20, 
+ 	minSize = min(dff$size, na.rm = TRUE), maxSize = max(dff$size, na.rm = TRUE))
> image(Cmatrix@meshpoints, Cmatrix@meshpoints, t(Cmatrix), 
+ 	xlab = "Continuous (e.g. size) stage at t", 
+ 		ylab = "Continous (e.g. size) stage at t+1")
null device 