Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Reassign low sample states to close states
remove_small_sample_statesR Documentation

Reassign low sample states to close states


This function removes small sample states by reassigning points in those state to nearby states.

This can become necessary when in an iterative algorithm (like mixed_LICORS) the weights start moving away from e.g. state j. At some point the effective sample size of state j (sum of column mathbf{W}_j) is so small that state-conditional estimates (mean, variance, kernel density estimate, etc.) can not be obtained accurately anymore. Then it is good to remove state j and reassign its samples to other (close) states.


remove_small_sample_states(weight.matrix, min)



N \times K weight matrix


minimum effective sample size to stay in the weight matrix


WW <- matrix(c(rexp(1000, 1/10), runif(1000)), ncol = 5, byrow = FALSE)
WW <- normalize(WW)
remove_small_sample_states(WW, 20)


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> library(LICORS)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/LICORS/remove_small_sample_states.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: remove_small_sample_states
> ### Title: Reassign low sample states to close states
> ### Aliases: remove_small_sample_states
> ### Keywords: manip method
> ### ** Examples
> set.seed(10)
> WW <- matrix(c(rexp(1000, 1/10), runif(1000)), ncol = 5, byrow = FALSE)
> WW <- normalize(WW)
> colSums(WW)
[1] 150.26275 155.78926  71.75018  10.89582  11.30197
> remove_small_sample_states(WW, 20)
null device 