Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Estimates individual ancestry coefficients and ancestral...
snmfR Documentation

Estimates individual ancestry coefficients and ancestral allele frequencies.


snmf estimates admixture coefficients using sparse Non-Negative Matrix Factorization algorithms, and provide STRUCTURE-like outputs.


snmf (input.file, K, 
    project = "continue",
    repetitions = 1, CPU = 1, 
    alpha = 10, tolerance = 0.00001, entropy = FALSE, percentage = 0.05,
    I, iterations = 200, ploidy = 2, seed = -1, Q.input.file)



A character string containing a the path to the input file, a genotypic matrix in the geno format.


An integer vector corresponding to the number of ancestral populations for which the snmf algorithm estimates have to be calculated.


A character string among "continue", "new", and "force". If "continue", the results are stored in the current project. If "new", the current project is removed and a new one is created to store the result. If "force", the results are stored in the current project even if the input file has been modified since the creation of the project.


An integer corresponding with the number of repetitions for each value of K.


A number of CPUs to run the parallel version of the algorithm. By default, the number of CPUs is 1.


A numeric value corresponding to the snmf regularization parameter. The results can depend on the value of this parameter, especially for small data sets.


A numeric value for the tolerance error.


A boolean value. If true, the cross-entropy criterion is calculated (see create.dataset and cross.entropy.estimation).


A numeric value between 0 and 1 containing the percentage of masked genotypes when computing the cross-entropy criterion. This option applies only if entropy == TRUE (see cross.entropy).


The number of SNPs to initialize the algorithm. It starts the algorithm with a run of snmf using a subset of nb.SNPs random SNPs. If this option is set with nb.SNPs, the number of randomly chosen SNPs is the minimum between 10000 and 10 % of all SNPs. This option can considerably speeds up snmf estimation for very large data sets.


An integer for the maximum number of iterations in algorithm.


1 if haploid, 2 if diploid, n if n-ploid.


A seed to initialize the random number generator. By default, the seed is randomly chosen.


A character string containing a path to an initialization file for Q, the individual admixture coefficient matrix.


snmf returns an object of class snmfProject.

The following methods can be applied to the object of class snmfProject:


Plot the minimal cross-entropy in function of K.


Display information about the analyses.


Summarize the analyses.


Return the admixture coefficient matrix for the chosen run with K ancestral populations.


Return the ancestral allele frequency matrix for the chosen run with K ancestral populations.


Return the cross-entropy criterion for the chosen runs with K ancestral populations.


Load the file containing an snmfProject objet and return the snmfProject object.


Erase a snmfProject object. Caution: All the files associated with the object will be removed.


Create a zip file containing the full snmfProject object. It allows to move the project to a new directory or a new computer (using import). If you want to overwrite an existing export, use the option force == TRUE.


Import and load an snmfProject object from a zip file (made with the export function) into the chosen directory. If you want to overwrite an existing project, use the option force == TRUE.

combine.snmfProject(file.snmfProject, toCombine.snmfProject)

Combine to.Combine.snmfProject into file.snmfProject. Caution: Only projects with runs coming from the same input file can be combined. If the same input file has different names in the two projects, use the option force == TRUE.


Eric Frichot


Frichot E, Mathieu F, Trouillon T, Bouchard G, Francois O. (2014). Fast and Efficient Estimation of Individual Ancestry Coefficients. Genetics, 194(4): 973–983.

See Also

geno pca lfmm tutorial


### Example of analyses using snmf ###

# creation of the genotype file, genotypes.geno.
# It contains 400 SNPs for 50 individuals.
write.geno(tutorial.R, "genotypes.geno")

# runs of snmf #

# main options, K: (the number of ancestral populations), 
#        entropy: calculate the cross-entropy criterion, 
#        CPU: the number of CPUs.

# Runs with K between 1 and 5 with cross-entropy and 2 repetitions.
project = NULL
project = snmf("genotypes.geno", K=1:10, entropy = TRUE, repetitions = 10,
    project = "new")

# plot cross-entropy criterion of all runs of the project
plot(project, lwd = 5, col = "red", pch=1)

# get the cross-entropy of each run for K = 4
ce = cross.entropy(project, K = 4)

# select the run with the lowest cross-entropy
best = which.min(ce)

# plot the best run for K = 4 (ancestry coefficients).
barplot(t(Q(project, K = 4, run = best)))

# Post-treatments #

# show the project

# summary of the project

# get the cross-entropy for all runs for K = 4
ce = cross.entropy(project, K = 4)

# get the cross-entropy for the 2nd run for K = 4
ce = cross.entropy(project, K = 4, run = 2)

# get the ancestral genotype frequency matrix, G, for the 2nd run for K = 4. 
res = G(project, K = 4, run = 2)

# Advanced snmf run options #

# Q.input.file: init a run with a given ancestry coefficient matrix Q. 
# Here, it is initialized with the Q matrix from the first run with K=4
project = snmf("genotypes.geno", K = 4, 
    Q.input.file = "./genotypes.snmf/K4/run1/genotypes_r1.4.Q")

# I: init the Q matrix of a run from a smaller run with 100 randomly chosen 
# SNPs. 
project = snmf("genotypes.geno", K = 4, I = 100)

# CPU: run snmf with 2 CPUs. 
project = snmf("genotypes.geno", K = 4, CPU=2)

# percentage: run snmf and calculate the cross-entropy criterion with 10% of 
# masked genotypes, instead of 5% of masked genotypes. 
project = snmf("genotypes.geno", K = 4, entropy= TRUE, percentage = 0.1)

# seed: choose the seed to init the randomization.
project = snmf("genotypes.geno", K = 4, seed=42)

# alpha: choose the regularization parameter.
project = snmf("genotypes.geno", K = 4, alpha = 100)

# tolerance: choose the tolerance parameter.
project = snmf("genotypes.geno", K = 4, tolerance = 0.0001)

# Manage an snmf project #

# All the runs of snmf for a given file are 
# automatically saved into a snmf project directory and a file.
# The name of the snmfProject file is the same name as 
# the name of the input file with a .snmfProject extension 
# ("genotypes.snmfProject").
# The name of the snmfProject directory is the same name as
# the name of the input file with a .snmf extension ("genotypes.snmf/")
# There is only one snmf Project for each input file including all the runs.

# An snmfProject can be load in a different session.
project = load.snmfProject("genotypes.snmfProject") 

# An snmfProject can be exported to be imported in another directory
# or in another computer

dir.create("test", showWarnings = TRUE)
newProject = import.snmfProject("", "test")
# combine projects
combinedProject = combine.snmfProject("genotypes.snmfProject", "test/genotypes.snmfProject")
# remove

# An snmfProject can be erased.
# Caution: All the files associated with the project will be removed.


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> library(LEA)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/LEA/main_sNMF.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: snmf
> ### Title: Estimates individual ancestry coefficients and ancestral allele
> ###   frequencies.
> ### Aliases: snmf plot,snmfProject-method cross.entropy,snmfProject-method
> ###   load.snmfProject load.snmfProject,character-method remove.snmfProject
> ###   remove.snmfProject,character-method import.snmfProject
> ###   import.snmfProject,character-method export.snmfProject
> ###   export.snmfProject,character-method combine.snmfProject
> ###   combine.snmfProject,character,character-method
> ###   show,snmfProject-method show,snmfClass-method
> ###   summary,snmfProject-method Q,snmfProject-method G,snmfProject-method
> ### Keywords: snmf tutorial
> ### ** Examples
> ### Example of analyses using snmf ###
> # creation of the genotype file, genotypes.geno.
> # It contains 400 SNPs for 50 individuals.
> data("tutorial")
> write.geno(tutorial.R, "genotypes.geno")
[1] "genotypes.geno"
> ################
> # runs of snmf #
> ################
> # main options, K: (the number of ancestral populations), 
> #        entropy: calculate the cross-entropy criterion, 
> #        CPU: the number of CPUs.
> # Runs with K between 1 and 5 with cross-entropy and 2 repetitions.
> project = NULL
> project = snmf("genotypes.geno", K=1:10, entropy = TRUE, repetitions = 10,
+     project = "new")
The project is saved into :

To load the project, use:
 project = load.snmfProject("genotypes.snmfProject")

To remove the project, use:

[1] 541156239
[1] "*************************************"
[1] "*          create.dataset            *"
[1] "*************************************"
summary of the options:

        -n (number of individuals)                 50
        -L (number of loci)                        400
        -s (seed random init)                      541156239
        -r (percentage of masked data)             0.05
        -x (genotype file in .geno format)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.geno
        -o (output file in .geno format)           /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno

 Write genotype file with masked data, /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno:		OK.

[1] "*************************************"
[1] "* sNMF K = 1  repetition 1      *"
[1] "*************************************"
summary of the options:

        -n (number of individuals)             50
        -L (number of loci)                    400
        -K (number of ancestral pops)          1
        -x (input file)                        /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno
        -q (individual admixture file)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K1/run1/genotypes_r1.1.Q
        -g (ancestral frequencies file)        /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K1/run1/genotypes_r1.1.G
        -i (number max of iterations)          200
        -a (regularization parameter)          10
        -s (seed random init)                  541156239
        -e (tolerance error)                   1E-05
        -p (number of processes)               1
        - diploid

Read genotype file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno:		OK.

Main algorithm:

Least-square error: 6669.480084
Write individual ancestry coefficient file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K1/run1/genotypes_r1.1.Q:		OK.
Write ancestral allele frequency coefficient file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K1/run1/genotypes_r1.1.G:	OK.

[1] "*************************************"
[1] "*    cross-entropy estimation       *"
[1] "*************************************"
summary of the options:

        -n (number of individuals)         50
        -L (number of loci)                400
        -K (number of ancestral pops)      1
        -x (genotype file)                 /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.geno
        -q (individual admixture)          /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K1/run1/genotypes_r1.1.Q
        -g (ancestral frequencies)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K1/run1/genotypes_r1.1.G
        -i (with masked genotypes)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno
        - diploid

Cross-Entropy (all data):	 0.576028
Cross-Entropy (masked data):	 0.687661
The project is saved into :

To load the project, use:
 project = load.snmfProject("genotypes.snmfProject")

To remove the project, use:

[1] "*************************************"
[1] "* sNMF K = 2  repetition 1      *"
[1] "*************************************"
summary of the options:

        -n (number of individuals)             50
        -L (number of loci)                    400
        -K (number of ancestral pops)          2
        -x (input file)                        /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno
        -q (individual admixture file)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K2/run1/genotypes_r1.2.Q
        -g (ancestral frequencies file)        /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K2/run1/genotypes_r1.2.G
        -i (number max of iterations)          200
        -a (regularization parameter)          10
        -s (seed random init)                  9896145806223
        -e (tolerance error)                   1E-05
        -p (number of processes)               1
        - diploid

Read genotype file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno:		OK.

Main algorithm:
	[                                                                           ]
Number of iterations: 50

Least-square error: 6114.399730
Write individual ancestry coefficient file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K2/run1/genotypes_r1.2.Q:		OK.
Write ancestral allele frequency coefficient file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K2/run1/genotypes_r1.2.G:	OK.

[1] "*************************************"
[1] "*    cross-entropy estimation       *"
[1] "*************************************"
summary of the options:

        -n (number of individuals)         50
        -L (number of loci)                400
        -K (number of ancestral pops)      2
        -x (genotype file)                 /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.geno
        -q (individual admixture)          /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K2/run1/genotypes_r1.2.Q
        -g (ancestral frequencies)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K2/run1/genotypes_r1.2.G
        -i (with masked genotypes)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno
        - diploid

Cross-Entropy (all data):	 0.517816
Cross-Entropy (masked data):	 0.661273
The project is saved into :

To load the project, use:
 project = load.snmfProject("genotypes.snmfProject")

To remove the project, use:

[1] "*************************************"
[1] "* sNMF K = 3  repetition 1      *"
[1] "*************************************"
summary of the options:

        -n (number of individuals)             50
        -L (number of loci)                    400
        -K (number of ancestral pops)          3
        -x (input file)                        /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno
        -q (individual admixture file)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K3/run1/genotypes_r1.3.Q
        -g (ancestral frequencies file)        /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K3/run1/genotypes_r1.3.G
        -i (number max of iterations)          200
        -a (regularization parameter)          10
        -s (seed random init)                  541156239
        -e (tolerance error)                   1E-05
        -p (number of processes)               1
        - diploid

Read genotype file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno:		OK.

Main algorithm:
	[                                                                           ]
Number of iterations: 82

Least-square error: 5701.311254
Write individual ancestry coefficient file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K3/run1/genotypes_r1.3.Q:		OK.
Write ancestral allele frequency coefficient file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K3/run1/genotypes_r1.3.G:	OK.

[1] "*************************************"
[1] "*    cross-entropy estimation       *"
[1] "*************************************"
summary of the options:

        -n (number of individuals)         50
        -L (number of loci)                400
        -K (number of ancestral pops)      3
        -x (genotype file)                 /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.geno
        -q (individual admixture)          /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K3/run1/genotypes_r1.3.Q
        -g (ancestral frequencies)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K3/run1/genotypes_r1.3.G
        -i (with masked genotypes)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno
        - diploid

Cross-Entropy (all data):	 0.476134
Cross-Entropy (masked data):	 0.641755
The project is saved into :

To load the project, use:
 project = load.snmfProject("genotypes.snmfProject")

To remove the project, use:

[1] "*************************************"
[1] "* sNMF K = 4  repetition 1      *"
[1] "*************************************"
summary of the options:

        -n (number of individuals)             50
        -L (number of loci)                    400
        -K (number of ancestral pops)          4
        -x (input file)                        /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno
        -q (individual admixture file)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K4/run1/genotypes_r1.4.Q
        -g (ancestral frequencies file)        /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K4/run1/genotypes_r1.4.G
        -i (number max of iterations)          200
        -a (regularization parameter)          10
        -s (seed random init)                  541156239
        -e (tolerance error)                   1E-05
        -p (number of processes)               1
        - diploid

Read genotype file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno:		OK.

Main algorithm:
	[                                                                           ]
Number of iterations: 79

Least-square error: 5418.876217
Write individual ancestry coefficient file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K4/run1/genotypes_r1.4.Q:		OK.
Write ancestral allele frequency coefficient file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K4/run1/genotypes_r1.4.G:	OK.

[1] "*************************************"
[1] "*    cross-entropy estimation       *"
[1] "*************************************"
summary of the options:

        -n (number of individuals)         50
        -L (number of loci)                400
        -K (number of ancestral pops)      4
        -x (genotype file)                 /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.geno
        -q (individual admixture)          /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K4/run1/genotypes_r1.4.Q
        -g (ancestral frequencies)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K4/run1/genotypes_r1.4.G
        -i (with masked genotypes)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno
        - diploid

Cross-Entropy (all data):	 0.450315
Cross-Entropy (masked data):	 0.650196
The project is saved into :

To load the project, use:
 project = load.snmfProject("genotypes.snmfProject")

To remove the project, use:

[1] "*************************************"
[1] "* sNMF K = 5  repetition 1      *"
[1] "*************************************"
summary of the options:

        -n (number of individuals)             50
        -L (number of loci)                    400
        -K (number of ancestral pops)          5
        -x (input file)                        /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno
        -q (individual admixture file)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K5/run1/genotypes_r1.5.Q
        -g (ancestral frequencies file)        /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K5/run1/genotypes_r1.5.G
        -i (number max of iterations)          200
        -a (regularization parameter)          10
        -s (seed random init)                  541156239
        -e (tolerance error)                   1E-05
        -p (number of processes)               1
        - diploid

Read genotype file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno:		OK.

Main algorithm:
	[                                                                           ]
Number of iterations: 68

Least-square error: 5225.566484
Write individual ancestry coefficient file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K5/run1/genotypes_r1.5.Q:		OK.
Write ancestral allele frequency coefficient file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K5/run1/genotypes_r1.5.G:	OK.

[1] "*************************************"
[1] "*    cross-entropy estimation       *"
[1] "*************************************"
summary of the options:

        -n (number of individuals)         50
        -L (number of loci)                400
        -K (number of ancestral pops)      5
        -x (genotype file)                 /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.geno
        -q (individual admixture)          /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K5/run1/genotypes_r1.5.Q
        -g (ancestral frequencies)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K5/run1/genotypes_r1.5.G
        -i (with masked genotypes)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno
        - diploid

Cross-Entropy (all data):	 0.430297
Cross-Entropy (masked data):	 0.698477
The project is saved into :

To load the project, use:
 project = load.snmfProject("genotypes.snmfProject")

To remove the project, use:

[1] "*************************************"
[1] "* sNMF K = 6  repetition 1      *"
[1] "*************************************"
summary of the options:

        -n (number of individuals)             50
        -L (number of loci)                    400
        -K (number of ancestral pops)          6
        -x (input file)                        /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno
        -q (individual admixture file)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K6/run1/genotypes_r1.6.Q
        -g (ancestral frequencies file)        /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K6/run1/genotypes_r1.6.G
        -i (number max of iterations)          200
        -a (regularization parameter)          10
        -s (seed random init)                  4611686018968544143
        -e (tolerance error)                   1E-05
        -p (number of processes)               1
        - diploid

Read genotype file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno:		OK.

Main algorithm:
	[                                                                           ]
Number of iterations: 86

Least-square error: 5058.327447
Write individual ancestry coefficient file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K6/run1/genotypes_r1.6.Q:		OK.
Write ancestral allele frequency coefficient file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K6/run1/genotypes_r1.6.G:	OK.

[1] "*************************************"
[1] "*    cross-entropy estimation       *"
[1] "*************************************"
summary of the options:

        -n (number of individuals)         50
        -L (number of loci)                400
        -K (number of ancestral pops)      6
        -x (genotype file)                 /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.geno
        -q (individual admixture)          /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K6/run1/genotypes_r1.6.Q
        -g (ancestral frequencies)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K6/run1/genotypes_r1.6.G
        -i (with masked genotypes)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno
        - diploid

Cross-Entropy (all data):	 0.415832
Cross-Entropy (masked data):	 0.709669
The project is saved into :

To load the project, use:
 project = load.snmfProject("genotypes.snmfProject")

To remove the project, use:

[1] "*************************************"
[1] "* sNMF K = 7  repetition 1      *"
[1] "*************************************"
summary of the options:

        -n (number of individuals)             50
        -L (number of loci)                    400
        -K (number of ancestral pops)          7
        -x (input file)                        /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno
        -q (individual admixture file)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K7/run1/genotypes_r1.7.Q
        -g (ancestral frequencies file)        /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K7/run1/genotypes_r1.7.G
        -i (number max of iterations)          200
        -a (regularization parameter)          10
        -s (seed random init)                  541156239
        -e (tolerance error)                   1E-05
        -p (number of processes)               1
        - diploid

Read genotype file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno:		OK.

Main algorithm:
	[                                                                           ]
Number of iterations: 43

Least-square error: 4934.204204
Write individual ancestry coefficient file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K7/run1/genotypes_r1.7.Q:		OK.
Write ancestral allele frequency coefficient file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K7/run1/genotypes_r1.7.G:	OK.

[1] "*************************************"
[1] "*    cross-entropy estimation       *"
[1] "*************************************"
summary of the options:

        -n (number of individuals)         50
        -L (number of loci)                400
        -K (number of ancestral pops)      7
        -x (genotype file)                 /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.geno
        -q (individual admixture)          /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K7/run1/genotypes_r1.7.Q
        -g (ancestral frequencies)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K7/run1/genotypes_r1.7.G
        -i (with masked genotypes)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno
        - diploid

Cross-Entropy (all data):	 0.4044
Cross-Entropy (masked data):	 0.708292
The project is saved into :

To load the project, use:
 project = load.snmfProject("genotypes.snmfProject")

To remove the project, use:

[1] "*************************************"
[1] "* sNMF K = 8  repetition 1      *"
[1] "*************************************"
summary of the options:

        -n (number of individuals)             50
        -L (number of loci)                    400
        -K (number of ancestral pops)          8
        -x (input file)                        /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno
        -q (individual admixture file)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K8/run1/genotypes_r1.8.Q
        -g (ancestral frequencies file)        /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K8/run1/genotypes_r1.8.G
        -i (number max of iterations)          200
        -a (regularization parameter)          10
        -s (seed random init)                  541156239
        -e (tolerance error)                   1E-05
        -p (number of processes)               1
        - diploid

Read genotype file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno:		OK.

Main algorithm:
	[                                                                           ]
Number of iterations: 104

Least-square error: 4745.499255
Write individual ancestry coefficient file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K8/run1/genotypes_r1.8.Q:		OK.
Write ancestral allele frequency coefficient file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K8/run1/genotypes_r1.8.G:	OK.

[1] "*************************************"
[1] "*    cross-entropy estimation       *"
[1] "*************************************"
summary of the options:

        -n (number of individuals)         50
        -L (number of loci)                400
        -K (number of ancestral pops)      8
        -x (genotype file)                 /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.geno
        -q (individual admixture)          /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K8/run1/genotypes_r1.8.Q
        -g (ancestral frequencies)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K8/run1/genotypes_r1.8.G
        -i (with masked genotypes)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno
        - diploid

Cross-Entropy (all data):	 0.386626
Cross-Entropy (masked data):	 0.765435
The project is saved into :

To load the project, use:
 project = load.snmfProject("genotypes.snmfProject")

To remove the project, use:

[1] "*************************************"
[1] "* sNMF K = 9  repetition 1      *"
[1] "*************************************"
summary of the options:

        -n (number of individuals)             50
        -L (number of loci)                    400
        -K (number of ancestral pops)          9
        -x (input file)                        /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno
        -q (individual admixture file)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K9/run1/genotypes_r1.9.Q
        -g (ancestral frequencies file)        /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K9/run1/genotypes_r1.9.G
        -i (number max of iterations)          200
        -a (regularization parameter)          10
        -s (seed random init)                  541156239
        -e (tolerance error)                   1E-05
        -p (number of processes)               1
        - diploid

Read genotype file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno:		OK.

Main algorithm:
	[                                                                           ]
Number of iterations: 73

Least-square error: 4638.974246
Write individual ancestry coefficient file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K9/run1/genotypes_r1.9.Q:		OK.
Write ancestral allele frequency coefficient file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K9/run1/genotypes_r1.9.G:	OK.

[1] "*************************************"
[1] "*    cross-entropy estimation       *"
[1] "*************************************"
summary of the options:

        -n (number of individuals)         50
        -L (number of loci)                400
        -K (number of ancestral pops)      9
        -x (genotype file)                 /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.geno
        -q (individual admixture)          /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K9/run1/genotypes_r1.9.Q
        -g (ancestral frequencies)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K9/run1/genotypes_r1.9.G
        -i (with masked genotypes)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno
        - diploid

Cross-Entropy (all data):	 0.375517
Cross-Entropy (masked data):	 0.772626
The project is saved into :

To load the project, use:
 project = load.snmfProject("genotypes.snmfProject")

To remove the project, use:

[1] "*************************************"
[1] "* sNMF K = 10  repetition 1      *"
[1] "*************************************"
summary of the options:

        -n (number of individuals)             50
        -L (number of loci)                    400
        -K (number of ancestral pops)          10
        -x (input file)                        /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno
        -q (individual admixture file)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K10/run1/genotypes_r1.10.Q
        -g (ancestral frequencies file)        /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K10/run1/genotypes_r1.10.G
        -i (number max of iterations)          200
        -a (regularization parameter)          10
        -s (seed random init)                  541156239
        -e (tolerance error)                   1E-05
        -p (number of processes)               1
        - diploid

Read genotype file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno:		OK.

Main algorithm:
	[                                                                           ]
Number of iterations: 29

Least-square error: 4490.121237
Write individual ancestry coefficient file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K10/run1/genotypes_r1.10.Q:		OK.
Write ancestral allele frequency coefficient file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K10/run1/genotypes_r1.10.G:	OK.

[1] "*************************************"
[1] "*    cross-entropy estimation       *"
[1] "*************************************"
summary of the options:

        -n (number of individuals)         50
        -L (number of loci)                400
        -K (number of ancestral pops)      10
        -x (genotype file)                 /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.geno
        -q (individual admixture)          /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K10/run1/genotypes_r1.10.Q
        -g (ancestral frequencies)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K10/run1/genotypes_r1.10.G
        -i (with masked genotypes)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno
        - diploid

Cross-Entropy (all data):	 0.36707
Cross-Entropy (masked data):	 0.838762
The project is saved into :

To load the project, use:
 project = load.snmfProject("genotypes.snmfProject")

To remove the project, use:

[1] 1587990360
[1] "*************************************"
[1] "*          create.dataset            *"
[1] "*************************************"
summary of the options:

        -n (number of individuals)                 50
        -L (number of loci)                        400
        -s (seed random init)                      1587990360
        -r (percentage of masked data)             0.05
        -x (genotype file in .geno format)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.geno
        -o (output file in .geno format)           /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno

 Write genotype file with masked data, /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno:		OK.

[1] "*************************************"
[1] "* sNMF K = 1  repetition 2      *"
[1] "*************************************"
summary of the options:

        -n (number of individuals)             50
        -L (number of loci)                    400
        -K (number of ancestral pops)          1
        -x (input file)                        /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno
        -q (individual admixture file)         /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K1/run2/genotypes_r2.1.Q
        -g (ancestral frequencies file)        /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/K1/run2/genotypes_r2.1.G
        -i (number max of iterations)          200
        -a (regularization parameter)          10
        -s (seed random init)                  1587990360
        -e (tolerance error)                   1E-05
        -p (number of processes)               1
        - diploid

Read genotype file /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target/genotypes.snmf/masked/genotypes_I.geno: