Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Make a Manhattan Plot
manhattan_plotR Documentation

Make a Manhattan Plot


Generates a manhattan plot (a plot of -log10(p-val)) for a set of markers by chromosome and base-pair position.


manhattan_plot(pval, bp, chr, groups = NULL, cutoff = NULL,
  xlab = "Chromosome (base-pair position)",
  ylab = expression(paste(-log[10](italic(p)))), transform = TRUE,
  cex = 0.5, ...)



A vector of p-values.


A vector of base-pair positions, corresponding to the genomic location for which that p-value is associated (typically, the SNP location).


The chromosomal location associated with the p-value.


A groups vector: used if you want to overlay multiple manhattan plots.


optional. By default, a Bonferroni cutoff line is drawn on the plot; if you want to plot a custom cut-off line you can specify the cutoff here.


The label to use for the x axis.


The label to use for the y axis.


boolean; if TRUE, we compute -log10(pval); otherwise, we use pval as-is, assuming that pval has been transformed accordingly.


Multiplier for the point size.


Optional arguments passed to xyplot.


pval <- runif(1E4)
bp <- c(1:5E3, 1:5E3)
chr <- rep(1:22, length.out=1E4)
groups=rep( c("Phenotype 1", "Phenotype 2"), each=5E3 )
manhattan_plot( pval, bp, chr, groups, main="Two Phenotype MH Plot" )
manhattan_plot( pval, bp, chr, main="Manhattan Plot" )


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> library(Kmisc)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Kmisc/manhattan_plot.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: manhattan_plot
> ### Title: Make a Manhattan Plot
> ### Aliases: manhattan_plot
> ### ** Examples
> pval <- runif(1E4)
> bp <- c(1:5E3, 1:5E3)
> chr <- rep(1:22, length.out=1E4)
> groups=rep( c("Phenotype 1", "Phenotype 2"), each=5E3 )
> manhattan_plot( pval, bp, chr, groups, main="Two Phenotype MH Plot" )
> manhattan_plot( pval, bp, chr, main="Manhattan Plot" )
null device 