Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Run null or power simulations
jaguar_simR Documentation

Run null or power simulations


Function to run power/null simulations by simulating one gene and one SNP at a time. The objective of these simulations is two pronged - 1) Check for the type I error control for the joint score test statistic, and 2) Compare two different null hypotheses where one's called a global null (bta=0 and PVEg =0) and other is local null (PVEg=0). Under the global null hypotheses, we fit a model where we assume that there is no main genotypic effect and group-specific variability in the data. Under the local null, we fit a model where we assume only the absence of group-specific variability. This is essentially a variance component score test.


jaguar_sim(nobs = 500, k = 5, tau = 1, eps = 1, PVEg = 0, bta = 0, maf = 0.10)



The number of observations in each group


The total number of groups


Variance component of the subject-specific random effect


Variance component of the residual error


Proportion of variance explained by gamma


Additive genotypic effect as a fixed-effect


Minor allele frequency


This function currently implements only balanced designs with equal number of observations in each group. For each individual, we model the potential genetic association between a target SNP and the expression level a target gene (in multiple tissues) at a single locus using the following mixed effects model (i = individual; t = tissue) -

y_{i,t}=α_t + g_i β_i + b_t g_i + u_i + ε_{i,t}

where y_{i,t} is a t-dimensional vector of gene expression data for individual i, g_i is the scalar value of genotype in allele-dosage format, b_t is a t-dimensional tissue-specific random effect where b sim N(0,γ), u_i is the scalar value representing individual-specific random effect where u sim(0,τ).


A numeric vector consisting of two different p-values, "VCScoreTest" and "JointScoreTest" with the former indicating the p-value from the variance component score test and the latter indicating the p-value from the joint score test.


Chaitanya R. Acharya, Andrew S. Allen Maintainer: Chaitanya Acharya<>


Chaitanya R. Acharya, Kouros Owzar, Janice M. McCarthy and Andrew S. Allen; Exploiting expression patterns across multiple tissues to map expression quantitative trait loci (Manuscript submitted)

Chaitanya R. Acharya and Andrew S. Allen; JAGUAR: An R-package to Implement Joint Analysis of Genotype and Group-Specific Variability Using a Novel Score Test to Map eQTL (Manuscript submitted)

See Also



## An example to perform some null simulations
## NOTE: 10 sims are obviously not enough. Please try between 1000-10000.

nsim=10; alpha=0.05;
test ="rbind",rlply(nsim,.progress="none",jaguar_sim(nobs=100,k=4)));
null.sim = apply(test,2,function(x) sum(x<=alpha)/nsim);


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> library(JAGUAR)
Loading required package: Rcpp
Loading required package: plyr
Loading required package: lme4
Loading required package: Matrix
Loading required package: reshape2
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/JAGUAR/jaguar_sim.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: jaguar_sim
> ### Title: Run null or power simulations
> ### Aliases: jaguar_sim
> ### Keywords: score test simulations GWAS eQTL
> ### ** Examples
> ## An example to perform some null simulations
> ## NOTE: 10 sims are obviously not enough. Please try between 1000-10000.
> nsim=10; alpha=0.05;
> test ="rbind",rlply(nsim,.progress="none",jaguar_sim(nobs=100,k=4)));
> null.sim = apply(test,2,function(x) sum(x<=alpha)/nsim);
null device 