Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Calculates the mean life expectancy.
meanLifeExpectR Documentation

Calculates the mean life expectancy.


Provided a P matrix, which defines survival transitions across stages, this function outputs a vector defining life expectancy in units of the time step used (see convertIncrement()), for each of the size bins.





an IPMmatrix object defining survival transitions.


Note that more complex approaches for discretely varying environments (e.g., as in Tuljapurkar & Horvitz 2006.) have yet to be implemented.


A vector of life expectancies each corresponding to a value of the size bins defined by Pmatrix@meshpoints.


C. Jessica E. Metcalf, Sean M. McMahon, Roberto Salguero-Gomez, Eelke Jongejans & Cory Merow.


Caswell, 2001. Matrix population models: analysis, construction and interpretation. 2nd ed. Sinauer. p118-120.

Cochran & Ellner. 1992. Simple methods for calculating age-based life history parameters for stage-structured populations. Ecological Monographs 62, p345-364.

Tuljapurkar & Horvitz. 2006. From stage to age in variable environments. Life expectancy and survivorship. Ecology 87, p1497-1509.

See Also



# With a single continuous state variable (e.g. size):
dff <- generateData()
Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(minSize = min(dff$size, na.rm = TRUE),
maxSize = max(dff$size, na.rm = TRUE), growObj=makeGrowthObj(dff),
survObj = makeSurvObj(dff))

Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(minSize = min(dff$size, na.rm = TRUE),
maxSize = max(dff$size, na.rm = TRUE), growObj = makeGrowthObj(dff),
survObj = makeSurvObj(dff))

plot(meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix), ylab = "Mean life expectancy", 
xlab = "Continuous (e.g. size) stage", type = "l", col="dark gray", 
ylim = c(0,max(meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix))))

# With continuous (e.g. size) and discrete (e.g. seedbank) stages:
dff <- generateData(type="discrete")
dff$covariate <- sample(1:3, size = nrow(dff), replace = TRUE)
dff$covariateNext <- sample(1:3, size = nrow(dff), replace = TRUE)
discM <- makeDiscreteTrans(dff)
Pmatrix <- makeCompoundPmatrix(minSize = min(dff$size, na.rm = TRUE), 
maxSize = max(dff$size, na.rm = TRUE), envMatrix = makeEnvObj(dff),
growObj = makeGrowthObj(dff, Formula = sizeNext~size+size2+covariate),
survObj = makeSurvObj(dff, Formula = surv~size+size2+covariate), 
discreteTrans = discM)
mLE <- meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix)

# showing three environments on different panels, 
# life expectancy of discrete stages
# shown at level of the first size class

xvals <- c(rep(Pmatrix@meshpoints[1],ncol(discM@discreteTrans)-1),

for (k in 1:max(Pmatrix@env.index)) { 
	indx <- ((k-1)*(ncol(discM@discreteTrans)-1+length(Pmatrix@meshpoints))+1):
		ylab = "Mean life expectancy", 
		xlab = "Continuous (e.g. size) and discrete (e.g. seedbank) stages", 
		type = "l", col = "dark gray", ylim = c(0,max(mLE)), 
		main=paste("habitat ",k,sep=""))	


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> library(IPMpack)
Loading required package: Matrix
Loading required package: MASS
Loading required package: nlme
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/IPMpack/meanLifeExpect.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: meanLifeExpect
> ### Title: Calculates the mean life expectancy.
> ### Aliases: meanLifeExpect
> ### Keywords: ~kwd1
> ### ** Examples
> # With a single continuous state variable (e.g. size):
> dff <- generateData()
> Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(minSize = min(dff$size, na.rm = TRUE),
+ maxSize = max(dff$size, na.rm = TRUE), growObj=makeGrowthObj(dff),
+ survObj = makeSurvObj(dff))
> meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix)
 [1] 1.203116 1.235418 1.267384 1.298367 1.327964 1.356029 1.382649 1.408084
 [9] 1.432699 1.456901 1.481086 1.505610 1.530772 1.556815 1.583930 1.612271
[17] 1.641961 1.673104 1.705789 1.740096 1.776099 1.813862 1.853448 1.894913
[25] 1.938305 1.983670 2.031044 2.080457 2.131933 2.185487 2.241126 2.298846
[33] 2.358637 2.420478 2.484338 2.550177 2.617944 2.687576 2.758994 2.832103
[41] 2.906774 2.982825 3.059988 3.137844 3.215727 3.292596 3.366850 3.436144
[49] 3.497193 3.545671
> Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(minSize = min(dff$size, na.rm = TRUE),
+ maxSize = max(dff$size, na.rm = TRUE), growObj = makeGrowthObj(dff),
+ survObj = makeSurvObj(dff))
> plot(meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix), ylab = "Mean life expectancy", 
+ xlab = "Continuous (e.g. size) stage", type = "l", col="dark gray", 
+ ylim = c(0,max(meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix))))
> # With continuous (e.g. size) and discrete (e.g. seedbank) stages:
> dff <- generateData(type="discrete")
> dff$covariate <- sample(1:3, size = nrow(dff), replace = TRUE)
> dff$covariateNext <- sample(1:3, size = nrow(dff), replace = TRUE)
> discM <- makeDiscreteTrans(dff)
> Pmatrix <- makeCompoundPmatrix(minSize = min(dff$size, na.rm = TRUE), 
+ maxSize = max(dff$size, na.rm = TRUE), envMatrix = makeEnvObj(dff),
+ growObj = makeGrowthObj(dff, Formula = sizeNext~size+size2+covariate),
+ survObj = makeSurvObj(dff, Formula = surv~size+size2+covariate), 
+ discreteTrans = discM)
[1] "Dim of envMatrix not equal to nEnvClass. Adjusted to 3"
> mLE <- meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix)
> # showing three environments on different panels, 
> # life expectancy of discrete stages
> # shown at level of the first size class
> par(mfrow=c(max(Pmatrix@env.index),1))
> xvals <- c(rep(Pmatrix@meshpoints[1],ncol(discM@discreteTrans)-1),
+     Pmatrix@meshpoints)
> for (k in 1:max(Pmatrix@env.index)) { 
+ 	indx <- ((k-1)*(ncol(discM@discreteTrans)-1+length(Pmatrix@meshpoints))+1):
+ 		(k*(ncol(discM@discreteTrans)-1+length(Pmatrix@meshpoints)))
+ 	plot(xvals,mLE[indx], 
+ 		ylab = "Mean life expectancy", 
+ 		xlab = "Continuous (e.g. size) and discrete (e.g. seedbank) stages", 
+ 		type = "l", col = "dark gray", ylim = c(0,max(mLE)), 
+ 		main=paste("habitat ",k,sep=""))	
+ 	}
null device 