Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Predicts continuous (e.g. size) stage distribution in the...
predictFutureDistributionR Documentation

Predicts continuous (e.g. size) stage distribution in the future giving current population's stage distribution.


Function to project a population forwards using an IPM and a starting environment. The IPM may be structured by continuous (e.g. size) stage alone, or by continuous stage and environment.


predictFutureDistribution(startingSizes, IPM, n.time.steps, startingEnv = 1)



vector containing the sizes of the desired starting population.


an IPMmatrix object (P matrix if only interested in survival projections, P matrix+ F matrix otherwise).


a numeric defining the number of time steps for which projection is required.


vector defining the desired starting environment, of length one or length startingSizes; ignored if no environmental states are provided; otherwise if the length is less than startingSizes assumes all individuals start in the same environment, given by startingEnv[1].


Currently this does not accept IPMs with discrete stages (e.g. seedbank).


starting frequency distribution along meshpoints in IPMmatrix.

final frequency distribution.


C. Jessica E. Metcalf, Sean M. McMahon, Roberto Salguero-Gomez, Eelke Jongejans & Cory Merow.


# Define starting population of interest
startPop <- rnorm(1000,2,1)

# Build T and F matrix
dff <- generateData()
Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(minSize = 1.1*min(dff$size, na.rm = TRUE),
maxSize = 1.1*max(dff$size, na.rm = TRUE), growObj = makeGrowthObj(dff),
survObj = makeSurvObj(dff), correction = "constant")
Fmatrix <- makeIPMFmatrix(minSize = 1.1*min(dff$size, na.rm = TRUE),
maxSize = 1.1*max(dff$size, na.rm = TRUE), 
fecObj = makeFecObj(dff, fecConstants = data.frame(est=0.7), Transform="log"), 

# Make an IPMmatrix object containing P matrix + F matrix 
# by replacing the P matrix
IPM <- Pmatrix
IPM@.Data <- Pmatrix + Fmatrix

# Project population five steps
a5 <- predictFutureDistribution(startingSizes = startPop, IPM = IPM,
n.time.steps = 5, startingEnv = 1)


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> library(IPMpack)
Loading required package: Matrix
Loading required package: MASS
Loading required package: nlme
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/IPMpack/predictFutureDistribution.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: predictFutureDistribution
> ### Title: Predicts continuous (e.g. size) stage distribution in the future
> ###   giving current population's stage distribution.
> ### Aliases: predictFutureDistribution
> ### ** Examples
> # Define starting population of interest
> startPop <- rnorm(1000,2,1)
> # Build T and F matrix
> dff <- generateData()
> Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(minSize = 1.1*min(dff$size, na.rm = TRUE),
+ maxSize = 1.1*max(dff$size, na.rm = TRUE), growObj = makeGrowthObj(dff),
+ survObj = makeSurvObj(dff), correction = "constant")
> Fmatrix <- makeIPMFmatrix(minSize = 1.1*min(dff$size, na.rm = TRUE),
+ maxSize = 1.1*max(dff$size, na.rm = TRUE), 
+ fecObj = makeFecObj(dff, fecConstants = data.frame(est=0.7), Transform="log"), 
+ correction="constant")
> # Make an IPMmatrix object containing P matrix + F matrix 
> # by replacing the P matrix
> IPM <- Pmatrix
> IPM@.Data <- Pmatrix + Fmatrix
> # Project population five steps
> a5 <- predictFutureDistribution(startingSizes = startPop, IPM = IPM,
+ n.time.steps = 5, startingEnv = 1)
null device 