Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: summary of dictionaries
statDicR Documentation

summary of dictionaries


show summary, head and tail of current or backup dictionaries


  statDic(which = "current", n = 6)



"current" or "backup" dictionary


a single integer. Size for the resulting object to view


## show current dictionary's summary, head, tail
statDic("current", 10)


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(KoNLP)
Loading required package: rJava
Loading required package: stringr
Loading required package: hash
hash-2.2.6 provided by Decision Patterns

Loading required package: tau
Loading required package: Sejong
Successfully Loaded Sejong Package.
Checking user defined dictionary!

This R shell doesn't contain any Hangul encoding.
For fully use, any of 'UTF-8', 'CP949', 'EUC-KR' needs to be used for R shell encoding.

Attaching package: 'KoNLP'

The following object is masked from 'package:tau':


> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/KoNLP/statDic.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: statDic
> ### Title: summary of dictionaries
> ### Aliases: statDic
> ### ** Examples
> ## show current dictionary's summary, head, tail
> statDic("current", 10)
     word             tag   
 Length:13          ncn :7  
 Class :character   ncpa:1  
 Mode  :character   ncps:1  
                    npp :2  
                    sy  :1  

                       word  tag
1          <U+AC1C><U+BC25>  ncn
2  <U+AD00><U+D615><U+ACA9>  ncn
3  <U+AD50><U+CC29><U+C5B4>  ncn
4  <U+ADF8><U+BD84><U+B4E4>  npp
5          <U+ADF9><U+C9C4> ncps
6  <U+B2F9><U+C2E0><U+B4E4>  npp
7  <U+B3D9><U+B7C9><U+C7AC>  ncn
8  <U+C11C><U+CDA9><U+C6D0>  ncn
9  <U+C6B0><U+CCB4><U+D1B5>  ncn
10         <U+C758><U+BBF8> ncpa

                       word  tag
4  <U+ADF8><U+BD84><U+B4E4>  npp
5          <U+ADF9><U+C9C4> ncps
6  <U+B2F9><U+C2E0><U+B4E4>  npp
7  <U+B3D9><U+B7C9><U+C7AC>  ncn
8  <U+C11C><U+CDA9><U+C6D0>  ncn
9  <U+C6B0><U+CCB4><U+D1B5>  ncn
10         <U+C758><U+BBF8> ncpa
11 <U+C774><U+C2E0><U+BAA9> nqpc
12 <U+C790><U+B3D9><U+C0AC>  ncn
13                 <U+00B7>   sy

null device 