Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Selection of a compromise
locateR Documentation

Selection of a compromise


The function locate allows the user to choose a point as a good compromise on the right plot and locate returns the corresponding design parameters.


locate(x, ncom = 1 ,xlu = NULL ,no.col = FALSE ,standard = TRUE ,col = 1 ,lty = 1,
bty = "l" ,las = 1 ,adj = 0.5 ,cex = 1 ,cex.lab = 1 ,cex.axis = 1,
xlab = c("Stretch Vector" , "Stretch Vector"),
ylab = c("Parameter Setting" , "Predicted Response"),lwd=1,...)



object from JOP


number of compromises that the user seeks to select, default is 1


The vector of x-coordinate that indicates where the user assumes a good compromise, see Details


If TRUE the plot will be gray scaled. Otherwise the plot will be coloured.


If TRUE the standard deviations will be displayed on the right hand plot.


Graphical argument, see details.


Graphical argument, see details.


Graphical argument, see details.


Graphical argument, see details.


Graphical arguments


Further graphical arguments passed to plot.


The function locate asks the user to choose a compromise on the right hand plot and it displays the nearest calculated points by means of vertical lines. Furthermore it returns the chosen responses together with the corresponding parameters.

Let nx be the number of parameters (number of columns of datax) and ny be the number of responses (number of columns of datay). Then col and lty must have length nx+ny. Otherwise predefined grey colors (for no.col=TRUE) or standard colors 1, 2, ..., nx+ny are used. The arguments xlab and ylab must have length two, where the first entry contains the label for x-axis and y-axis of the left hand plot and the second entry contains the label for x-axis and y-axis of the right hand plot. Additional graphical arguments can be plugged in.


locate returns a list containing the following elements:


selected responses by user


corresponding selected parameters


Sonja Kuhnt and Nikolaus Rudak


Sonja Kuhnt and Martina Erdbruegge (2004). A strategy of robust paramater design for multiple responses, Statistical Modelling; 4: 249-264, TU Dortmund.

Martina Erdbruegge, Sonja Kuhnt and Nikolaus Rudak (2011). Joint optimization of independent multiple responses based on loss functions, Quality and Reliability Engineering International 27, doi: 10.1002/qre.1229.

Joseph J. Pignatiello (1993). Strategies for robust multiresponse quality engineering, IIE Transactions 25, 5-15, Texas A M University.

Alexios Ghalanos and Stefan Theussl (2012). Rsolnp: General Non-linear Optimization Using Augmented Lagrange Multiplier Method. R package version 1.12.

Peter K Dunn and Gordon K Smyth (2012). dglm: Double generalized linear models, R package version 1.6.2.

Sonja Kuhnt, Nikolaus Rudak (2013). Simultaneous Optimization of Multiple Responses with the R Package JOP, Journal of Statistical Software, 54(9), 1-23, URL


# Example: Sheet metal hydroforming process
outtest <- JOP(datax = datax, datay = datay, tau = list(0, 0.05), numbW = 5)

# Location of points
locate(outtest, xlu = c(3, 4))


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> library(JOP)
Loading required package: Rsolnp
Loading required package: dglm
Loading required package: statmod
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/JOP/locate.rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: locate
> ### Title: Selection of a compromise
> ### Aliases: locate
> ### ** Examples
> # Example: Sheet metal hydroforming process
> outtest <- JOP(datax = datax, datay = datay, tau = list(0, 0.05), numbW = 5)
Automatic Modeling starts...

Model building finished ....
Cost matrices calculated ....
Optimization starts ....
    |                                                                               |                                                                      |   0%   |                                                                               |==============                                                        |  20%   |                                                                               |============================                                          |  40%   |                                                                               |==========================================                            |  60%   |                                                                               |========================================================              |  80%   |                                                                               |======================================================================| 100%
Optimization finished ....
> # Location of points
> locate(outtest, xlu = c(3, 4))
           X1        X2
W3 -1.0751905 0.9186759
W4 -0.4592261 1.3375767

         Y1         Y2
W3 13.09896 0.07019585
W4 10.05018 0.07454099

null device 