Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Generates the values of variables for a linear inverse...
VariablesR Documentation

Generates the values of variables for a linear inverse (foodweb) problem


Given an linear inverse model input list, generates the values of the inverse variables


Variables (lim, res, ...)



a list that contains the linear inverse model specification, as generated by function setup.limfile.


the solved linear inverse problem; if not specified, the model is solved first, using Lsei.lim<.


extra parameters passed to function Lsei.lim.


the variables, a one-column data.frame


Karline Soetaert <>

See Also

Varranges which estimates the ranges of variables.




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> library(LIM)
Loading required package: limSolve
Loading required package: diagram
Loading required package: shape
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/LIM/Variables.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: Variables
> ### Title: Generates the values of variables for a linear inverse (foodweb)
> ###   problem
> ### Aliases: Variables
> ### Keywords: utilities
> ### ** Examples
>  Variables(LIMRigaAutumn)
GrossProdP1          31.318203
RespirationP1        17.225012
DocReleaseP1          1.565910
SedP1                 0.100000
GrossProdP2          54.461797
RespirationP2        29.953988
DocReleaseP2          2.723090
SedP2                 0.340000
GrossPrimProd        85.780000
Totalresp           335.770000
ZooDOCrelease         3.963226
ZooGrazing           39.632256
ZooFaeces             3.183226
ZooFaecesSed          0.780000
ZooAssimilation      31.705805
ZooRespiration       30.195805
BactRespiration     244.992226
BactAssimilation    261.182226
SedB                  0.000000
NanoRespiration      13.402970
NanoGrazing          13.562970
NanoGrazingBacteria   9.440000
NanoGrazingP1         4.122970
NanoAssimilation     13.562970
DetritusDOCrelease    0.000000
SedD                 13.920000
null device 