Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Simulation of a Gaussian State Space Model
simulateSSMR Documentation

Simulation of a Gaussian State Space Model


Function simulateSMM simulates states, signals, disturbances or missing observations of the Gaussian state space model either conditional on the data (simulation smoother) or unconditionally.


simulateSSM(object, type = c("states", "signals", "disturbances",
  "observations", "epsilon", "eta"), filtered = FALSE, nsim = 1,
  antithetics = FALSE, conditional = TRUE)



Gaussian state space object of class SSModel.


What to simulate.


Simulate from p(α[t]|y[t-1],...,y[1]) instead of p(α|y).


Number of independent samples. Default is 1.


Use antithetic variables in simulation. Default is FALSE.


Simulations are conditional to data. If FALSE, the states having exact diffuse initial distribution (as defined by P1inf are fixed to corresponding values of a1. See details.


Simulation smoother algorithm is based on article by J. Durbin and S.J. Koopman (2002). The simulation filter (filtered = TRUE) is a straightforward modification of the simulations smoother, where only filtering steps are performed.

Function can use two antithetic variables, one for location and other for scale, so output contains four blocks of simulated values which correlate which each other (ith block correlates negatively with (i+1)th block, and positively with (i+2)th block etc.).

Note that KFAS versions 1.2.0 and older, for unconditional simulation the initial distribution of states was fixed so that a1 was set to the smoothed estimates of the first state and the initial variance was set to zero. Now original a1 and P1 are used, and P1inf is ignored (i.e. diffuse states are fixed to corresponding elements of a1).


An n x k x nsim array containing the simulated series, where k is number of observations, signals, states or disturbances.


Durbin J. and Koopman, S.J. (2002). A simple and efficient simulation smoother for state space time series analysis, Biometrika, Volume 89, Issue 3


# simulate new observations from the "fitted" model
model <- SSModel(Nile ~ SSMtrend(1, Q = 1469), H = 15099)
# signal conditional on the data i.e. samples from p(theta | y)
# unconditional simulation is not reasonable as the model is nonstationary
signal_sim <- simulateSSM(model, type = "signals", nsim = 10)
# and add unconditional noise term i.e samples from p(epsilon)
epsilon_sim <- simulateSSM(model, type = "epsilon", nsim = 10,
  conditional = FALSE)
observation_sim <- signal_sim + epsilon_sim

ts.plot(observation_sim[,1,], Nile, col = c(rep(2, 10), 1),
  lty = c(rep(2, 10), 1), lwd = c(rep(1, 10), 2))

# fully unconditional simulation:
observation_sim2 <- simulateSSM(model, type = "observations", nsim = 10,
  conditional = FALSE)
ts.plot(observation_sim[,1,], observation_sim2[,1,], Nile,
col = c(rep(2:3, each = 10), 1), lty = c(rep(2, 20), 1),
lwd = c(rep(1, 20), 2))

# illustrating use of antithetics
model <- SSModel(matrix(NA, 100, 1) ~ SSMtrend(1, 1, P1inf = 0), H = 1)

sim <- simulateSSM(model, "obs", nsim = 2, antithetics = TRUE)
# first time points
# correlation structure between simulations with two antithetics

out_NA <- KFS(model, filtering = "none", smoothing = "state")
model["y"] <- sim[, 1, 1]
out_obs <- KFS(model, filtering = "none", smoothing = "state")

# simulate states from the p(alpha | y)
sim_conditional <- simulateSSM(model, nsim = 10, antithetics = TRUE)

# mean of the simulated states is exactly correct due to antithetic variables
mean(sim_conditional[2, 1, ])
# for variances more simulations are needed
var(sim_conditional[2, 1, ])

# no data, simulations from p(alpha)
sim_unconditional <- simulateSSM(model, nsim = 10, antithetics = TRUE,
  conditional = FALSE)
mean(sim_unconditional[2, 1, ])
var(sim_unconditional[2, 1, ])

ts.plot(cbind(sim_conditional[,1,1:5], sim_unconditional[,1,1:5]),
  col = rep(c(2,4), each = 5))
lines(out_obs$alpha, lwd=2)


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> library(KFAS)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/KFAS/simulateSSM.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: simulateSSM
> ### Title: Simulation of a Gaussian State Space Model
> ### Aliases: simulateSSM
> ### ** Examples
> set.seed(123)
> # simulate new observations from the "fitted" model
> model <- SSModel(Nile ~ SSMtrend(1, Q = 1469), H = 15099)
> # signal conditional on the data i.e. samples from p(theta | y)
> # unconditional simulation is not reasonable as the model is nonstationary
> signal_sim <- simulateSSM(model, type = "signals", nsim = 10)
> # and add unconditional noise term i.e samples from p(epsilon)
> epsilon_sim <- simulateSSM(model, type = "epsilon", nsim = 10,
+   conditional = FALSE)
> observation_sim <- signal_sim + epsilon_sim
> ts.plot(observation_sim[,1,], Nile, col = c(rep(2, 10), 1),
+   lty = c(rep(2, 10), 1), lwd = c(rep(1, 10), 2))
> # fully unconditional simulation:
> observation_sim2 <- simulateSSM(model, type = "observations", nsim = 10,
+   conditional = FALSE)
> ts.plot(observation_sim[,1,], observation_sim2[,1,], Nile,
+ col = c(rep(2:3, each = 10), 1), lty = c(rep(2, 20), 1),
+ lwd = c(rep(1, 20), 2))
> # illustrating use of antithetics
> model <- SSModel(matrix(NA, 100, 1) ~ SSMtrend(1, 1, P1inf = 0), H = 1)
> set.seed(123)
> sim <- simulateSSM(model, "obs", nsim = 2, antithetics = TRUE)
> # first time points
> sim[1,,]
[1] -0.07355602 -1.16865142  0.07355602  1.16865142 -0.08303054 -1.17588288
[7]  0.08303054  1.17588288
> # correlation structure between simulations with two antithetics
> cor(sim[,1,])
            [,1]        [,2]        [,3]        [,4]        [,5]        [,6]
[1,]  1.00000000 -0.09476707 -1.00000000  0.09476707  1.00000000 -0.09476707
[2,] -0.09476707  1.00000000  0.09476707 -1.00000000 -0.09476707  1.00000000
[3,] -1.00000000  0.09476707  1.00000000 -0.09476707 -1.00000000  0.09476707
[4,]  0.09476707 -1.00000000 -0.09476707  1.00000000  0.09476707 -1.00000000
[5,]  1.00000000 -0.09476707 -1.00000000  0.09476707  1.00000000 -0.09476707
[6,] -0.09476707  1.00000000  0.09476707 -1.00000000 -0.09476707  1.00000000
[7,] -1.00000000  0.09476707  1.00000000 -0.09476707 -1.00000000  0.09476707
[8,]  0.09476707 -1.00000000 -0.09476707  1.00000000  0.09476707 -1.00000000
            [,7]        [,8]
[1,] -1.00000000  0.09476707
[2,]  0.09476707 -1.00000000
[3,]  1.00000000 -0.09476707
[4,] -0.09476707  1.00000000
[5,] -1.00000000  0.09476707
[6,]  0.09476707 -1.00000000
[7,]  1.00000000 -0.09476707
[8,] -0.09476707  1.00000000
> out_NA <- KFS(model, filtering = "none", smoothing = "state")
> model["y"] <- sim[, 1, 1]
> out_obs <- KFS(model, filtering = "none", smoothing = "state")
> set.seed(40216)
> # simulate states from the p(alpha | y)
> sim_conditional <- simulateSSM(model, nsim = 10, antithetics = TRUE)
> # mean of the simulated states is exactly correct due to antithetic variables
> mean(sim_conditional[2, 1, ])
[1] 0.03579125
> out_obs$alpha[2]
[1] 0.03579125
> # for variances more simulations are needed
> var(sim_conditional[2, 1, ])
[1] 0.4094397
> out_obs$V[2]
[1] 0.381966
> set.seed(40216)
> # no data, simulations from p(alpha)
> sim_unconditional <- simulateSSM(model, nsim = 10, antithetics = TRUE,
+   conditional = FALSE)
> mean(sim_unconditional[2, 1, ])
[1] 0
> out_NA$alpha[2]
[1] 0
> var(sim_unconditional[2, 1, ])
[1] 1.300408
> out_NA$V[2]
[1] 1
> ts.plot(cbind(sim_conditional[,1,1:5], sim_unconditional[,1,1:5]),
+   col = rep(c(2,4), each = 5))
> lines(out_obs$alpha, lwd=2)
null device 