Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Kpart
Kpart-packageR Documentation



Kpart spline fitting


Package: Kpart
Type: Package
Version: 1.0
Date: 2012-08-02
License: Open Source

~~ This package is intended for use with non-lineraly associated data. The function lm.Kpart firsts selects points for cubic spline knots using an alogorithm to find the abolute maximum deviate from the partiton mean, then fits a best fitting model by using the best subset method and minimum BIC. The function knots.Kpart returns the values selcted as knots in the model given by lm.Kpart, and plot.Kpart returns a plot with fitted values and vertical lines representing the spline points. Kpart(data,K) takes two arguments, data is a two column matrix where the first column is the repsonse and the second column is the predictor upon which knots are selected. K is a postive interger that indicates how many equally spaced partitions the user would like to produce.~~


Eric Golinko

