Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Linear inverse model specification for the herpetological...
LIMEvergladesR Documentation

Linear inverse model specification for the herpetological food web of the Everglades


Linear inverse model specification for the herpetological wet prairie example from the everglades.

as described in Diffendorfer et al., 2001

The everglades are a freshwater wetland in Florida, USA.

The model contains 9 functional compartments and 3 external compartments, connected with 402 flows.

Units of the flows are gram wet weight / Ha / year

The linear inverse model LIMEverglades is generated from the file Everglades.input which can be found in subdirectory /examples/FoodWeb of the package directory

In this subdirectory you will find many foodweb example input files

These files can be read using Read and their output processed by Setup which will produce a linear inverse problem specification similar to LIMEverglades




a list of matrices, vectors, names and values that specify the linear inverse model problem.

see the return value of Setup for more information about this list

A more complete description of this structures is in vignette("LIM")


Karline Soetaert <> Dick van Oevelen <>


Diffendorfer, J.E., Richards, P.M., Dalrymple, G.H., DeAngelis, D.L., 2001. Applying Linear Programming to estimate fluxes in ecosystems or food webs: an example from the herpetological assemblage of the freshwater Everglades. Ecol. Model. 144, 99-120.

See Also

browseURL(paste(system.file(package="LIM"), "/doc/examples/Foodweb/", sep=""))

contains "Everglades.input", the input file; read this with Setup

LIMTakapoto, LIMRigaSummer and many others


# Cannot be solved, but the least squares solution is found
Flows <- Lsei(LIMEverglades, parsimonious = TRUE)
Everglades <- Flowmatrix(LIMEverglades)
plotweb(Everglades, main = "Everglades Herpetological Wet Prairie model",
        sub = "g WW/Ha/Yr", lab.size = 0.8)


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> library(LIM)
Loading required package: limSolve
Loading required package: diagram
Loading required package: shape
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/LIM/LIMEverglades.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: LIMEverglades
> ### Title: Linear inverse model specification for the herpetological food
> ###   web of the Everglades
> ### Aliases: LIMEverglades
> ### Keywords: datasets
> ### ** Examples
> # Cannot be solved, but the least squares solution is found
> Flows <- Lsei(LIMEverglades, parsimonious = TRUE)
Warning message:
In Lsei.lim(LIMEverglades, parsimonious = TRUE) :
  Problem could not be solved - least squares solution returned
> Everglades <- Flowmatrix(LIMEverglades)
Warning message:
In Lsei.lim(lim, parsimonious = TRUE) :
  Problem could not be solved - least squares solution returned
> plotweb(Everglades, main = "Everglades Herpetological Wet Prairie model",
+         sub = "g WW/Ha/Yr", lab.size = 0.8)
null device 