Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Minimum absolute residual (L1) regression
l1fitR Documentation

Minimum absolute residual (L1) regression


Performs an L1 regression on a matrix of explanatory variables and a vector of responses.


l1fit(x, y, intercept = TRUE, tolerance = 1e-07, = TRUE)



vector or matrix of explanatory variables. Each row corresponds to an observation and each column to a variable. The number of rows of x should equal the number of data values in y, and there should be fewer columns than rows. Missing values are not allowed.


numeric vector containing the response. Missing values are not allowed.


logical flag. If TRUE, an intercept term is included in the regression model.


numerical value used to test for singularity in the regression.

logical flag. If TRUE, then warnings about non-unique solutions and rank deficiency are given.


The Barrodale-Roberts algorithm, which is a specialized linear programming algorithm, is used.


list defining the regression (compare with function lsfit).


vector of coefficients.


residuals from the fit.


vector of one or two character strings stating whether a non-unique solution is possible, or if the x matrix was found to be rank deficient.


Barrodale, I., and Roberts, F.D.K. (1973). An improved algorithm for discrete L1 linear approximations. SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis 10, 839-848.

Barrodale, I., and Roberts, F.D.K. (1974). Solution of an overdetermined system of equations in the L1 norm. Communications of the ACM 17, 319-320.

Bloomfield, P., and Steiger, W.L. (1983). Least Absolute Deviations: Theory, Applications, and Algorithms. Birkhauser, Boston, Mass.


l1fit(stack.x, stack.loss)


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> library(L1pack)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/L1pack/l1fit.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: l1fit
> ### Title: Minimum absolute residual (L1) regression
> ### Aliases: l1fit
> ### Keywords: regression
> ### ** Examples
> l1fit(stack.x, stack.loss)
   Intercept     Air.Flow   Water.Temp   Acid.Conc. 
-39.68985367   0.83188403   0.57391310  -0.06086957 

[1] 42.08116

 [1] 36.939131 37.000000 31.571015 20.365218 19.217392 19.791305 20.000001
 [8] 20.000001 16.463769 14.020290 13.472464 12.959421 13.898551 13.802899
[15]  6.817392  7.000001  8.426088  8.000001  8.513044 13.382609 24.481160

 [1]  5.0608706  0.0000000  5.4289861  7.6347828 -1.2173911 -1.7913042
 [7] -1.0000000  0.0000000 -1.4637681 -0.0202896  0.5275363  0.0405799
[13] -2.8985507 -1.8028984  1.1826082  0.0000000 -0.4260873  0.0000000
[19]  0.4869561  1.6173913 -9.4811592

[1] 4

[1] 7

[1] 1

null device 