Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: plot grouped CSMF from a "insilico" object
stackplotR Documentation

plot grouped CSMF from a "insilico" object


Produce bar plot of the CSMFs for a fitted "insilico" object in broader groups.


stackplot(x, grouping = NULL, type = c("stack", "dodge")[1], = NULL, order.sub = NULL, err = TRUE, CI = 0.95,
  sample.size.print = FALSE, xlab = "Group", ylab = "CSMF", ylim = NULL,
  title = "CSMF by broader cause categories", horiz = FALSE, angle = 60,
  err_width = 0.4, err_size = 0.6, point_size = 2, border = "black",
  bw = FALSE, ...)



fitted "insilico" object


C by 2 matrix of grouping rule. If set to NULL, make it default.


type of the plot to make

list of grouped categories. If set to NULL, make it default.


Specification of the order of sub-populations to plot


indicator of inclusion of error bars


confidence interval for error bars.


Logical indicator for printing also the sample size for each sub-population labels.


Labels for the causes.


Labels for the CSMF values.


Range of y-axis.


Title of the plot.


Logical indicator indicating if the bars are plotted horizontally.


Angle of rotation for the texts on x axis when horiz is set to FALSE


Size of the error bars.


Thickness of the error bar lines.


Size of the points.


The color for the border of the bars.


Logical indicator for setting the theme of the plots to be black and white.


Not used.


Zehang Li, Tyler McCormick, Sam Clark

Maintainer: Zehang Li <>


Tyler H. McCormick, Zehang R. Li, Clara Calvert, Amelia C. Crampin, Kathleen Kahn and Samuel J. Clark Probabilistic cause-of-death assignment using verbal autopsies, arXiv preprint arXiv:1411.3042 (2014)

See Also

insilico, summary.insilico


  ## Scenario 1: without sub-population specification
  fit1<- insilico(RandomVA1, subpop = NULL,
                Nsim = 1000, burnin = 500, thin = 10 , seed = 1,
                auto.length = FALSE)
  # stack bar plot for grouped causes
  # the default grouping could be seen from
  stackplot(fit1, type = "dodge", xlab = "")

  ## Scenario 2: with sub-population specification
  fit2<- insilico(RandomVA2, subpop = list("sex"),
                Nsim = 1000, burnin = 500, thin = 10 , seed = 1,
                auto.length = FALSE)
  stackplot(fit2, type = "stack", angle = 0)
  stackplot(fit2, type = "dodge", angle = 0)
  # Change the default grouping by separating TB from HIV
  SampleCategory[c(3, 9), ]
  SampleCategory[3, 2] <- "HIV/AIDS"
  SampleCategory[9, 2] <- "TB"
  stackplot(fit2, type = "stack", grouping = SampleCategory,
            sample.size.print = TRUE, angle = 0)
  stackplot(fit2, type = "dodge", grouping = SampleCategory,
            sample.size.print = TRUE, angle = 0)

  # change the order of display for sub-population and cause groups
  groups <- c("HIV/AIDS", "TB", "Communicable", "NCD", "External",
              "Maternal", "causes specific to infancy")
  subpops <- c("Women", "Men")
  stackplot(fit2, type = "stack", grouping = SampleCategory,
   = groups, order.sub = subpops,
            sample.size.print = TRUE, angle = 0)


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> library(InSilicoVA)
Loading required package: rJava
Loading required package: coda
Loading required package: ggplot2

Please cite the 'InSilicoVA' package as:
Tyler H. McCormick, Zehang R. Li, Clara Calvert, Amelia C. Crampin, Kathleen Kahn and Samuel J. Clark (2014). Probabilistic cause-of-death assignment using verbal autopsies, Journal of the American Statistical Association, to appear

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/InSilicoVA/stackplot.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: stackplot
> ### Title: plot grouped CSMF from a "insilico" object
> ### Aliases: stackplot
> ### Keywords: InSilicoVA
> ### ** Examples
> ## No test: 
>   data(RandomVA1)
>   ##
>   ## Scenario 1: without sub-population specification
>   ##
>   fit1<- insilico(RandomVA1, subpop = NULL,
+                 Nsim = 1000, burnin = 500, thin = 10 , seed = 1,
+                 auto.length = FALSE)
Performing data consistency check...
Data check finished.
Warning: 58 symptom missing completely and added to missing list 
List of missing symptoms: 
 died_d1, died_d23, died_d36, died_w1, whoop, chest_in, eye_sunk, born_early, born_3437, born_38, ab_size, born_small, born_big, twin, comdel, cord, waters, move_lb, cyanosis, baby_br, born_nobr, cried, no_life, mushy, fed_d1, st_suck, ab_posit, conv_d1, conv_d2, arch_b, font_hi, font_lo, unw_d1, unw_d2, cold, umbinf, b_yellow, devel, born_malf, mlf_bk, mlf_lh, mlf_sh, mttv, b_norm, b_assist, b_caes, b_first, b_more4, b_mbpr, b_msmds, b_mcon, b_mbvi, b_mvbl, b_bfac, b_bhome, b_bway, b_bprof, vaccin
InSilico Sampler initiated, 1000 iterations to sample
Iteration: 100 
Sub-population 0 acceptance ratio: 0.44 
0.06min elapsed, 0.55min remaining 
Iteration: 200 
Sub-population 0 acceptance ratio: 0.38 
0.12min elapsed, 0.47min remaining 
Iteration: 300 
Sub-population 0 acceptance ratio: 0.35 
0.18min elapsed, 0.42min remaining 
Iteration: 400 
Sub-population 0 acceptance ratio: 0.35 
0.23min elapsed, 0.34min remaining 
Iteration: 500 
Sub-population 0 acceptance ratio: 0.32 
0.27min elapsed, 0.27min remaining 
Iteration: 600 
Sub-population 0 acceptance ratio: 0.31 
0.33min elapsed, 0.22min remaining 
Iteration: 700 
Sub-population 0 acceptance ratio: 0.29 
0.38min elapsed, 0.16min remaining 
Iteration: 800 
Sub-population 0 acceptance ratio: 0.28 
0.41min elapsed, 0.10min remaining 
Iteration: 900 
Sub-population 0 acceptance ratio: 0.28 
0.46min elapsed, 0.05min remaining 
Overall acceptance ratio
Sub-population 0 : 0.2670 
Organizing output, might take a moment...
Not all causes with CSMF > 0.02 are convergent.
 Please check using csmf.diag() for more information.
>   # stack bar plot for grouped causes
>   # the default grouping could be seen from
>   data(SampleCategory)
>   stackplot(fit1, type = "dodge", xlab = "")
>   ##
>   ## Scenario 2: with sub-population specification
>   ##
>   data(RandomVA2)
>   fit2<- insilico(RandomVA2, subpop = list("sex"),
+                 Nsim = 1000, burnin = 500, thin = 10 , seed = 1,
+                 auto.length = FALSE)
Performing data consistency check...
Data check finished.
Warning: 58 symptom missing completely and added to missing list 
List of missing symptoms: 
 died_d1, died_d23, died_d36, died_w1, whoop, chest_in, eye_sunk, born_early, born_3437, born_38, ab_size, born_small, born_big, twin, comdel, cord, waters, move_lb, cyanosis, baby_br, born_nobr, cried, no_life, mushy, fed_d1, st_suck, ab_posit, conv_d1, conv_d2, arch_b, font_hi, font_lo, unw_d1, unw_d2, cold, umbinf, b_yellow, devel, born_malf, mlf_bk, mlf_lh, mlf_sh, mttv, b_norm, b_assist, b_caes, b_first, b_more4, b_mbpr, b_msmds, b_mcon, b_mbvi, b_mvbl, b_bfac, b_bhome, b_bway, b_bprof, vaccin
InSilico Sampler initiated, 1000 iterations to sample
Iteration: 100 
Sub-population 0 acceptance ratio: 0.41 
Sub-population 1 acceptance ratio: 0.45 
0.05min elapsed, 0.41min remaining 
Iteration: 200 
Sub-population 0 acceptance ratio: 0.47 
Sub-population 1 acceptance ratio: 0.45 
0.10min elapsed, 0.39min remaining 
Iteration: 300 
Sub-population 0 acceptance ratio: 0.43 
Sub-population 1 acceptance ratio: 0.46 
0.16min elapsed, 0.37min remaining 
Iteration: 400 
Sub-population 0 acceptance ratio: 0.42 
Sub-population 1 acceptance ratio: 0.41 
0.22min elapsed, 0.33min remaining 
Iteration: 500 
Sub-population 0 acceptance ratio: 0.42 
Sub-population 1 acceptance ratio: 0.40 
0.27min elapsed, 0.27min remaining 
Iteration: 600 
Sub-population 0 acceptance ratio: 0.40 
Sub-population 1 acceptance ratio: 0.38 
0.32min elapsed, 0.21min remaining 
Iteration: 700 
Sub-population 0 acceptance ratio: 0.38 
Sub-population 1 acceptance ratio: 0.36 
0.37min elapsed, 0.16min remaining 
Iteration: 800 
Sub-population 0 acceptance ratio: 0.37 
Sub-population 1 acceptance ratio: 0.36 
0.43min elapsed, 0.11min remaining 
Iteration: 900 
Sub-population 0 acceptance ratio: 0.37 
Sub-population 1 acceptance ratio: 0.34 
0.48min elapsed, 0.05min remaining 
Overall acceptance ratio
Sub-population 0 : 0.3730 
Sub-population 1 : 0.3350 
Organizing output, might take a moment...
Not all causes with CSMF > 0.02 are convergent.
 Please check using csmf.diag() for more information.
>   stackplot(fit2, type = "stack", angle = 0)
>   stackplot(fit2, type = "dodge", angle = 0)
>   # Change the default grouping by separating TB from HIV
>   data(SampleCategory)
>   SampleCategory[c(3, 9), ]
                 InterVA Physician
3 HIV/AIDS related death   TB/AIDS
9 Pulmonary tuberculosis   TB/AIDS
>   SampleCategory[3, 2] <- "HIV/AIDS"
>   SampleCategory[9, 2] <- "TB"
>   stackplot(fit2, type = "stack", grouping = SampleCategory,
+             sample.size.print = TRUE, angle = 0)
>   stackplot(fit2, type = "dodge", grouping = SampleCategory,
+             sample.size.print = TRUE, angle = 0)
>   # change the order of display for sub-population and cause groups
>   groups <- c("HIV/AIDS", "TB", "Communicable", "NCD", "External",
+               "Maternal", "causes specific to infancy")
>   subpops <- c("Women", "Men")
>   stackplot(fit2, type = "stack", grouping = SampleCategory,
+    = groups, order.sub = subpops,
+             sample.size.print = TRUE, angle = 0)
> ## End(No test)
null device 