Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Nonparametric tests of independence between random vectors
dependogramR Documentation

Nonparametric tests of independence between random vectors


This function can be used for the following two problems: 1) testing mutual independence between many numerical random vectors, and 2) testing for serial independence of a multivariate stationary numerical time series. The proposed test does not assume continuous marginals. It is valid for any probability distribution. It is also invariant with respect to the affine general linear group of transformations on the vectors. This test is based on a characterization of mutual independence defined from probabilities of half-spaces in a combinatorial formula of Mobius. As such, it is a natural generalization of tests of independence between univariate random variables using the empirical distribution function. Without the assumption that each vector is one-dimensional with a continuous cumulative distribution function, any test of independence can not be distribution free. The critical values of the proposed test are thus computed with the bootstrap which was shown to be consistent in this context.





Data.frame or matrix with observations corresponding to rows and variables to columns.


For the mutual independence problem 1), a vector giving the sizes of each subvector. For the serial independence problem 2), an integer indicating the number of consecutive observations.


Integer. Number of points of the discretization to obtain directions on the sphere in order to evaluate the value of the test statistic.


Integer. Number of bootstrap replications. Note that B can be slightly modified if nbclus>1


Double. Level of the test.


Logical. TRUE to display the values of the A-dependence statistic.


Logical. TRUE to plot the dependogram.


Integer. Number of nodes in the cluster. Used only for parallel computations.


A list with the following components:

In the mutual independence case:


... should be completed ...


... should be completed ...


... should be completed ...


... should be completed ...


... should be completed ...

In the serial case:


... should be completed ...


... should be completed ...


... should be completed ...


... should be completed ...


... should be completed ...


M. Bilodeau, P. Lafaye de Micheaux


n <- 100
W1 <- rpois(n,1)
W3 <- rpois(n,1)
W4 <- rpois(n,1)
W6 <- rpois(n,1)
W2 <- rpois(n,3)
W5 <- rpois(n,3)
X1 <- W1 + W2
X2 <- W2 + W3
X3 <- W4 + W5
X4 <- W5 + W6
X <- cbind(X1,X2,X3,X4)

n <- 50
Sigma <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                  0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                  0, 0, 1, 0,.4,.5,
                  0, 0, 0, 1,.1,.2,
                  0, 0,.4,.1, 1, 0,
                  0, 0,.5,.2, 0, 1),nrow=6,ncol=6,byrow=TRUE)
W <- chol(Sigma) 
X1 <- cbind(W[1,],W[2,])
X2 <- cbind(W[3,],W[4,])
X3 <- cbind(W[5,],W[6,])
X <- cbind(X1,X2,X3)


n <- 100
W <- sample(x=1:8,size=n,TRUE)
X1 <- W 
X2 <- W 
X3 <- W 
X4 <- W 
X <- cbind(X1,X2,X3,X4)

n <- 100
W <- rbinom(n,1,0.8)
Y <- W[1:(n-3)]*W[4:n]

n <- 75
U <- matrix(rnorm(2*n),nrow=n,ncol=2)
W <- U[1:(n-1),] + sqrt(2)*U[2:n,]
Y <- W/apply(W,MARGIN=1,FUN=function(x) sqrt(x[1]^2+x[2]^2))



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> library(IndependenceTests)
Loading required package: xtable
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/IndependenceTests/dependogram.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: dependogram
> ### Title: Nonparametric tests of independence between random vectors
> ### Aliases: dependogram
> ### ** Examples
> n <- 100
> W1 <- rpois(n,1)
> W3 <- rpois(n,1)
> W4 <- rpois(n,1)
> W6 <- rpois(n,1)
> W2 <- rpois(n,3)
> W5 <- rpois(n,3)
> X1 <- W1 + W2
> X2 <- W2 + W3
> X3 <- W4 + W5
> X4 <- W5 + W6
> X <- cbind(X1,X2,X3,X4)
> dependogram(X,vecd.ou.p=c(1,1,1,1),N=10,B=20,alpha=0.05,display=TRUE,graphics=TRUE)
1 : A= 1 2 : ||RnA||= 1.604 
2 : A= 1 3 : ||RnA||= 0.456 
3 : A= 1 4 : ||RnA||= 0.2 
4 : A= 2 3 : ||RnA||= 0.264 
5 : A= 2 4 : ||RnA||= 0.212 
6 : A= 3 4 : ||RnA||= 1.692 
7 : A= 1 2 3 : ||RnA||= 0.191 
8 : A= 1 2 4 : ||RnA||= 0.18 
9 : A= 1 3 4 : ||RnA||= 0.173 
10 : A= 2 3 4 : ||RnA||= 0.13 
11 : A= 1 2 3 4 : ||RnA||= 0.285 
 [1] 1.6040000 0.4560000 0.2000000 0.2640000 0.2120000 1.6920000 0.1910000
 [8] 0.1803200 0.1730000 0.1298400 0.2853096

[1] 1.692

 [1] 0.724000 0.628000 0.720000 0.578000 0.568000 0.633000 0.391200 0.360200
 [9] 0.392000 0.314000 0.169152

[1] 0.72

           [,1]      [,2]     [,3]      [,4]     [,5]     [,6]    [,7]     [,8]
 [1,] 0.3020000 0.7240000 0.386000 0.5450000 0.292000 0.478000 0.64700 0.283000
 [2,] 0.4880000 0.1680000 0.376000 0.4520000 0.264000 0.274000 0.22200 0.449000
 [3,] 0.4120000 0.3890000 0.320000 0.4930000 0.290000 0.221000 0.44000 0.340000
 [4,] 0.4740000 0.3160000 0.302000 0.2820000 0.308000 0.236000 0.27500 0.252000
 [5,] 0.4260000 0.4240000 0.552000 0.1980000 0.306000 0.422000 0.26200 0.284000
 [6,] 0.3680000 0.3130000 0.360000 0.3010000 0.444000 0.450000 0.41400 0.419000
 [7,] 0.2544000 0.2859600 0.209560 0.2986800 0.279000 0.127000 0.25030 0.391200
 [8,] 0.2870000 0.1826800 0.217120 0.3602000 0.210800 0.240620 0.30600 0.166920
 [9,] 0.2084800 0.2639600 0.391800 0.1777600 0.241800 0.265600 0.22160 0.349560
[10,] 0.2388000 0.2628800 0.184080 0.2105200 0.194080 0.184200 0.20720 0.125240
[11,] 0.1459736 0.1337112 0.169152 0.0907445 0.116984 0.106128 0.10853 0.136016
           [,9]     [,10]     [,11]   [,12]     [,13]   [,14]   [,15]     [,16]
 [1,] 0.3360000 0.3400000 0.3040000 0.33500 0.2540000 0.18000 0.42000 0.2940000
 [2,] 0.4380000 0.4140000 0.4000000 0.33200 0.3970000 0.42800 0.32800 0.3730000
 [3,] 0.3200000 0.4560000 0.4440000 0.30200 0.3010000 0.34000 0.58000 0.3970000
 [4,] 0.4560000 0.4070000 0.2600000 0.43600 0.3530000 0.30800 0.34000 0.5430000
 [5,] 0.3760000 0.4680000 0.5680000 0.32500 0.3060000 0.24700 0.27000 0.3620000
 [6,] 0.3600000 0.3580000 0.6000000 0.46000 0.2780000 0.63300 0.42400 0.5800000
 [7,] 0.1851200 0.1973600 0.1864000 0.23480 0.3187400 0.21528 0.20480 0.2340000
 [8,] 0.2419200 0.1976400 0.2239600 0.24080 0.2610000 0.24400 0.29600 0.1777200
 [9,] 0.2260000 0.2304400 0.2682000 0.17916 0.2441800 0.25232 0.19920 0.1853600
[10,] 0.2528400 0.1715600 0.2008800 0.22980 0.2065000 0.18912 0.31400 0.1495200
[11,] 0.1509684 0.1285292 0.1052422 0.10178 0.1520925 0.12208 0.13361 0.1090282
        [,17]     [,18]    [,19]    [,20]
 [1,] 0.28000 0.3060000 0.276000 0.460000
 [2,] 0.50200 0.6280000 0.360000 0.324000
 [3,] 0.56000 0.4120000 0.378000 0.720000
 [4,] 0.35000 0.3000000 0.578000 0.420000
 [5,] 0.27700 0.3400000 0.404000 0.480000
 [6,] 0.35000 0.3560000 0.416000 0.366000
 [7,] 0.18528 0.3162400 0.234400 0.205920
 [8,] 0.18004 0.2130000 0.176800 0.252000
 [9,] 0.25200 0.3920000 0.177800 0.195360
[10,] 0.20412 0.2692000 0.254800 0.222480
[11,] 0.12533 0.1315728 0.130632 0.121866

> n <- 50
> Sigma <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+                   0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+                   0, 0, 1, 0,.4,.5,
+                   0, 0, 0, 1,.1,.2,
+                   0, 0,.4,.1, 1, 0,
+                   0, 0,.5,.2, 0, 1),nrow=6,ncol=6,byrow=TRUE)
> W <- chol(Sigma) 
> X1 <- cbind(W[1,],W[2,])
> X2 <- cbind(W[3,],W[4,])
> X3 <- cbind(W[5,],W[6,])
> X <- cbind(X1,X2,X3)
> ## No test: 
> dependogram(X,vecd.ou.p=c(2,2,2),N=10,B=20,alpha=0.05,display=TRUE,graphics=TRUE)
1 : A= 1 2 : ||RnA||= 0.544 
2 : A= 1 3 : ||RnA||= 0.272 
3 : A= 2 3 : ||RnA||= 0.408 
4 : A= 1 2 3 : ||RnA||= 0.181 
[1] 0.5443311 0.2721655 0.4082483 0.1814437

[1] 0.5443311

[1] 0.6123724 0.5443311 0.6123724 0.2721655

[1] 0.6123724

          [,1]       [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]      [,6]      [,7]
[1,] 0.0000000 0.20412415 0.3402069 0.0000000 0.3402069 0.4082483 0.4082483
[2,] 0.0000000 0.34020691 0.1360828 0.2041241 0.2041241 0.2721655 0.4082483
[3,] 0.2721655 0.06804138 0.5443311 0.2721655 0.5443311 0.2721655 0.2041241
[4,] 0.0000000 0.04536092 0.1360828 0.1360828 0.2041241 0.2041241 0.2041241
          [,8]      [,9]     [,10]     [,11]     [,12]     [,13]     [,14]
[1,] 0.4082483 0.2721655 0.4082483 0.6123724 0.3402069 0.0000000 0.3402069
[2,] 0.4082483 0.4082483 0.5443311 0.4082483 0.2721655 0.0000000 0.1360828
[3,] 0.4082483 0.4082483 0.3402069 0.5443311 0.4082483 0.4082483 0.4082483
[4,] 0.2721655 0.1360828 0.2041241 0.1360828 0.1814437 0.0000000 0.1134023
         [,15]     [,16]      [,17]     [,18]      [,19]     [,20]
[1,] 0.2721655 0.5443311 0.20412415 0.2721655 0.34020691 0.5443311
[2,] 0.2041241 0.3402069 0.06804138 0.3402069 0.13608276 0.4082483
[3,] 0.5443311 0.6123724 0.20412415 0.2041241 0.27216553 0.5443311
[4,] 0.1360828 0.2721655 0.06804138 0.1360828 0.09072184 0.1360828

> ## End(No test)
> n <- 100
> W <- sample(x=1:8,size=n,TRUE)
> X1 <- W 
> X2 <- W 
> X3 <- W 
> X4 <- W 
> X <- cbind(X1,X2,X3,X4)
> dependogram(X,vecd.ou.p=c(1,1,1,1),N=10,B=20,alpha=0.05,display=TRUE,graphics=TRUE)
1 : A= 1 2 : ||RnA||= 2.484 
2 : A= 1 3 : ||RnA||= 2.484 
3 : A= 1 4 : ||RnA||= 2.484 
4 : A= 2 3 : ||RnA||= 2.484 
5 : A= 2 4 : ||RnA||= 2.484 
6 : A= 3 4 : ||RnA||= 2.484 
7 : A= 1 2 3 : ||RnA||= 0.961 
8 : A= 1 2 4 : ||RnA||= 0.961 
9 : A= 1 3 4 : ||RnA||= 0.961 
10 : A= 2 3 4 : ||RnA||= 0.961 
11 : A= 1 2 3 4 : ||RnA||= 0.833 
 [1] 2.4840000 2.4840000 2.4840000 2.4840000 2.4840000 2.4840000 0.9609600
 [8] 0.9609600 0.9609600 0.9609600 0.8326032

[1] 2.484

 [1] 0.6010000 0.6520000 0.8000000 0.6720000 0.7780000 0.5600000 0.3205000
 [8] 0.3780000 0.3005600 0.3470000 0.1967264

[1] 0.778

           [,1]      [,2]      [,3]     [,4]      [,5]     [,6]     [,7]
 [1,] 0.2920000 0.4040000 0.5520000 0.348000 0.4680000 0.402000 0.425000
 [2,] 0.2940000 0.2960000 0.4000000 0.450000 0.4200000 0.484000 0.343000
 [3,] 0.4610000 0.2620000 0.5840000 0.465000 0.5320000 0.466000 0.452000
 [4,] 0.5480000 0.3440000 0.6720000 0.480000 0.4840000 0.500000 0.350000
 [5,] 0.3360000 0.3630000 0.5040000 0.625000 0.4650000 0.354000 0.375000
 [6,] 0.4540000 0.4160000 0.5250000 0.560000 0.3510000 0.359000 0.375000
 [7,] 0.2423600 0.1652000 0.2250000 0.263700 0.2036400 0.310100 0.233000
 [8,] 0.2126000 0.2255200 0.2723200 0.225000 0.2014600 0.220600 0.317140
 [9,] 0.2332000 0.2176000 0.2557600 0.296140 0.2278400 0.195000 0.274800
[10,] 0.2496000 0.2460800 0.2608000 0.264800 0.2132400 0.275000 0.191600
[11,] 0.1331016 0.1927312 0.1193712 0.134613 0.1222408 0.113592 0.167546
           [,8]     [,9]   [,10]   [,11]    [,12]     [,13]    [,14]    [,15]
 [1,] 0.4760000 0.300000 0.35600 0.37000 0.270000 0.4210000 0.414000 0.424000
 [2,] 0.2930000 0.488000 0.46800 0.59500 0.420000 0.4510000 0.384000 0.248000
 [3,] 0.2080000 0.287000 0.23200 0.39000 0.383000 0.4820000 0.424000 0.800000
 [4,] 0.4720000 0.360000 0.30200 0.42000 0.556000 0.2700000 0.488000 0.415000
 [5,] 0.6580000 0.430000 0.36600 0.49000 0.689000 0.2860000 0.352000 0.505000
 [6,] 0.3920000 0.338000 0.24000 0.50600 0.321000 0.4340000 0.339000 0.512000
 [7,] 0.1878000 0.230480 0.28800 0.17892 0.314640 0.1889600 0.208400 0.176360
 [8,] 0.2573200 0.378000 0.21880 0.30630 0.167480 0.2459400 0.247800 0.213500
 [9,] 0.1805600 0.218640 0.30056 0.24100 0.290560 0.2330800 0.295420 0.227840
[10,] 0.2365200 0.226520 0.27872 0.34700 0.174400 0.2978000 0.207200 0.247000
[11,] 0.1535536 0.098688 0.13476 0.10727 0.135288 0.1115188 0.118072 0.138476
         [,16]    [,17]   [,18]     [,19]     [,20]
 [1,] 0.353000 0.288000 0.51000 0.3320000 0.6010000
 [2,] 0.652000 0.299000 0.44000 0.3580000 0.3520000
 [3,] 0.328000 0.600000 0.36400 0.5170000 0.6480000
 [4,] 0.238000 0.400000 0.34000 0.5350000 0.5160000
 [5,] 0.402000 0.460000 0.25500 0.4300000 0.7780000
 [6,] 0.315000 0.550000 0.41800 0.2780000 0.2840000
 [7,] 0.218920 0.320500 0.24376 0.1628000 0.2250000
 [8,] 0.244000 0.214840 0.23072 0.2486000 0.2707200
 [9,] 0.180800 0.249960 0.22120 0.2238000 0.1934400
[10,] 0.340100 0.234400 0.30840 0.2283000 0.2638400
[11,] 0.133261 0.132834 0.13008 0.0857008 0.1967264

> n <- 100
> W <- rbinom(n,1,0.8)
> Y <- W[1:(n-3)]*W[4:n]
> dependogram(W,vecd.ou.p=4,N=10,B=20,alpha=0.05,display=TRUE,graphics=TRUE)
1 : A= 1 2 : ||SnA||= 0.046 
2 : A= 1 3 : ||SnA||= 0.055 
3 : A= 1 4 : ||SnA||= 0.046 
4 : A= 1 2 3 : ||SnA||= 0.182 
5 : A= 1 2 4 : ||SnA||= 0.021 
6 : A= 1 3 4 : ||SnA||= 0.08 
7 : A= 1 2 3 4 : ||SnA||= 0.026 
[1] 0.04605694 0.05547768 0.04605694 0.18199397 0.02107526 0.08045936 0.02586523

[1] 0.181994

[1] 0.4951121 0.1758861 0.1183767

[1] 0.38311

            [,1]       [,2]        [,3]       [,4]        [,5]       [,6]
[1,] 0.016747978 0.20620948 0.339146554 0.28052863 0.024075218 0.05547768
[2,] 0.186321255 0.02407522 0.085833387 0.22714445 0.147591556 0.24912617
[3,] 0.084786639 0.17899401 0.339146554 0.02407522 0.249126172 0.13503057
[4,] 0.055876952 0.09281531 0.043510211 0.03449954 0.047060523 0.02831617
[5,] 0.072624930 0.09281531 0.050502923 0.10567845 0.009463903 0.08986930
[6,] 0.031003183 0.09086210 0.043510211 0.10044470 0.007273284 0.11005968
[7,] 0.008773375 0.05465065 0.005895345 0.05346728 0.036099867 0.01408744
            [,7]       [,8]        [,9]      [,10]      [,11]       [,12]
[1,] 0.028262213 0.05547768 0.495112099 0.04501019 0.03454270 0.003140246
[2,] 0.073272404 0.15701229 0.292042866 0.25959366 0.16852653 0.003140246
[3,] 0.231331446 0.04605694 0.088973633 0.08269314 0.13607732 0.033495956
[4,] 0.030798150 0.04192390 0.156958337 0.09228654 0.08138740 0.029460039
[5,] 0.008978297 0.03762899 0.139163611 0.16044390 0.03898869 0.081430568
[6,] 0.008978297 0.06390562 0.037628994 0.06204953 0.06254593 0.020104048
[7,] 0.029552265 0.02256578 0.007666663 0.07632565 0.01954635 0.118376712
            [,13]       [,14]       [,15]       [,16]       [,17]        [,18]
[1,] 1.465448e-01 0.093160628 0.132937075 0.095254125 0.102581365 0.0198882239
[2,] 5.652443e-02 0.109908606 0.006280492 0.107815108 0.100487868 0.0994411193
[3,] 1.727135e-01 0.008373989 0.095254125 0.006280492 0.001046749 0.2009757358
[4,] 6.107832e-03 0.055876952 0.007165372 0.175886142 0.138645632 0.0610675305
[5,] 9.938716e-02 0.026567991 0.143566430 0.049229559 0.087452071 0.0059243814
[6,] 5.395611e-05 0.026567991 0.052305058 0.052305058 0.014082546 0.0007338032
[7,] 1.876126e-02 0.025056997 0.027025895 0.017741994 0.014643356 0.0192642242
           [,19]      [,20]
[1,] 0.002093497 0.38311000
[2,] 0.099441119 0.15701229
[3,] 0.099441119 0.18946150
[4,] 0.036323256 0.05760355
[5,] 0.018528530 0.09167144
[6,] 0.083006087 0.00644236
[7,] 0.001110161 0.05136166

> dependogram(Y,vecd.ou.p=4,N=10,B=20,alpha=0.05,display=TRUE,graphics=TRUE)
1 : A= 1 2 : ||SnA||= 0.061 
2 : A= 1 3 : ||SnA||= 0.042 
3 : A= 1 4 : ||SnA||= 1.073 
4 : A= 1 2 3 : ||SnA||= 0.209 
5 : A= 1 2 4 : ||SnA||= 0.127 
6 : A= 1 3 4 : ||SnA||= 0.036 
7 : A= 1 2 3 4 : ||SnA||= 0.096 
[1] 0.06144637 0.04169575 1.07311700 0.20920249 0.12655805 0.03583594 0.09569975

[1] 1.073117

[1] 0.6210473 0.2483535 0.1018472

[1] 0.5738652

           [,1]       [,2]         [,3]       [,4]       [,5]        [,6]
[1,] 0.04608478 0.06144637 0.0449875224 0.13715708 0.47401487 0.092169558
[2,] 0.01206982 0.35112213 0.2644388514 0.22822938 0.24798000 0.229326639
[3,] 0.25236903 0.16458850 0.2918702676 0.24029921 0.01316708 0.092169558
[4,] 0.13097042 0.18910168 0.0068870364 0.08371835 0.15095450 0.003735342
[5,] 0.01893351 0.06546186 0.0004435718 0.04648166 0.04085530 0.027011190
[6,] 0.14413750 0.24835354 0.2100195910 0.14077569 0.10946886 0.003735342
[7,] 0.09139095 0.08517076 0.0265099987 0.06742540 0.01420076 0.036561893
           [,7]       [,8]        [,9]      [,10]       [,11]      [,12]
[1,] 0.01865336 0.13386531 0.311620887 0.07900248 0.573865225 0.20628425
[2,] 0.01865336 0.27431416 0.621047261 0.01755611 0.098753098 0.25785531
[3,] 0.18763089 0.10094761 0.002194513 0.18872814 0.004389027 0.00000000
[4,] 0.05278505 0.11395127 0.015408285 0.21366155 0.031983864 0.13057354
[5,] 0.23908522 0.01694911 0.139304902 0.11332093 0.028692094 0.05815460
[6,] 0.17348328 0.20133492 0.063687577 0.01797633 0.210416471 0.17226929
[7,] 0.01068335 0.04361061 0.101847173 0.02939942 0.030694128 0.04586299
          [,13]      [,14]      [,15]       [,16]        [,17]      [,18]
[1,] 0.08119699 0.16019947 0.10094761 0.228229382 0.2413964619 0.02413965
[2,] 0.33137151 0.14922690 0.20847876 0.182144603 0.3390523033 0.38842885
[3,] 0.27541142 0.41476301 0.26334159 0.070224425 0.5069325700 0.03291770
[4,] 0.06268370 0.01356396 0.08087015 0.226992050 0.1190873648 0.21543584
[5,] 0.05014696 0.02934578 0.09244971 0.005976547 0.0002334589 0.06824002
[6,] 0.05014696 0.07379635 0.01398419 0.070434538 0.0004202259 0.17973998
[7,] 0.04752949 0.04280816 0.03183584 0.040900254 0.0523827044 0.06841437
          [,19]        [,20]
[1,] 0.49815452 4.580430e-17
[2,] 0.29187027 3.609974e-01
[3,] 0.39501239 1.031421e-01
[4,] 0.06957074 2.359102e-01
[5,] 0.07197537 1.020449e-01
[6,] 0.02897224 2.413965e-02
[7,] 0.01119361 6.005729e-02

> n <- 75
> U <- matrix(rnorm(2*n),nrow=n,ncol=2)
> W <- U[1:(n-1),] + sqrt(2)*U[2:n,]
> Y <- W/apply(W,MARGIN=1,FUN=function(x) sqrt(x[1]^2+x[2]^2))
> ## No test: 
> dependogram(Y,vecd.ou.p=3,N=10,B=20,alpha=0.05,display=TRUE,graphics=TRUE)
1 : A= 1 2 : ||SnA||= 1.267 
2 : A= 1 3 : ||SnA||= 0.694 
3 : A= 1 2 3 : ||SnA||= 0.442 
[1] 1.2668996 0.6940122 0.4424873

[1] 1.2669

[1] 0.9542668 0.5614297

[1] 0.9542668

          [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]      [,6]      [,7]
[1,] 0.7922215 1.0541129 0.7660323 0.7660323 0.7725796 0.6383603 0.8838835
[2,] 0.9542668 0.5630665 0.6432708 0.8200474 0.7562114 0.8806098 0.6743704
[3,] 0.5614297 0.4182078 0.4190262 0.3875174 0.4484890 0.3756505 0.4550363
          [,8]      [,9]     [,10]     [,11]     [,12]     [,13]     [,14]
[1,] 0.8380525 0.7791269 0.7922215 0.7807637 0.8904308 0.6547285 0.8937044
[2,] 0.7332959 0.6678231 0.7332959 0.6776440 0.6760072 0.8740625 0.5827084
[3,] 0.4026580 0.3846530 0.4124790 0.3993844 0.4152070 0.4724048 0.4308477
         [,15]     [,16]     [,17]     [,18]     [,19]     [,20]
[1,] 0.8102265 0.6727335 0.7169277 0.6727335 0.8789730 0.8986149
[2,] 0.7332959 0.6841913 0.6334498 0.6154448 0.6416339 0.7954951
[3,] 0.4664941 0.4428966 0.4572187 0.4157526 0.3906547 0.4036583

> ## End(No test)
null device 