Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Kernel density estimation for heaped data
dheapingR Documentation

Kernel density estimation for heaped data


Kernel density estimation for heaped data


dheaping(xheaped, rounds, burnin = 5, samples = 10, setBias = FALSE,
  weights = NULL, bw = "nrd0", boundary = FALSE, unequal = FALSE,
  random = FALSE, adjust = 1, recall = F, recallParams = c(1/3, 1/3))



heaped values from which to estimate density of x


rounding values, numeric vector of length >=1


burn-in sample size


sampling iteration size


if TRUE a rounding Bias parameter is estimated. For values above 0.5, the respondents are more prone to round down, while for values < 0.5 they are more likely to round up


optional numeric vector of sampling weights


bandwidth selector method, defaults to "nrd0" see density for more options


TRUE for positive only data (no positive density for negative values)


if TRUE a probit model is fitted for the rounding probabilities with log(true value) as regressor


if TRUE a random effect probit model is fitted for rounding probabilities


as in density, the user can multiply the bandwidth by a certain factor such that bw=adjust*bw


if TRUE a recall error is introduced to the heaping model


recall error model parameters expression(nu) and expression(eta). Default is c(1/3, 1/3)


The function returns a list object with the following objects (besides all input objects):


Vector of Mean Posterior Density


Vector Grid on which density is evaluated


Matrix with Estimated Density for each iteration


Matrix with rounding probability threshold values for each iteration (on probit scale)


Vector with estimated Bias parameter for each iteration


Vector with estimated Beta parameter for each iteration


Matrix of true latent values X estimates


#Simple Rounding   ----------------------------------------------------------
est <- dheaping(xrounded,rounds=1,burnin=20,samples=50)

#Real Data Example  ----------------------------------------------------------
# Student learning hours per week
xheaped <- as.numeric(na.omit(students$StudyHrs))
## Not run: est <- dheaping(xheaped,rounds=c(1,2,5,10), boundary=TRUE, unequal=TRUE,burnin=20,samples=50)
## End(Not run)

#Simulate Data   ----------------------------------------------------------
Sim1 <- createSim.Kernelheaping(n=500, distribution="norm",rounds=c(1,10,100),
thresholds=c(-0.5244005, 0.5244005), sd=100)
## Not run: est <- dheaping(Sim1$xheaped,rounds=Sim1$rounds)
## End(Not run)

#Biased rounding
Sim2 <- createSim.Kernelheaping(n=500, distribution="gamma",rounds=c(1,2,5,10),
                     thresholds=c(-1.2815516, -0.6744898, 0.3853205),downbias=0.2,
## Not run: est <- dheaping(Sim2$xheaped, rounds=Sim2$rounds, setBias=T, bw="SJ")
plot(est, trueX=Sim2$x)
## End(Not run)

Sim3 <- createSim.Kernelheaping(n=500, distribution="gamma",rounds=c(1,2,5,10),
thresholds=c(1.84, 2.64, 3.05), downbias=0.75, Beta=-0.5, shape=4, scale=8)
## Not run: est <- dheaping(Sim3$xheaped,rounds=Sim3$rounds,boundary=TRUE,unequal=TRUE,setBias=T)
## End(Not run)


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> library(Kernelheaping)
Loading required package: MASS
Loading required package: ks
Loading required package: KernSmooth
KernSmooth 2.23 loaded
Copyright M. P. Wand 1997-2009
Loading required package: misc3d
Loading required package: mvtnorm
Loading required package: rgl
Loading required package: sparr
Loading required package: spatstat
Loading required package: nlme
Loading required package: rpart

spatstat 1.45-2       (nickname: 'Caretaker Mode') 
For an introduction to spatstat, type 'beginner' 

Attaching package: 'spatstat'

The following object is masked from 'package:MASS':


Welcome to 'sparr': SPAtial Relative Risk (v0.3-8)
T.M. Davies, M.L. Hazelton & J.C. Marshall
-type 'help("sparr")' for details
-type 'citation("sparr")' for how to cite use of this package

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Kernelheaping/dheaping.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: dheaping
> ### Title: Kernel density estimation for heaped data
> ### Aliases: dheaping
> ### ** Examples
> #Simple Rounding   ----------------------------------------------------------
> xtrue=rnorm(3000)
> xrounded=round(xtrue)
> est <- dheaping(xrounded,rounds=1,burnin=20,samples=50)
[1] "Iteration: 1 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 2 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 3 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 4 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 5 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 6 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 7 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 8 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 9 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 10 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 11 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 12 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 13 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 14 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 15 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 16 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 17 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 18 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 19 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 20 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 21 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 22 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 23 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 24 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 25 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 26 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 27 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 28 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 29 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 30 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 31 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 32 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 33 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 34 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 35 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 36 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 37 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 38 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 39 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 40 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 41 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 42 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 43 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 44 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 45 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 46 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 47 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 48 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 49 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 50 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 51 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 52 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 53 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 54 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 55 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 56 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 57 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 58 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 59 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 60 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 61 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 62 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 63 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 64 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 65 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 66 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 67 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 68 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 69 of 70"
[1] "Iteration: 70 of 70"
> plot(est,trueX=xtrue)
> #####################
> #####Heaping
> #####################
> #Real Data Example  ----------------------------------------------------------
> # Student learning hours per week
> data(students)
> xheaped <- as.numeric(na.omit(students$StudyHrs))
> ## Not run: 
> ##D est <- dheaping(xheaped,rounds=c(1,2,5,10), boundary=TRUE, unequal=TRUE,burnin=20,samples=50)
> ##D plot(est)
> ##D summary(est)
> ## End(Not run)
> #Simulate Data   ----------------------------------------------------------
> Sim1 <- createSim.Kernelheaping(n=500, distribution="norm",rounds=c(1,10,100),
+ thresholds=c(-0.5244005, 0.5244005), sd=100)
> ## Not run: 
> ##D est <- dheaping(Sim1$xheaped,rounds=Sim1$rounds)
> ##D plot(est,trueX=Sim1$x)
> ## End(Not run)
> #Biased rounding
> Sim2 <- createSim.Kernelheaping(n=500, distribution="gamma",rounds=c(1,2,5,10),
+                      thresholds=c(-1.2815516, -0.6744898, 0.3853205),downbias=0.2,
+                      shape=4,scale=8,offset=45)
> ## Not run: 
> ##D est <- dheaping(Sim2$xheaped, rounds=Sim2$rounds, setBias=T, bw="SJ")
> ##D plot(est, trueX=Sim2$x)
> ##D summary(est)
> ##D tracePlots(est)
> ## End(Not run)
> Sim3 <- createSim.Kernelheaping(n=500, distribution="gamma",rounds=c(1,2,5,10),
+ thresholds=c(1.84, 2.64, 3.05), downbias=0.75, Beta=-0.5, shape=4, scale=8)
> ## Not run: 
> ##D est <- dheaping(Sim3$xheaped,rounds=Sim3$rounds,boundary=TRUE,unequal=TRUE,setBias=T)
> ##D plot(est,trueX=Sim3$x)
> ## End(Not run)
null device 