Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Convert from 'ancestrymap' to 'geno' format
ancestrymap2genoR Documentation

Convert from ancestrymap to geno format


A function that converts from the ancestrymap format to the geno format.


ancestrymap2geno(input.file, output.file = NULL, force = TRUE)



A character string containing a path to the input file, a genotypic matrix in the ancestrymap format.


A character string containing a path to the output file, a genotypic matrix in the geno format. By default, the name of the output file is the same name as the input file with a .geno extension.


A boolean option. If FALSE, the input file is converted only if the output file does not exist. If TRUE, convert the file anyway.



A character string containing a path to the output file, a genotypic matrix in the geno format.


Eric Frichot

See Also

ancestrymap geno read.geno ancestrymap2lfmm geno2lfmm ped2lfmm ped2geno vcf2geno lfmm2geno


# Creation of of file called "example.ancestrymap"
# a file containing 4 SNPs for 3 individuals.
col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

# Conversion    from the ancestrymap format ("example.ancestrymap") 
#               to the geno format ("example.geno"). 
# By default,   the name of the output file is the same name
#               as the input file with a .geno extension.
# Create file:  "example.geno".
output = ancestrymap2geno("example.ancestrymap")

# Conversion    from the ancestrymap format (example.ancestrymap) 
#               to the geno format with the output file called plop.geno.
# Create file:  "plop.geno".
output = ancestrymap2geno("example.ancestrymap", "plop.geno")

# As force = false and the file "example.geno" already exists,
# nothing happens.
output = ancestrymap2geno("example.ancestrymap", force = FALSE)


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> library(LEA)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/LEA/ancestrymap2geno.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: ancestrymap2geno
> ### Title: Convert from 'ancestrymap' to 'geno' format
> ### Aliases: ancestrymap2geno
> ### Keywords: conversion
> ### ** Examples
> # Creation of of file called "example.ancestrymap"
> # a file containing 4 SNPs for 3 individuals.
> data("example_ancestrymap")
> write.table(example_ancestrymap,"example.ancestrymap",
+ col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
> # Conversion    from the ancestrymap format ("example.ancestrymap") 
> #               to the geno format ("example.geno"). 
> # By default,   the name of the output file is the same name
> #               as the input file with a .geno extension.
> # Create file:  "example.geno".
> output = ancestrymap2geno("example.ancestrymap")

	- number of detected individuals:	3
	- number of detected loci:		4

> # Conversion    from the ancestrymap format (example.ancestrymap) 
> #               to the geno format with the output file called plop.geno.
> # Create file:  "plop.geno".
> output = ancestrymap2geno("example.ancestrymap", "plop.geno")

	- number of detected individuals:	3
	- number of detected loci:		4

> # As force = false and the file "example.geno" already exists,
> # nothing happens.
> output = ancestrymap2geno("example.ancestrymap", force = FALSE)
null device 